Chapter 20 (Rosie's POV)

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I've been on a slight tour around this place, it's a prison. A fortress where the insane are kept. My parents have been here before, it was something to do with Mycroft. I'm in Peter's office sitting on a chair watching the vast ocean and rolling waves from the balcony. There are two guards in the room with guns slung over their backs, keeping a close watch on my every move. I could make a dash but would be instantly caught so this is my only option. To sit and wait perturbed for Moriarty's next move. He has told me that this friend of his knows me and has done for a very long time which makes me fretful. Sherlock and John must be distraught, who knows how they're coping. Maybe Sherlock is onto me already. Maybe he's ascending up the stairs with John to come and rescue me in his arms. How I long to be safe with them again. They must be going mad without me, I know I am. The door smoothly slides open and in walks one of the guards. He pulls me up by the top of my arm and drags me along with him. How annoying that I have the smarts to know how to escape, but not the physical strength. "Where are we going?" I ask as he leads me through the main control room. The man doesn't answer and continues dragging me into the main corridor. It is here that I come face to face with Peter and Moriarty, looking as smug as ever. "Hello dear." He greets, ushering the guard away from me. "Its time to meet my friend. You could think of me as doing you a favour Rosie, you know I'm not always the bad guy." Jim says softly, slipping a pair of shades on. "This way dear..." He begins walking down a small flight of stairs expecting me to follow. I hesitate questioning my first step. "We don't have all day Rosie." He sings from the bottom. Peter eyes me mysteriously and gestures for me to follow him. Here I go. Once I reach the bottom, I find myself in a grey room with a small lift in the corner surrounded by more guards. It looks like we're descending further and further into the fortress. "Such a slow poke." Jim says disappointedly slowing down his pace. I join him and Peter in front of the lift. "This is where I get off dear." He says sweetly facing me. Is he leaving? "There now, don't look so sad, Uncle Moriarty will see you soon." Well that's a relief. Peter clears his throat. "Get on the lift and it will bring you down to her room. Don't try anything." Peter informs me sternly. I'm meeting a woman? Agitated, I step into the lift not daring to face everyone. The doors shut and I am suspended in darkness only with the scraping noises of the lift descending to keep me company.

The doors part, exposing a brightly lit room containing a glass barrier and within it is a slim woman with long black hair. Cautiously, I step out of the lift and into the room eyeing the woman. Her back is turned so I can't see her face. "Rosie Watson. How I've missed your sweet face." She speaks in a slight whisper, her voice echoes throughout the walls like a parasite. "Step closer to the glass. Don't be afraid of me." I slowly proceed to the glass barrier separating us and notice the 'keep 3 metres back' sign carved on the side. "Come now, it's just a warning Rosie. Rules are made to be toyed with." Her voice makes me shiver as I look upon her sleek, wavy hair finding myself merely pressed against the glass. The mysterious woman turns around completely revealing herself, a soft smile spread over her face. Her features are bare but she holds a somewhat strange familiarity with myself. "Hello Rosie. That sweet face of yours I thought I would never see again." She says softly still smiling. My breaths come out shakily and I take several steps back. "Who are you? Why did you want to see me?" I question the pale figure in fear. "Don't you recognise me?" She says disheartened. "Y-yes." I quiver. Her face beams and she spreads her arms wide open, bickering me to join her. "Join me, step back to the glass. Please." She pleads sounding on the verge of tears. I feel myself being drawn towards her as if I'm under some trance. This woman must be so alone... There is a metre apart from us. "Look closer." She says. There is no glass barrier. Her arms are still outstretched welcomingly. No, I can't trust her. This woman has something to do with Moriarty and I'm not interested. I back up again, retreating to the lift. I turn around and slap the buttons repeatedly but, to my dismay, nothing happens. You can't leave Rosie... now please, I want to hold you in my arms again." I turn back toward her and noticd tears slipping from her empty eyes. Again? Do I know her? I notice that my legs are bringing me forwards, back to her. The next thing I feel is the warmth of her arms cradled around me in a tight embrace. What am I doing? I pull out of her hold, perplexed. Her face looks crestfallen. "Tell me who you are!" I demand. "Rosie. Please, come back to me. Please." She croaks. Dubious, I approach her once again. " You're involved with Moriarty somehow which means I really don't want to remain here. What do you want?" I ask sceptical. "You." She whispers staring deep into my soul. I find myself once again embracing her as she wraps her hand around my head longingly, crying into my golden strands. "I thought I lost you Rosie. You and your father. I'm so sorry I left you when you were a baby. Please forgive me." She bawls hysterically, holding me tighter. Mum? But it can't be..."M-mother?" I say confound, my eyes beginning to swell up. "Yes that's right, I'm here darling. I'm back." My mother continues to whimper. "So you're-you're Mary? My dad's wife?" I ask shocked unable to comprehend what is happening...I don't understand. This is Moriarty's friend. But it's just...she seems so real. I don't want to accept the fact that my mother isn't here.
"Yes I'm Mary, Rosamund Mary Watson."
"H-how? You're dead!? You died when I was a baby! It's always been that way!"I let out baffled.
"No, no it's all been lies!"
"But-but dad told me you died...That's what he's said all my life!"
"Yes, to keep you safe!"
"Why are you here?! What the hell happened to you?!" I yell bewildered. "Please Rosie, calm down. Let's sit down and I'll tell you...everything." Mum sniffles, placing a hand over my back and leading me over to her bed. I'm quivering uncontrollably and she takes her fragile hands in mine. "Let me explain. You've been lied to. I bet your father has never spoken about me before?"
"No...they've gone. He's kept them hidden in an album somewhere. I tried to find them but I couldn't..."
"I need you to listen to me now. Whatever he has said about me is not true. I never died Rosie. Something went wrong...a case. They sent me here never to be seen again. I could never escape, I tried Rosie, I tried for you. I thought that maybe I would never see you again and my days were growing shorter. All until he came Rosie. He fixed me. He brought you back to me. Isn't that right James?" I turn around in horror and see Moriarty towering over us. "Don't be afraid Rosie. James has helped to bring us back together as a family. Those 'parents' of yours Rosie, Sherlock and John, they betrayed you."

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