Chapter 21 (Rosie's POV)

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'They betrayed you'. My mother's comprehending words ring throughout my head like a parasite. I sit silently next to my mother, completely dazed by everything. A hand rubs my shoulder comfortingly and I realise it's Moriarty. "See, I'm not always the bad guy dear. I helped reunite you with your mother. It must be hard I imagine, finding all of this out. I only did what's best for you." He says soothingly. "Then why do all of that to me?" I say irritated, moving my head to face him. "All was done for a purpose dear."
"You kept mentioning a 'little game' of yours. What's that about?"
"The game, my dear, was getting you here." It doesn't make sense. "That doesn't make sense." Moriarty raises his eyebrows slightly giving no reply. "I'm still confused mother...did you agree with the methods used to get me here?" I ask mum who gives me a brief smile. "It's not important anymore now." She says simply. Not important? I have too many questions to ask. "What about John and Sherlock? They're probably looking for me."
"Don't worry dear, they won't have a clue." Says James perching next to my mother, they stare at each other intently. Does he just expect me not to be afraid of him after everything he's done to me? Things still don't add up. Then they do something unexpected, they bring each other into a kiss and withdraw after a few seconds. I grimace in disgust. Ew, you're kidding me right?   Aren't psychopaths incapable of love? Mum notices my disapproving look. "Rosie there's one more thing. After John deserted me, I found James and we've been together ever since." She explains. "So that makes you my step-dad?" I question James repulsively. Why?! "More or less." He shrugs. Ugh. "I still don't understand why you're here mum." I say. "It's complicated darling. I wish I could tell you but not today, it's too soon. She replies drawing me close to her side and sighing. This is awkward. "Is this my home now? An island in the middle of nowhere?" I ask dissatisfied. "Only temporarily darling." Mum replies. "Yes, but what about school and all of my belongings left at Baker Street?"
"Sorry but I'm afraid we'll have to stay here until your safe."
"But I am safe?"
"Not quite."
"How?" Mum takes a deep breath. "There are some rules Rosie that you must stick to. You must never leave this building unless we say so. Do you hear me?" She says firmly. "...yes." I reply quietly. "Good. I'm glad that's sorted. Sorry that everything has been so confusing darling. We had no other choice..."
"'s ok." She smiles slightly and I nod back. "So is this it? I mean this is practically a prison with someone in charge."
"Oh Peter? No, no we're the ones in charge around here."
"Is there anything I can do? Is there a library?" I question Mum eagerly. "Oh, library? Yes we do on the 3rd floor. James will take you." Wonderful. He stands up and I slowly join him after I plant a small kiss on my mother's cheek. I keep a slight distance from him as we enter the lift. There is an awkward silence as we stand in the lift waiting for it to reach the next floor. "I know what you're thinking dear." He starts, disrupting the silence. "Like I said, we're all going to be having so much fun." He laughs slightly. I don't speak. The doors spread wide open and we both exit back into the grey room lined by armed soldiers. "You know, I can buy you a new phone if you'd like. A far better one too. I have all the money in the world Rosie, just ask me and I'll buy you anything." He continues as we begin to ascend back up the stairs. "Mm." I mumble as I pull myself up each step. We finally reach the 3rd floor. "I apologise with my use of methods to get you here. I was a little bored...more importantly, there wasn't a better choice." James says tiredly, pointing me towards a steel door. I don't trust him so I come to a halt. "Still scared of me then?" He questions somewhat sadly. "Fine, I'll go in first if it bothers you." He sighs, opening the steel door and stepping inside resting his hand on it so it stays open. "See? Pretty small place if you ask me." James says disgruntled, letting go of the door behind me after I enter. Lights flicker on simultaneously, revealing a dull looking room but filled to the brim with books. Stacks and stacks of them all placed neatly on large wooden bookshelves. I look around in awe, my eyes brighting up. "I thought you'd like it. A little present from yours truly." Jim winks. "You put this together?" I ask astounded. "Yup. Every single one dear." He looks around pleased with himself and then his eyes meet mine with a grin. " 'Why thank you, I really appreaciate it'."Jim mocks as he slides his hands into his pockets and begins to browse some shelves. "I tried to arrange it alphabetically." He says running his fingers along the spines of the books. I'm looking at a small shelve in the corner flicking through every book on the shelf. "Does it happen to have 'War and Peace'?" I ask ducking over to the next shelve. Jim pulls a questionable face for a second, processing my question. "No, I don't think so." He replies grabbing a slim book from the shelf. "But there's this." Jim hands me a dusty copy of 'Grimm's fairy tales'. "I heard that they completely twist sweet fairy tales into something malicious." I say taking the copy from him and blowing the dust of the cover. It's a beautiful hardback violet copy with golden lettering and details. "Try Rapunzel, I heard it's quite good. You know dear, every fairytale has a good old fashioned villain." Jim says delightfully. "Well obviously, otherwise it would be boring." I can practically hear him smirk as I flip through the worn pages until I come across Rapunzel, and begin to read. Irritability, Jim takes the book from my hand and turns over several pages, handing it back to me. "No, no, no. You're looking for this bit dear."
"Right." I say and continue to read when something crosses my mind. "Why are you doing all this?" I ask out of interest. "Why not dear? Maybe I just want to show you that I don't bite-well, not really. But I am sorry for everything I did." Jim says ashamed. "You know, I think we'll make an excellent team you and I. Maybe I can teach you a few of my tricks." I think he's making me an offer. "You want me to come along with you on your advisal trips?" I ask. Jim chuckles at my question. "No dear, not quite. They're aren't advisal trips."
"What then?"
"Come along with me one day and all will be revealed dear."
I place the book down on the floor and rub my eyes tiresomely. "Tired dear?" Jim asks folding his arms. "No, I just-my eyes are sore from the dust." I quickly say. He begins to approach me slowly, not in a threatening manner. "So, I'm guessing you like this?"
"Thank you dear."
"No, you just always call me dear."
"Your name is a bit long, I prefer to shorten it, dear."
"It's only two syllables."
He laughs. "You are funny dear..."
"A tad sassy too."
"I'll take that as a compliment for now."
"Of course you will..."
(For those of you who are confused, basically Eurus and Jim are faking it all. Their relationship, everything. They're trying to convince Rosie that everything's real but of course it's not. It's all part of their game...)

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