Chapter 27 (Rosie's POV)

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(The song above is Rosie's main theme for the story. I suggest you listen to it while reading as they lyrics fit 💕)

'Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?'

'I travelled the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something.'

'Some of them want to use you.'

'Some of them want to get used by you.'

'Some of them want to abuse you.'

'Some of them want to be abused.'

They all disappear, the memories everything, disintegrating into thin air. My mind palace is fading, reconstructing into something new. I'm surrounded by everyone I love in an open space similar to oblivion. John has me in his small arms bringing me close to his warm chest. Sherlock is towering over us, hand comfortingly on John's shoulder. "We love you Rosie, don't ever forget that." John speaks sadly, a crack in his breaking voice. "But why-why would I forget?" I tremble in confusion. "Mind palace Rosie. We're slipping away. Fight it. Remember what I said?" Sherlock instructs firmly with a tone he only uses in the most dangerous situations. "Remember, remember what?" I ask in a frantic manner. "The truth." He replies. Then something horrible happens. John starts flaking away, particles dispersing into the air reminding me of the devastating ending of Infinity War. He turns to dust, fading away into nothing as his hands disappear from my grip. I blink back tears as I turn to face Sherlock searching for what to do next. "Sherlock w-what happened?" I cry in horror. "Rosie, be strong. You have to be brave and fight it. Try to remember. The mind palace is unique, your memories of us will still be there but you must find them before it's too late..." And with that, Sherlock's face begins to crumble into dust. Before he goes, I grasp onto him for one final hug as the rest of his body disintegrates. The sky turns pure black as my memories begin to travel at speed over my head. They're all the ones I've shared with my parents. Birthdays, cases, hugs, games, they all perish dissolving into nothing. One by one. I have no control or power over anything, my only choice is to watch in silence. The only ones that remain are dark, terrible memories of monstrous acts my fathers have done. Then something catches my eye, a vision of my mother being cast away by Sherlock and sent to the fortress. "Mum!" I scream. Sherlock continues to yell at Mary violently, causing her to back away in fright. He strikes her in the face with force. "Stop it! Sherlock stop!" I yell in fury, tears streaming down my face even though I know that it's no use. Everything he does to her is from what was recorded in the police files that I have read. Terrible inhumane things my father did, just like James said. Suddenly, Mary and James appear out of the corner and approach my cowering body. Mother takes hold of me, gently undoing my shaking hands and bringing them around her in a tight hug. James places his hand around my shoulders for reassurance as I weep into my mother's shirt. "They're gone, it's all gone." I sob in despair. "All for the better Rosie." She replies softly into my ear. "Th-they hurt you. I-I saw with my own eyes."
"And look what they've turned you into."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry mother."
"It's ok darling, we're here."
"They've trapped you in here dear. A mind palace, the perfect prison." James joins in. "I hate them-I hate them!" I cry in anger as mum rubs my back. "We know darling, we know." The surrounding area begins to perish, dissolving around our bodies, snaking its way around us until there is nothing, not even a single morsel of any matter.

"Rosie? Rosie? Can you hear me?" Comes the distant voice of a distressed man as a bright light bursts through my delicate eyelids. They carefully rise open to reveal that it's a small torch. It moves away from view and I have to blink several times to readjust my sight as the silhouettes of the light float around in different colours. Surrounded around me is my mother, James and a nurse of some sort who I don't recognise. My head is aching terribly at the back and I wince in pain as I lift it up. "Where am I?" I ask dazed. "In the treatment ward darling." Replies my mother who is joined arm in arm with James. "You had a fall dear. You hit your head incredibly hard. We've been so worried." James informs me sounding relieved that I am finally awake. "What-how did I fall?" I question him. "Don't you remember dear?"
"" I shake my head slowly. How did I fall? "Me and you were having a walk down the beach and we stumbled across some rocks. You decided to climb them and slipped hitting the back of your head." James explains. Oh, it all makes sense now. "Oh. How long have I been here?"
"Around two days."
"Two days?!" I raise my voice in alarm and James gestures to quieten down. "Yes. This Doctor has been taking care of you."
"Doctor who?"
"Doctor Whittaker." He nods towards the smartly dressed nurse who smiles gently towards me. "You've been very brave Rosie. Now, due to your fall you have been suffering from a severe case of concussion. This can lead to slight memory loss, nausea and confusion so I suggest that you rest for a while." She reads her diagnosis from a clipboard as my parents watch in concern. All their eyes meet mine. "We're sorry darling." Apologises mum as James gives her a slight smile. "No mother it's ok, it's not your fault. Nothing has ever been your fault." I say reflecting on her horrible ordeal with Sherlock. "What shall we do with her Doctor Whittaker?" Questions James worriedly. "Not that much. She'll just need to rest for a couple of hours and do a quick memory evaluation test with me." Doctor Whittaker replies as she takes a pile of paper from the desk. James nods approvingly and gives me a small smile which I return. "Before we leave you for a bit darling, I have some good news." Mum tells me excitedly. "What's the good news?" I ask happily. "James has signed your adoption papers which makes him officially your step-dad. That means Sherlock is no longer in that position."
"Oh that's brilliant. I thought that monster would be in possession of me forever." I say relieved, this is brilliant news. "That also means that your names has now legally been changed to Rosie Jessica Moriarty."
"Cool, I like it."
"Now darling, we better leave you and Doctor Whittaker to it. We'll be back soon."

"Alright Rosie, this is how the test works. I'm going to ask you a series of questions and you just have to give me your best answer. Don't worry, this is just a standard test to check your memory." Doctor Whittaker explains as she takes a seat at the end of my bed with a clipboard. I nod my head in reply to show my understanding. "Right, your name?"
"Rosie Jessica Moriarty."
"Date of birth."
"25th of November 2016."
"12 an a half."
"Parents names?"
"James Aidan Moriarty and Mary Rosamund Moriarty."
"Where are you right now?"
"In a medical room situated inside a fortress on Sherrinford Island."
"And finally, how do you associate Mr Sherlock Holmes and John Watson?"
"My ex parents. One of which is a psychopath who I truly hate after what he did to my mother."
"Excellent. That'll do for now Rosie. I'll call your parents back in and tell them your results." She tells me as she exits the room. My head is killing me, it must have been a large fall. At least it wasn't from the top of a building. I can barely remember that much before I tripped over. All I can recall is what mum had told me about my ex parents Sherlock and John, if you can call them that. I was under their care for all these years never understanding the awful truth of it all. I was living with a psychopath and his partner John Watson also known as my mums ex. That's it really. I'm glad that I've forgotten most of my days with them, who knows what horrific things may have happened to me in their care...

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