Chapter 10 (Rosie's POV)

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"Bloody hell! I can't believe you tricked Mycroft with cake!" Dad laughs triumphantly at me and Sherlock's little plan. "I know right?" I snigger. Sherlock let's out a slight snort as he reads Sylvia's files which makes us laugh even more. "Oh goodness." Dad continues to laugh, wiping away at his eyes. When we calm down, Dad asks me about my maths exams. "Yes they're next Friday, I'm terrified but Mr Woodbridge has been so helpful. I'm sure I'll get in."
"Yes you will, you're my little genius! And who do you have to thank for that?" Dad asks me. "Sherlock." I smile winking at Dad. This makes Sherlock look up from the files. "Thank you Rosie, but you have to thank your father." He looks over to John lovingly. I think that yes, I got my cleverness from both my parents, William Sherlock Scott Watson-Holmes and John Hamish Watson-Holmes.

It's Friday, the day I've been waiting for . Maths exams. Sherlock and Dad wished me the best of luck promising me that he would give me money, while Sherlock offered to give me a new microscope if I pass. I am straight away greeted by Mr Woodbridge who looks really excited for me as he leads me into his room where other students are sitting down nervously at their desks. Josh gestures me to sit down, handing me my exam booklets. Winking at me, he wishes me best of luck as he stands at his desk. "Right, this in exam conditions. No talking and absolutely no cheating! You have one hour. Please open your booklets and start!" He informs everyone. Right Rosie, use your mind palace. I flip over my exam paper and begin.

"Your time is up!" Mr Woodbridge yells. "Please hand me your exam booklets." We all get up and form a line next to his desk and hand him our test papers. "Oh Rosie, wait here a second." He asks me. Josh waits until everybody leaves and sits back down in his seat. "So how did it go?" He says curiously. "Oh it was easy, let's hope for the best." I reply giving him a thumbs up. "I'm sure you will get in. Remember Monday you will receive your results that may change your life forever. You should be really proud of yourself, well done." He congratulates me smiling. I don't know why but there is something off putting about his smile, the way his mouth forms his smile but his eyes don't do the same, they stay dead. Deciding to brush this off, I give my final thanks.

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