Chapter 32 (Rosie's POV)

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"All done Rosie, you've been very brave. You have your father to thank for that." Doctor Whittaker says as she patches up my final bruise, shooting a glance over to Dad. We've both only suffered minor injuries from the fire and are back at Sherrinford. I haven't seen Mother since and I'm dreading her reactions, she's already been through so much. But I do have a plan. "Rosie, I'm going to visit your Mother and explain to her what happened. I'll be back soon dear." Dad says exchanging me a warm smile and leaving. Now is the chance to tell Doctor Whittaker about the flashbacks I've been having. "Doctor?" I ask. "Yes Rosie?"
"I've been having distorted flashbacks of memories from my past and I don't really know why. I want them to stop."
"Oh those? Yes, it's common with your head injury, your brain is just a bit confused that's all. I can give you medication for it but it will have to be by injection." The thought makes me shudder, I hate needles. But I don't care. These false memories need to go. "Alright." I confirm. "I just need to wait for your father to return and then we can proceed." She moves to her desk and starts rifling through the drawers, searching for this medication. After a few minutes, Dad returns looking a bit flustered. He nods at me and takes a seat, watching Doctor Whittaker. "Your daughter has been experiencing some flashbacks due to the after-effects of her fall. I will need your permission in order to give her the medication." She asks Dad and he gives her the thumbs up with a quick nod. Doctor Whittaker fiddles with a case in her hand along with a container. Carrying a long, threatening needle, Doctor Whittaker approaches my side. "Now Rosie, I must warn you. This medication does have one side-effect. It can cause you some sleeping issues for a few nights alongside some slight migraines." She warns as she takes a seat. Great, there's always the side-effects. "...ok." I brace myself. "It's alright dear, it will only be a soft pinch. Here, you can take my hand if it helps." Dad reassures softly as he outstretches his hand. I take hold of it tightly and prepare for the pain. "Right, in the count of 3. 1...2...3." I screw my eyes shut and wince as I feel a sharp prick in my shoulder. "Done." I open my eyes and watch as Doctor Whittaker wipes the small crimson mark with a cotton ball. A sigh of relief escapes my lips and I fall back into the plump pillows of the seat. "Well done dear. See? It wasn't that bad. Now, your Mother wants to see you. We all need a chat." Dad tells me as I am encouraged to leave my soft bed and follow him down into the depths of the fortress.

"Mother!" I call as I jump into her wide arms, I've missed her so much. "Hello." She giggles lightly, her delicate hands running through my wavy hair. "Your father has told me about last's fine darling, I'm just glad you're safe." She says lovingly as I let go of her embrace. "Me too," I turn to dad who is staring blankly at us, "Are you going to tell me what happened last night?" He snaps out of his thoughts and looks upon me. "It was a trick intended for me dear, a fake client. Sherlock's magic trick." He says with distaste to the word 'magic'. "What do you mean?" I question and he sighs. "Let's just say he was trying to eliminate me and bring you back..."
"What?" I say in disbelief. "You heard me dear. His intentions in starting the fire was to kill me and save you. At least that was his initial plan until I stopped him and rescued you."
" he dead?" I ask as I feel somewhat joyous. "Not quite dear...he got away." Damn it. "-And that's why we've had an finish Sherlock once and for all." My mother interrupts, joining Dad at his side. Looks like they've thought ahead too, just like me. "And your plan is..." I continue. "You." Mothers replies. "Me?"
"Yes darling. You see, when James was speaking with Sherlock, he found out that the detective wants you back."
"But why?!"
"Because it's upset John. They've broken up. Sherlock would do anything to please him. That includes bringing you back."
"I see where you're going...let me guess. You want me to go back to Sherlock, pretend to be the innocent daughter and get my revenge by killing him?"
"Molto bene!" Father congratulates. "Brilliant." I marvel. "Isn't it?" Father laughs. "But that means I'll have to leave you. For how long?"
"Not that long dear. Maybe a week?"
"Alright. I'll kill him myself. I know just how."
"Atta girl."
"When do I leave?"
"It's now or never. This is a peak moment for Sherlock, everything is falling into place."
"Alright, I can do that. I'll go get-"
"Sorted. Your bags have already been packed and the helicopter is ready. We've already thought ahead dear."
"Well, I guess I'll be on my way. Goodbye Mum, Dad." I embrace both of them longingly, hoping that I will see them again soon. "We love you dear..." Whispers dad. "You're doing us a favour." Says mum. "I'll keep tabs on you via messaging. My men will be on the watchout for you. We'll see each other again when this is all over. Then we can finally live our lives as a proper family away from this place. You know what to do, now go."
"I won't dissapoint you. And I won't come back until he's dead."
"That's my girl."

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