Chapter 39 (Rosie's POV)

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It's time. It's the moment I've been waiting for. We've arrived at the pool and so far I don't think Sherlock expects a thing. This pool is huge, the main room is arched over with the changing stalls across the sides and several doors at each end. However the arched part with the balcony is pitch black and I have an idea that this is where the snipers are positioned. But I don't know about Dad. Sherlock got us in through a back window and so far we haven't set off any alarms. Sherlock is strolling down the poolside, hands clasped behind his back, he hasn't made a sound. "I'll go check the area, just in case." I say quickly as he nods and I dart inside the changing room beside me as he turns to face the pool. Now is the time. My heart is pulsating in me like a hammer hitting roughly at my chest repeatedly. I must do this. My hands begin trembling once again and I can feel beads of sweat cluster and stick onto my flesh. My breaths are unsteady, shaking at every intake. None of it matters. I carefully unzip my bag and pull out a crumpled towel, taking extra caution to retrieve the gun. It's cold to the touch, the metal scarring my hands forever as I position them. Sherlock can probably hear my subtle movements but so far he hasn't left or even moved. Click. Now, go! I push the curtain aside and step out into the pool room, the stench of chlorine filling my lungs. I've clicked the gun into place now, aiming it at Sherlock who's back is facing me. He turns around.

(Sherlock's POV)
I turn around and face my daughter, a gun pointed directly at my head. Raising my hands up cautiously, I take a deep, shaky breath. She's trembling uncontrollably, tears beginning to stain her eyes, red in the face. It breaks me to see her like this. I knew it would come to this, but I was reassuring myself that it wouldn't. "Rosie, please listen to me." I say calmly, keeping my hands fixed. "No!No! Don't you say a word!" She screams in anger, face now damp with tears. "I know you're scared Rosie but-"
"I'm not scared! I have to do this! I want to do this! It's just stupid human emotions that get in the way!" Her words of wrath bounce off the walls. My heart drops, so she's not being forced, I knew it. She's being controlled. "They're messing with your mind Rosie. You've forgotten everything about me."
"No-no I haven't! I know who my proper parents are!" Proper parents...Eurus and Moriarty. A mother for a Rosie. It all makes sense. "They aren't your parents Rosie. They've been lying to you. I'm sorry Rosie, I really am, but your mother is dead. She died after you were born by saving my life."
"Stop lying to me! She would never save you after what you did to her! You're a monster!"
"I'm not lying to you Rosie. Please, you're being manipulated and controlled. That blow to your head was deliberate, it was so you could forget about me."
"I-I haven't forgotten anything!"
"Rosie...please." I plead her as a tear escapes my dry eye. "I would never lie to you."
"You nearly killed me and my Dad! You set fire to the aquarium that we were in and nearly burnt us alive if it weren't for James! You know nothing!"
"Rosie I-"
"You've drugged me several times, held me at gunpoint, broke my phone, tried to kill me! Now it's my turn..." She clicks the barrel of her gun into place, finger steady on the trigger. "Rosie wait, listen to me!" I beg in fear. "No, it's lies, all lies..."
"It isn't, you have to trust me!" I'm yelling now. "Do you remember our first case together? The Missing Crown of Versailles? You loved it, we went to France and mostly you solved it." I try my hardest to trigger her memories, any at all. "It was Madame Lara, she stole it for the money." Rosie contemplates for a second and shakes her head. "No-I don't know..."
"How about recent memories then? Remember the day I taught you how to dance and we twirled around for hours to Tchaikovsky? Or how about when me and John got married when you were 6? You were the bridesmaid along with Molly Hooper and you threw the petals down the isle."
"Your 4th birthday when I brought you the coat that you're wearing. I never realised how big it was until I brought it. I used to wrap you up in it and call you my mini detective hedgehog." I'm crying now too in the pain of it all. "Remember how happy you were in my arms? I gave you piggybacks and we used to run around the flat and pretend we were aeroplanes."
"! You planned what to say!" At this point I will give anything for her to remember. "Please Rosie, it's all true. Your full name is Rosamund Holmes Watson. Your real parents are John Hamish Watson-Holmes and William Sherlock Scott Watson-Holmes. You were born on the 25th of November 2016 and-"
"Of course you would know that, you've been looking after me for years!"
"You were abducted during maths tutor by James Moriarty after he impersonated a maths teacher called Josh Woodbridge. It was then that he took you to Sherrinford to see my sister Eurus Holmes where they manipulated you into killing me."
"No they didn't! You abused my mother and sent her away to Sherrinford then continued to lie about her to me all my life! You're a psychopath!"
"I'm not Rosie. That's what James and and Eurus are. I'm a high functioning sociopath. Do you remember that?"
"How dare you call my parents that!"
"Rosie, they aren't your parents!"
"Yes they are!" She bellows in utter wrath. "I swear Sherlock, I'm going to kill you..." She growls threateningly. I take a deep breath. "No Rosie won't." BANG!

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