Chapter 18 (Rosie's POV)

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Thud! I am jolted awake by a sudden movement. At first, I have to wait for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings which turns out to be the interior of a car. My mind is still foggy from the drug and it takes me a while to process what is happening. Why am I in a car? "Rise and shine dear." Comes a sing song voice to my right. Inching my head to the side, I see Moriarty smartly dressed in the closest seat to the right. I let out a repulsive grunt. "We're going on a joyride you and I. I thought we might go and visit a friend of mine." He says staring out the window watching the scenery fly by. "What friend?" I question him sounding really groggy. "Someone who wants to meet you. They were very persuasive."
"Who? What do they want from me?" Jim gives me a glare of warning which twists into a deathly smile. "You're required by them."
"Required for what exactly?"
"Our game."
"What is it with your games?"
"I'm a consulting criminal. 'The Napoleon of Crime' as daddy puts it. I work with many people Rosie, fix situations and advise, that's what I do."
"Being a complete arse is what you do." I say savagely. Jim giggles slightly to himself as if my words have amused him. "I can see why he likes you, Holmes. Such a feisty little girl aren't you? People do get so sentimental over their children. They would do anything. Just like daddy Holmes." I think I can see where James is going. "Oh, so by using me you're going to try and kill my father again?"
"Better than that dear." Better? What could possibly be better than killing my father? I try to move my hands but notice that they won't budge. Looking down, I see that my hands are bound together with a zip tie. Wow, how pathetic. "A bit stupid this?" I say unimpressed lifting my restraint up. Moriarty shrugs his shoulders and continues to stare out into the endless scenery. We're driving through green rolling hills and many large fields full of various crops. I'm guessing that we are obviously not in London but somewhere near the coast due to the subtle dampness layered on the windows. Who is this 'friend'? Something about this 'friend' gives me an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. I should get out, intervene with the car in some way. The zip tie is vastened quite tightly on my wrist but if I remember the things Sherlock has taught me correctly, I should be able to break free. But I'm next to Moriarty who is accompanied by two henchmen in the front. If I want to break free, I need to do it silently without anybody noticing. Well, Moriarty notices everything and I'm terrified of him, he's so unpredictable. Every time he speaks it sends a shiver down my spine unknowing of what he will say or do. James is patiently still staring through the window as if he's expecting something. Usually he would still be tormenting me in every way possible, diving right into my pressure points, but he's not. The two henchmen at the front are fixated in their tasks, driving and checking the maps. Here's my chance. Cautiously manoeuvring my hand into my blazer pocket, I pull out my trusty black pen which is specially designed for these situations. It was a gift from Sherlock for my 9th birthday, very handy. My eyes dart over to Moriarty in an instant but to my relief he's still staring into oblivion unaware of my movements. I fiddle with the pen in my hands and trigger a small button which makes a thin pointed stick pop out. One eye is fixed warily on Moriarty, the other on my hands. Twisting the pen around onto the zip tie, I stab the small clasp and wiggle it around as much as I can. James is completely oblivious. Click. Finally! The clasp has broken with all my effort and the help of my special pen. Attentively, I bring my hands apart along with the zip tie until it's fully released. Now what? James is obviously going to notice soon enough. Maybe he already has and is waiting to congratulate me. I have to think fast. My eyes dart to the front seats at the two henchmen. The one in front has a gun by his side in a holster. I need to make a quick decision. Remain silent or pounce. Silent. Pounce. Silent. Pounce. Pounce. In the midst of a passing second, I lurch forwards as the car jumps over a bump and grab the gun in a quick swipe, raising it directly at Moriarty's head. He snaps his head around to me, face plastered in glee, accompanied by a slow clap. "Good, very good Miss Watson. I can see he's taught you well." Moriarty congratulates enthusiastically. " was pretty easy." I reply honestly, frightened to say anymore. The gun is starting to shake in my hands. "What next dear?" Asks Jim interested to see my methods. I cock the gun, but Jim is unmoved. "Let me go." I say sternly. He moves his gaze directly into my eyes. "No." I inch the gun closer towards him. "Go on then, shoot me if you really want to." Still looking directly into my eyes with a smirk. I don't react. "Go on, do it." He snarls. I take a deep breath, my finger hovering over the trigger and fire. The sound of an empty cartridge fills the air. I knew it. Jim's smirk grows even wider as he takes the tip of the gun and lowers it down with his hand. "Nice try, sweetheart." I stare in horror at everything. "Did you really think that was going to work? I'll tell you one thing though dear, you have proven a point to me." Of course, the whole thing was to test the level of extreme measures I would take to escape. "Yes, I have. You wanted to see how extreme I would go to escape."
"Mmm-hmm. Very clever, don't you think? Now, what next dear."
"Nothing, you've beaten me for now."
"Hmm? Oh! Nothing!" He laughs mockingly. "Gotcha...I'll be deciding where next dear." And with that, and a long sigh, I slump back in my seat and wait for the next move.

