Chapter 14 (Rosie's POV)

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"Enjoying the view, Rosie?" Comes the same Irish voice from earlier on. There is something so sinister and creepy about the way he speaks. Almost soothing in a weird way. "Mr Woodbridge...?" I ask perplexed and afraid. "Nope. Wrong. It's so easy these days you can fool anybody. People are so oblivious." He says sounding disappointed. "Even you." He speaks melodically, his voice ascending higher in pitch. "Who are you?" I question, starting to back away in fear. "Jim Moriarty. Hi! Dear God, how I've missed saying that." He sings eerily still not taking his eyes of the view. Moriarty. I knew the name rang a bell. Neither John nor Sherlock has mentioned his name to me before but I'm quite a nosy person and I have been through most of Sherlock's stuff. James Moriarty, consulting criminal from Ireland. He talked my Dad into jumping of St Bartholomew's hospital and shot himself in the head. But obviously he's faked it somehow because he's standing here right now with me. I give no reply to his greeting as I am too busy trying to make an escape. "Oh I wouldn't bother with that dear. You aren't going anywhere." He says excitedly changing his voice around. Suddenly, a bright red laser hovers over my chest and I stop dead in my tracks. It's the aiming point used on snipers, one wrong move and I may be dead. But it's just to make me scared. Standing there motionless and completely frozen, I look up to Jim who still hasn't removed his eyes from the view. "We both know you won't shoot me because otherwise, what would be the point in all this? Going through the trouble to pretend to be my teacher? I'm not important, it's Sherlock you want." I scoff, a slight tremor raising in my voice, trying to burst through. "Because dear, you are to me. The major role in fact in my little game. Think of it as a privilege." Jim sniggers to himself finding it amusing. What does he mean a major role in his little game? "What do you mean?" I ask, starting to get extremely tense. I think maybe he can tell. But I can't let this distract me. Jim removes his gaze and turns around to face me, a malevolent grin plastered on his face which pops from the shadows as he stares right into my eyes, observing my current state. He is wearing a deep blue suit complete with a black tie which has little skulls, pretty suiting. His hair is jet black and slicked back like prickled thorns and his eyes are a dark brown colour. "What I mean, my dear, is we're going to have a little fun." Jim says darkly, slowly approaching me and stopping so that there is only a mere metre apart from us. A little fun? He smoothly slides his hand into his pocket removing a phone. At a closer glance, it turns out that it is in fact my phone. "Looks like you won't be needing this." Jim laughs, dangling my phone over the edge of the balcony and letting it slip from his fingers. "Oops!" He expresses, his mouth wide open in shock. I flinch slightly and a sudden anger boils up inside me but I have to force myself from not doing anything as I am currently the target for a sniper. However I can't stop myself as I let my tongue slip, "Even without it, they'll still find me." Jim's face turns sour as he shakes his head and tuts. "I would think carefully about your actions dear, we wouldn't want any accidents now would we?" He warns me with a maniacal grin as another laser seems to appear, probably on my forehead. This is like child's play. There is a loud silence and I don't dare meet his cold eyes as I stare longingly at the city skyline. Somewhere down there, my two fathers are racing to find me. Amongst the eerie silence, there is one burning question I have left and the answer to which I am dreading. "What is going to happen to me?" I ask, my voice now visibly shaking. Damn it. "All will come to light soon dear." Jim says softly, smiling slightly. The door, I must get through it. I never heard it lock. I chance it. Stretching my arm out behind me, I grab onto the brass handle of the door, push it down and as soon as it opens I bolt right through it. In this split second, I feel the faint brush of a hand as Jim attempts to grab me by the collar and fails, letting me sprint free. Where to now? This place is huge! I can't stop in my tracks or else I will get caught. It is now that I realise that somebody like Jim will probably have some sort of backup. But I can't stop now. I sprint up a set of stairs to my right and practically burst through the door at the top. I'm inside a room full of various assortments of machinery that look like they control all the inner workings of the clock. I must find an exit, it would be worth finding a stairwell. Another door is to the side of a small control panel and I rush over and yank it open. This leads me through to an observation room looking over the whole of the huge golden clock face area. Glass panels surround the front and I have to duck under them in order to not be seen. Cautiously I look upwards and through the viewing glass, there is no sign of Jim or anybody else. Pressing my back against the wall, I slide down the side of it in a sweaty heap incredibly exhausted and gasping for breath. I'm sure Jim is searching for me now which leaves me the tiresome decision to continue running. Come on Rosie, you can't let them catch you. Pulling myself up and ducking under the glass at the same time, I proceed to the door on the other side of the room. Hesitantly, I pull the handle and let it sway open, only to reveal that someone is standing there. A tall, slim muscular man is looking down directly at me with a sly grin. I barely have time to observe him as he grabs at my arm, yanking it backward so I am locked in his huge arms. "Gotcha!" He says victorious. My arm is crying out from where he yanked it tight, I think I heard it click. I wriggle and writhe in his grip, stomping on his foot repeatedly, however it's no use. As I look up, I see Jim standing at the back of the room looking really pleased. "Excellent job Sebastian!", he claps his hands together triumphantly, "looks like you found Miss Watson. As I said dear, there is no use in running."
"It was worth a try, it got me this far." I reply with a sly grin. In retaliation, Sebastian bends my arm back even further causing me to bite my tongue, concealing my escaping scream. Dad and Sherlock must be so worried, but knowing them, they will be on our tails soon. Surely Jim should know that you musn't abduct the daughter of a consulting detective and an ex army doctor. Unless, this could be part of his scheme. What if it's a trap? Of course it is. "You know Rosie that me and Daddy have quite a history." Jim grimaces. "I did enjoy our little games though. And now it's time for a new one."
"Oh please. You just can't stop, can you?" I say rolling my eyes. That's how I cope through my so obvious anxiety, by giving myself an attitude, not letting him finish his sentence before he reveals what he will do with me. "Everybody gets bored every now and then dear."
"What have you got to be bored about?" I question him in disbelief.
"EVERYTHING!" Jim roars in exasperation, his face evolving into an utter look of wrath. This sudden outburst of fury makes me jolt in alarm. "Can't you see Rosie? All the things I have to do just to get my way in life. Manipulating, killing and whatnot. Then I met you're father, had a little fun and beat him. But I'm back and this time I have many things up my sleeve. Many of my games to make him dance. And you, Rosie dear, are the centrepiece." Jim rambles on in indignation, waving his arms about flamboyantly. I remain silent in disbelief and horror. Once Jim has calmed down slightly from his outburst, he motions towards Sebastian. "Oh Seb!" He calls. I feel him rifling around his pocket. They're going to drug me again. I'm struggling in Sebastian's painful grip, trying to lengthen my inevitable fait. "You're going to drug me again? Am I too hard to handle?" I grunt as I push myself forward, which causes Seb to reflex, pulling me up, arm around my neck as he cuts off my oxygen. "Stop squirming you stupid brat!" He barks into my ear. Too late now, I've used all my strength. Sebastian tilts my head back, exposing my fleshy neck, feeling the sharp pain of him plunging a needle deep into it. As soon as he removes it, I begin to fall limp in his strong arms as my surroundings become blurry. Not again. My eyes are forcing themselves shut as I slowly lose all consciousness. Before slipping away, I hear Jim say, "This is what happens when you pry dear Rosie, surely daddy should have told you that. No? Well then, this will be fun!"

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