Chapter 37 (Sherlock's POV)

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"Something is coming John. The East Wind, something." I explain to John warning him of what's to come. Unfortunately, I already know, but I can't tell him. I'm fearful. An emotion in which I rarely experience. He's breathing heavily as he comprehends everything which I've just told him. I've just told John that his daughter may have possibly killed someone. But I'm not sure. It doesn't add up. I know what Moriarty wants. Rosie is still asleep on the sofa and has been for two hours, she'll be waking up soon. I must give John an excuse to leave so I can properly speak to her. "John, I'm going to speak to Rosie soon. But I can't have you here." I say calmly. "What-why?" He questions. "I need you to go to Mycroft for me now. I only need an hour at an estimate. I'll call you when we're finished. Rosie's going to wake up soon. I minimised the dosage to 4 hours."
"Fine. Please just help her Sherlock."
"I will John, I made a vow to keep her safe." Me and John stare at each other intently for a moment before pulling into a kiss. I caress his cheek softly and give a small smile of reassurance. "Go now John." I say and he nods to me one last time before leaving.

I'm sat beside Rosie on the leather couch watching as she slowly begins to regain consciousness. Her eyes flutter open and she takes a deep breath before realising I'm beside her. Rosie gasps in shock and pushes herself away from me. "Rosie, calm down, it's just me." I say calmly raising my hands. "What-what did you do to me?" She stutters nervously. "I'm sorry but in order to keep you safe I had to give you some sleeping pills." I explain apologetically. Rosie looks terrified and if she's about to scream but keeps her cool remaining silent. "I would like to ask you some questions. Now, I know that you don't like this but you can trust me." I give her a brief smile and she nods her head. "I know that you left the house yesterday whilst me and John were out. It was pretty obvious."
"I'm sorry-I was bored. I just walked around town that's all."
"Mmm. Did anything happen whilst you were out?"
"No, I was just walking around the place."
"Are you sure?"
"Can you explain to me why you were in Hamleys with James Moriarty? I watched the footage back after Lestrade told me."
"I remember now...He was acting all nice to me. I'm guessing he was trying to convince me or something so he took me around London. Obviously it didn't work because I know who he really is, I was just pretending."
"Including being scared of Lestrade and not recognising him?"
"Yes, it really did pain me but I didn't want James finding out. Tell Lestrade I'm sorry."
"I will. Are you sure that you can't remember anything else?"
"There was this woman on an island...but nothing else."
"You know who that woman is don't you?"
"She's family. It's complicated...but she's my sister Eurus." I decide not to tell her anything else about what happened whilst she was abducted. The messages, her mother, nothing. "You're safe now Rosie, but do you know what happened to James?"
"I don't."
"Thought so...I'm glad you're alright Rosie. When you were younger, I made a vow to keep you safe..."
"I know." She sits up on the sofa properly, hand resting on her head as she groans. "I forget to tell you but Mycroft texted me earlier. He says he wants me and you to meet him at the pool tomorrow evening. No time was given."
"Ah, he does that. I say about tenish for him."
"That's going to be one long evening..." She sighs as her eye flick to mine briefly. "Yes, I'm afraid Rosie it will."

"So she only remembers Eurus and where Moriarty first took her?" John questions me. He's back now and Rosie is downstairs cooking scones with Mrs Hudson. "Yes. The pool where we first met. Remember?"
"Yes Sherlock, of course I remember. I was nearly blown up." John grimaces at the traumatic memory. "So, what are we going to do now?" He asks. "Wait."
"Yes, wait. What did you do with Mycroft?"
"Nothing much, we just talked about nonsense. Nothing new at all."
"What about the government plans?"
"Still, at a guess, in Moriarty's possession."
"If they are, he'll probably sell them."
"Oh yes, Mycroft says he still can't get in contact with Sherrinford. It's completely offline."
"They've hacked it. I wonder what Eurus is doing now."
"And Sherlock?"
"You never told me what those messages meant."
"They were just torments John, nothing to worry about." I lie. "Alright, I'm off to check on Rosie, I'll be back soon." John says as he plants a light kiss on my cheek before leaving.

I've been lying to John all this time. Those messages aren't torments, they're the truth. My daughter has been brainwashed in a way by my psychotic sister like she can do with anyone. If my deductions are correct, I may die tomorrow. Or I may not. I'll need all the help I can get, and so will Rosie. I've informed Mycroft of the plan, he's my backup in this situation. I could die tomorrow. And it will be my own daughter who kills me.

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