Chapter 38 (Rosie's POV)

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Today-8:20 am

I've made an excellent cover so far just like Dad has instructed. I've managed to convince Sherlock to take me to the pool where the deed must be done my telling him that it's a meeting with Mycroft. I've done everything Dad has told me to do, now there's just one final act. Today I kill Sherlock Holmes. I do this for you mother.

Today-you know what to do dear-Dad x

Yes, finally-R

I'll be waiting in the building for you keeping an eye out with my snipers. It's time for the final act-Dad x

What about everyone else though? What about John?-R

I'll take care of it, I always do dear-Dad x

What do we do after?-R

You'll come back to Sherrinford with me and your mother. I'll send you to the top school and give you anything you want so long as you do this for me-Dad x

I will-R

Atta girl. I'll see you tonight-Dad x

(Sherlock's POV-8:30 am)
Today is a game of life and death. And my daughter is the centrepiece just like Moriarty wants. I'm fighting back tears as I watch John enjoying his toast, unaware of the horrors that will occur tonight. I may never see him again and it's going to kill him. "John?" I croak. "Yes Sherlock. Are you alright?" He asks noticing the strain in my voice. "Hmm? Oh, I'm fine. Just caught something in my throat. Must be the dust." I quickly improvise. "Yes, you're right. It's a bit dusty in here. Mrs Hudson might clean it for us if we're lucky." He laughs his beautiful laugh which makes me smile and the pain hurt stronger. "John, can I just tell you how much I love you? Please." I beg him as I sniffle more as my tears are swelling up. He turns to face me with those gorgeous, glistening eyes and I look straight into them, into his soul. "Yes Sherlock." He stands up bringing his eyes level with mine and I pull him into a hug, refusing to let go. "Sherlock are you sure you're alright-Is something hap-"
"No, no. I just feel like I never have a chance to show you how much I appreciate you and Rosie in my life." A tear falls out of my eye and trickles down my pale cheeks without John noticing as I sniff into his creamy jumper. "Sherlock-I know that you appreciate me and I always have. And I'll never forget that. Not ever." He speaks soothingly into my ear. I kiss the top of his shining grey hair and rub it gently with my hands. John is my little hedgehog and will always be. We part from our embrace and bring each other into a long and passionate kiss. I let go and stare deeply into his eyes savouring the special sapphire colour as I may never see them again. "I love you John."
"I love you too Sherlock."

(Rosie's POV-1:00 pm)
I'm scared and then I'm not scared. There's only 9 hours left and I have my gun securely locked in my cabinet draw. I don't really know what to do later, I'm guessing I just lead Sherlock in and shoot him on the spot. Simple. I'm wondering why mum won't be there, maybe she's too scared of Sherlock or doesn't want to get involved. My hands tremble, then they don't. My mind stops, then carries on. To pass the time, I'm going to read 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' again, it's my favourite book from when I was little. I love the Mad Hatter, he's my favourite, and indeed, 'all the best people are crazy'.

(Sherlock's POV-3:00pm)
"Swimming sounds lovely! I remember swimming but I nearly drowned." Molly laughs nervously. "Mmm, hows David-was it David?" I ask. "Matt- he's fine. We're getting engaged soon, I was wondering if you'd like to come? It's next Monday." I may not even be alive. "Sorry Molly, I'll have to see."
"Oh, of course, Rosie. How is she now?"
"Fine-she's fine. Getting on well."
"Sorry..." Molly says awkwardly. "About what?"
"Dating Jim, he abducted Rosie."
"Oh that-um-"
"It's a shame really. I mean he was such a nice man, so charming and convincing. Who knew... I did get him to watch Glee though." I laugh at this. "Have you got anymore cases?"
"Not yet, they're all boring."
"I see. Send Rosie my love. You two are adorable."
"Mmm...will do."

(Rosie's POV-3:30pm)
Maths is good at passing the time, especially the long equations and puzzles. I've always had a talent for it. I'm hoping that Dad keeps his promise and sends me to London's Specialist Science and Mathematics College. Surely he will. I can feel the adrenaline rushing around my body as this point, causing me to feel sick and light-headed. Sometimes I hate human emotions.

(Sherlock's POV-4:00pm)
"We've had several cases Sherlock. Our people can't solve them so that's why we need you." Lestrade applauds me. "Yes, you know I always solve them."
"Most of the time." He jokes and I smile. "So, how's Rosie doing?"
"Good- she's good."
"And John?"
"He's fine too. He got the milk for me the other day."
"Wow. I never doubt him."
"Neither do I."

(Rosie's POV-5:00pm)
5 hours and it's time. I hear the front door open and the sound of heavy footsteps entering. It's Sherlock. But instead of coming up to the flat, he stays downstairs and is greeted by Mrs Hudson with the sound of her door closing. He's in her flat. Sherlock's been out all day, I wonder what he's been up to. The psychopath has barely spoken to me. And that's good.

(Sherlock's POV-5:10pm)
"I've heard an awful lot of rambling upstairs, are you lot ok?" Mrs Hudson asks in concern. "Oh, we're fine, I've just being questioning Rosie on what happened."
"Oh, I'm glad you are all alright now. You had me in for a right scare."
"Oh that reminds me, me and Rosie made some scones. Would you like some?" She asks offering me a plate full of buttery scones. "Yes, thank you." I say as I take one off the tray and bite into it. It tastes delicious, very buttery and sweet. "Mmm-very nice."
"Yes, they are aren't they?"
"Very. I'll save one for John."
"Oh yes, when is he back from work?"
"11pm, it's his night shift."
"Ah, I see. He's been promoted now hasn't he?"
"Yes he has, he's one of the head doctor's now."
"Well done to him. Say congratulations to him from me when he gets back, will you?"

(Rosie's POV-9:30pm)
Half an hour and Sherlock is already getting ready. So, I suppose I must do too. Squeezing my hand under the narrow gap of my dresser, I reach for my cabinet draw key. Once I retrieve it from underneath, I carefully unlock the drawer which contains my gun. I breath in feeling the weight of it and place it in my backpack. Grabbing my bag, I swing open my bedroom door and proceed out into the lounge area where Sherlock is patiently waiting in his black, leather seat. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask trying to seem casual. "Oh, I'm sure, Mycroft just wants a chat." He says enthusiastically, clapping his hands. "Ok then, I'm ready to go." I slip on my green coat and sling my bag over my back whilst Sherlock gets into his long, black coat. "Ready?"

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