Chapter 31 (Rosie's POV)

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"Rosie, Rosie..." Speaks a soothing Irish voice. "Mmm?" I mumble half asleep. "Rosie dear, wake up." He taps me awake. I sleepily open my eyes and yawn. We're in the car and it's pitch black outside. "Sorry dear, I've got an urgent meeting with a client which I need to go to now. It's just in London aquarium and you're coming with me." He says. "Oh, ok. What time is it?" I ask as I watch my sight adjust to its surroundings. "10 pm. You've been asleep for an hour dear."
"Sorry, I'm tired. So I'm coming with you properly this time, not just sitting with Sebastian?
"Yes, it's something you've been wanting to do for a while isn't it?"
"I thought so dear. You won't have to do much, feel free to explore the place."
"Ooo, exploring an aquarium in the dark, that sounds cool."
"Alright dear, we'll be there soon."

We're at the aquarium in this large cooly lit room supported by wooden beams. Dad is just pacing around impatiently, chin on hand, as he waits for his client. He still hasn't properly explained his job yet, all I know is that it's very secretive. "Sorry dear, I'm just waiting. It's sooo annoying when people are late." He moans annoyedly. "No, it's ok." I say simply as I browse the colourful fish tanks. "Good." In the centre of the room is a small, wooden bench and I decide to take a seat on it. My leg brushes against something fragile, flowers attached to the side. I look a little closer, curious to see what they are for. There is a damp note on the side and I decide to read it purely out of interest. It says: 'Always in our hearts, beloved wife. I'm looking after her, she's doing so well'. The flowers must be a remembrance for someone who died, poor woman. I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Dad speaks. "It's time for me to leave dear, I want you to wait here for me." He instructs as he puts his phone back in his pocket. "Alright." I respond dissatisfied as I want to see what he actually does. But I guess, it is a secretive business. He leaves the room, glancing back towards me for a split second, and exits. So I have to stay put, but the urge to explore is overwhelming. The idea of what happened at the warehouse sends a warningful shiver down my spine, reminding me to not cross that line again. Bored-
"Bored!" Yells Sherlock impatiently letting the whole school assembly know his feelings. Everyone turns to face him in disgust and he rolls his eyes. "Sherlock! For god sakes! This is Rosie's performance." John whispers at him in annoyance. Everything is distorted, almost like a glitch as if it's something wrong in a program. I watch him from the stage sadly but continue my lines. "Sorry Rosie! I'm kidding, you're doing great!" Sherlock yells and I giggle, that's just him. Plain old Sherlock-
What the hell? Yet another episode of confusion from my head injury, maybe I should inform Doctor Whittaker. I decide to shake it off as it's nothing, really. I continue to walk around the aquarium, deciding to leave the room and walk through the fish tunnel. They're my favourite part of aquariums, getting to see all the varietys of fish swimming over your head, the room lit by a cool blue. I take a seat on one of the benches, looking up and admiring the beauty of nature. I let my thoughts swim with the fish and close my eyes. This moment of contempt doesn't last long as a burning smell snakes it's way into my nose, almost like someone's cooking a barbecue. It becomes stronger as a thick, cloudy mist begins to climb into the room. Then a huge surge of heat fills the air and I start to cough as my body rejects the smoke entering my lungs. Oh God, the building is on fire. The fire alarms blare out loudly, ringing in my ears as if someone is continuously screaming. I start to panic and the adrenaline rushes through my body. Get out. In a struggle, I run to the door with the glowing exit sign and try to yank it open but it doesn't budge.The smoke is filling my lungs like oxygen to a balloon, add to much and it will burst. I begin to cough violently and trip over my step, crashing to the hard ground. I don't want to die. I don't want to go. Fight it. In all my effort, I shakily lift up my head, trying to use my strength. I cough and splutter on the ground, the smoke suffocating me as I am left incapable of moving. Dad, please. Is he already dead? What caused this? The flames of the fire lick the door, laughing as they take their next victim. It'll be me next. Bang! Someone bursts through the side of the room in a desperate hurry and they sprint towards me. My eyes are too blurry from the smoke so I can't register who it is. "Rosie?! I've got you! Just hang on!" It's Dad, absolutely distraught and breathless. I feel him cradling me in his arms as he lifts my feeble body. He kicks down the door and races down a brightly lit corridor, battling against the hungry flames. Bang! Another door, then the next. Then cold, fresh air hits my fragile skin like a bullet. We're out. We've escaped. It's over. I feel damp grass tickle my back as he gently places me against the ground. I breath rapidly, taking in as much clean air as I possibly can. It's so refreshing, I'm desperate. I'm still spluttering but manage to take my frantic breaths under control. I hear my Dad still breathless beside me and he coughs several times before straightening up, untouched apart from  the smoke that has entered his lungs. My eyes have cleared and I can see him hunched beside me, red as a tomato from the heat. I'm surprised he's not burned. "Rosie, can you hear me?" He asks desperately. I sit up weakly and scour my body for any injuries. "I'm...fine. At least I think so." I let out, my voice hoarse. "It's fine. You're safe. I've got you dear. We need to go now..." He replies as his eyes flicker around anxiously. "But-"
"It's just smoke dear. You'll recover, there are no serious injuries. We must go...Sherlock's here."
"Wait...was this him?"
"Come on dear, let's go now before it's too late." He gently takes my arm and heaves me up. His car swerves around the corner towards us and we hop in and zoom off into the night. Sherlock...he did this. The monster. Dad saved me once again. I owe Dad that. And I owe Sherlock too. My revenge. I owe you Sherlock, I'm coming.

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