Chapter 36 (John's POV)

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1 day

Me and Sherlock arrive back into the
flat after a long and tedious trip to Scotland Yard only to find Rosie lying on the sofa humming along to whatever she's listening to. She doesn't move or even look up upon our arrival. After putting my coat aside, I sit beside Rosie in a huff looking down at her sparkling emerald eyes. "Hi." She says simply. "Hello darling, are you alright?" I ask trying to engage her into conversation. "Fine." She replies immediately but I'm not convinced. "Are you sure?"
"Can you at least take your headphones out so I can have a proper conversation with you?" With a small sigh, she removes her headphones and looks me straight in the eye. "Thank you. Sorry that we were out for long, we were needed urgently at Scotland Yard."
"It's ok, I don't mind."
"You seem really tense..."
"Well, I was just listening to quite a dramatic song then forced into conversation." Sherlock let's out a snigger from the kitchen. "Alright then. What's this dramatic song?"
"Bohemian Rhapsody."
"Ah, great song."
"I know."
"Are you bored?"
"Yup. I want to do something."
"Like what?" She pauses for a second thinking it through. "When I was referring to bored, I meant bored of holding a conversation. I want to do something as in continue to listen to music."
"Alright then." I sigh disappointedly and she inserts her headphones back in. I get up from my seat and walk into the kitchen joining Sherlock who is making some tea. "I'm guessing she's not interested in conversation." He says without removing his gaze from the tea. "Yeah, that's a good deduction." I reply sarcastically. "She's been out."
"You heard me John. She left the house while we were out."
"Pretty obvious. She used the door."
"For f-"
"John, I will talk to her. But not now."
"Why, what's more important?!"
"Can you give her the tea, she asked for it earlier." He asks passing me the freshly made cup of tea. I can't believe this. It's all too much. "Fine." I say slightly sceptic. The cup shakes in my hand as I slowly bring it to Rosie who is still lying with her headphones in. "Rosie?" I call. She takes her headphones out and eyes the tea in my hand. "The tea you asked for." I say, offering her the cup of tea which she reluctantly takes. "Oh, thanks." She sniffs it and then takes her first sip, continuing to gulp down the rest. Rosie places her headphones back in once again and repositions herself on the sofa. But then she starts acting weird, coughing and beginning to freak out. "What-what did you do?" She splutters. I begin to panic as I watch her fall limp on the sofa, the tea is drugged. Bloody Sherlock. He strolls into the room meeting me, taking my hand comfortingly. "What the hell did you do?" I growl angrily. "I'm sorry John, it had to be done. She'll be out cold for a few hours, it won't have any long lasting effects." Sherlock explains as I look back to my unconscious daughter. "Hasn't she already been drugged enough?" I scold him. "Well, I used your medication John. I borrowed your sleeping pills and crumbled them into her drink. See? She'll be fine."
"You cock!"
"Sorry John but it's for her own safety. I need to talk to you."

He's told me everything from what he's deduced. According to him, my daughter may have killed someone. But that's utterly ridiculous, why would my daughter kill someone? He doesn't even have the evidence, just relying on his senses. Is my daughter a murderer? No, of course not. Of course not. I've always trusted Sherlock, but no I'm not so sure. It's a rather big sweeping statement he's made. Who can I trust?

(Sorry for the short chapter it's kind of a filler. I'm building more tension hehe.)

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