I am high above a stretch of vast blue water in a helicopter sat in the back with a muscular man keeping a watch on my every move. Moriarty is sat in the front beside somebody else casually with his headphones in listening to some music. They've decided not to restrain me this time, aware that I know easily how to escape out of many bonds. I haven't the faintest idea where we are heading. Wherever it is, it must be to see this 'friend' of his who is ever so keen on meeting me. Looking out into the infinite horizon, I spot a huge island emerging in the distance. I'm guessing this is our destination as we are in the middle of nowhere, so where else would we go? An eerie message interrupts through the speaker system calling out a mysterious name. 'Sherrinford'. Over and over again on repeat until it is switched of by the pilot. Sherrinford? Suddenly, the helicopter swoops down violently towards the island below and I have to hold onto my seat for dear life. I hate flying. We're advancing onto the island which is now clearly in view, we must be touching down shortly. The island is completely bare apart from a large stone structure that looks as if may be a fortress. Lower and lower we descend until we land safely on a sandy beach just outside the building. "Get up." The henchman demands, roughly grabbing onto my arm and forcing me up. I have to recollect myself for a moment until he harshly shoves me forward. Another henchman joins me at the side and both tug on my arms so I am held firmly in their grip. I have enough time to see Moriarty and watch him swing open the door listening to 'Don't stop me now' by Queen. He jumps out and begins waving his arms about fluently, dancing around over-elaborately to the beat. I am made to follow behind by the henchmen in their tight grip which I'm quite sure is cutting of my blood supply. We come to a halt as Moriarty removes his earphones and greets a wealthy looking man with several bodyguards. I presume this is who I'm meeting. "Mr Moriarty, pleasure to have you back." He says shaking Jim by the hand. "What happened to the other guy?" Jim asks sounding disappointed. "Killed by her with the help of Sherlock and his friends." The man replies looking over to me. Sherlock! Just his name makes me beam. He's been here before? Jim joins me and ushers the henchmen away bringing me forward. "Talking about daddy Holmes, I've brought his daughter along. That's why I'm visiting today. Special appointment made with the one and only." Jim expresses happily. So looks like this man isn't who I'm here to see. He looks me up and down as if I'm some strange species of insect. "Miss Holmes, Peter Kandinsky, governor here at Sherrinford." Peter says dully. I nod and step back a little. Moriarty is eyeing me darkly so I bring my eyes to the floor avoiding his glare. It's sandy, I've always wondered how many grains of sand cling to the Earth... "This way Sir." Peter directs us, walking towards the side of a tall hill supporting the fortress. "You're in for a treat Rosie dear." Moriarty whispers into my ear maliciously as he gestures for his henchmen to take hold of me again. They begin dragging me up the slope but I am reluctant to, skidding my feet against the path and struggling in their grip. In retaliation to my actions, one of the henchmen strikes me across the face hardly, causing it to sting brightly. I take this as a reminder of who's in charge and continue my long ascent up the hill.

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