Chapter 23 (Rosie's POV)

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I've been here two days and so far it's been a strange experience. I'm back in the library reading through 'Oliver Twist'. My favourite character so far is the Artful Dodger, he's so mischievous and daring. My mother is so kind, she really isn't what I expected to be honest. There's something quite peculiar about her but I can't quite put a finger on it. Maybe my brain is just frazzled from everything. The only thing's almost all too good to be true. Part of me is longing for it to really be my mother whilst the other half is screaming to get out. Sherlock and John are still floating around my mind, how did they betray me and why? What did they do? She still hasn't explained it to me yet so that makes me sceptical but I mustn't doubt her. Or must I? James almost has the same persona as he did with Mr Woodbridge which leaves me confused to who he really is. Is he hiding something? Behind a mask perhaps? I think I'm too paranoid about everything, really all I want is a normal life but I don't think I can ever have that. Right now my mind is at war with itself...should I play along for now? There is a light tap on the door and in comes one of the guards. "You are needed by your parents downstairs." He informs me. "Alright, I'm coming." I say standing up and placing my book back on the shelf. The guard leads me back down and into the main control room where I am told to sit at the desk and wait, I wonder what for. After a minute, James comes walking in carrying a box. "Got you a little something dear." He says sitting down and sliding the box across the table towards me. I catch it in my hands and inspect it further. It's an apple product in its neatly packaged white box. Looking at the cover, I notice that it's an IPhone X, a new phone just like he promised. "Oh, thanks." I say surprised, unwrapping the plastic cover. "You're welcome." He says. I remove the lid revealing a shining new phone in sparkling rose gold. "Told you I would get you a new phone, I promised didn't I? That silly old one wouldn't have last you another day." James remarks. I nod my head in reply as I slowly peel off the plastic wrapping on the screen, it's so satisfying. He joins me at my side, viewing my new phone. "Here," he holds out his hand and I give him my phone, "I'll start it up for you." He switches it on and begins tapping away at the settings. "Should be done in no time..." He says as he concentrates. "Where's mum?" I ask.
"Mum, where is she? I haven't seen her all day."
"Oh, she's a bit busy at the moment. Has some important stuff to deal with."
"Like what?"
"You ask a lot of questions dear."
"Well, I am a curious person."
"Curiosity killed the cat."
"Like when you pry?" Jim pauses for a moment and then turns to me. "Exactly dear, prying is a dangerous thing," he hands me back my phone, "all done!"
"Thank you." I say unlocking my phone.
"I owe you many things dear, that was only number one."
"Why would you owe me something?"
"That is the question dear."
"But what-" James brings his finger to his lips. "Hush now. If you don't stop prying, I'll take that phone of yours." He warns. "Sorry."
"No need to apologise dear, not everyone can help prying every once in a while. Even me."

Mum is braiding my hair into beautiful plaits as we sit down in her room. "You have gorgeous hair darling." She compliments, brushing it with her fingers. "Thanks, you have nice hair too." I return nicely. "I've brought you down here to discuss your father."
"You mean John?"
"Yes and what he did..."
"What did he do?"
"He sent me here after a case."
"He wanted to get rid of me...said I was a danger to you and everyone around me. It was Sherlock's idea in the first place..."
"But...he wouldn't do that."
"Yes. Yes he would. And he did."
"That's not like him."
"People are not what they seem Rosie."
"Why would you be a danger to me?"
"They thought I was insane because I knew the truth."
"Your father...Sherlock...he's a fake."
"No he isn't." I express in utter disbelief.
"He is, I know it's hard to believe, I have all the proof... I wasn't good enough for him. It was always Sherlock...always." Mum falters, beginning to weep. "So they banished you here before you could expose him..." I mumble, a fit of anger starting to rise up within me. "I found out soon enough and completely broke down. I confronted your father."
"What happened?"
"I was furious, completely destroyed. We had a massive row and Sherlock came in and stopped me. That psychopath will do anything to protect him. Even murder."
"I know...but all for a valid reason"
"Sherlock wanted to keep John's reputation and not let anyone discover their secret relationship one day they had me sent here, never to be heard from again. They lied to you Rosie. They lied and lied." She weeps sorrowfully, a spark of pure loathe in her voice. I bring my arm around her in comfort and she falls into my side. I'm in a complete state of incredulity, fury coursing throughout my body, veins pulsing. "Can't you see what they've done to me?!" She cries grief-stricken. I close my eyes tightly, listening to my mother's whimpers of despair.

I'm crying into my hands, feeling the wetness seep through my fingertips. How could they do that to her?! A fiercesome wrath bubbles in me and I scrunch my hands up into fists. Damn it! I hear the door slide open and someone step through but I don't bother to look up or even care. They sit beside me as I bury my head even further into my knees. "Go away..." I sob. "I'm afraid I can't do that dear." Comes James' soft Irish voice. I sniffle a bit more and feel his consoling hand gently wrap around my back tenderly. I bring my head up and see him with a faint smile but it quickly fades. "I'm guessing she told you the bad news?" He asks. "Yeah." I reply dolefully. "Ah, well now you see, it's all been made clear. Daddy Holmes was, and is, always the worst."
"I suppose...he is."
"I never liked him. Just had fun making him dance. You know what we did, don't you?"
"Yes, but I found out for myself as they wouldn't tell me."
"Atta girl." He nudges me slightly. "I read Rapunzel."
"How did you find it?"
"Darkly compelling."
"A classic dear."
"Yes." I rub my face with my hand. "Now dear, tell me how you feel."
"Anger, pure hatred..." I vent slowly. "All those feelings dear, they're all good, it's all good." I lean in closer seeking reassurance and he pulls me into a hug whispering one final thing into my ear. "Now tell me your feelings towards Mr Holmes."
"I despise him."

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