Chapter 28 (Rosie's POV)

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Two days have passed since I woke up in the medical room. Nothing much has happened since, basically my parents just came in to check on me every now and then. All I did was read 'Frankenstein' and sleep. Doctor Whittaker has told me and my parents that my memory evaluation test was successful and that no loss is suspected. So that's good news. I feel as if I have proper parents now and a semi-normal life, however I must admit, I do miss solving cases. My brain needs the thinking power, something to keep me occupied otherwise I get bored easily. Maybe I'll ask dad if I can join him on one of his 'trips'. Currently, I am curled up in the corner of the library on a beanbag reading through 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' by William Shakespeare. It's such a strange story but highly comical, I like it. Knock knock, sounds the door. "Come in!" I call. In pops dad wearing his usual navy blue suit from Westwood with a black tie. "Oh, I thought you'd be here dear." He says strolling in and taking a seat opposite me. "Hi dad. A whole room of books, where else would you find me?" I smile looking back down to my book. He curls his hands up placing them on his lap as he sits forwards. "How's your head?" He asks. "It's alright, still a bit sore. Doctor Whittaker checked it out and she says it's bruised. Luckily I have no memory loss."
"Good, I'm glad to see you're recovering dear." Dad beams. "Yeah, I'll be alright in no time."
"Are you bored dear?"
"Being stuck on this island, nowhere to go."
"If I be honest, yes. I am quite bored. With a mind like mine I need to occupy it, challenge it in some way."
"Same with me dear. We are quite alike you and I. How about coming out with me for a while?"
"Really?" My face lights up in excitement and Dad smirks. "Yes, really. Just a spot of business with a client of mine. But I can take you anywhere you'd like."
"Sure, count me in!" I agree happily. "Alright, come on dear. The helicopter leaves in a few minutes." He says standing up and reaching out a helping hand. I grab onto it and he pulls me up gently. "I'd best look after that head of yours dear." He says as we exit the library. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I reassure him. "Wonderful."

Me and Dad are sat together in the back of the helicopter browsing through his music playlist. He has a great taste in what he listens to, I must admit. "What one do you like dear?" He asks me. "Probably 'I want to break free'." I reply nodding my head. "Excellent choice," He praises me, "Now, my client is in London."
"But that's where Sherlock and John are. They probably have the whole city looking for me!" I panic anxiously. "I'm aware of that dear. That's why you have people called henchmen." He says calmly. "There is no need to worry dear, you're under my protection."
"Alright, I trust you. Where are we meeting this client anyway?"
"At a warehouse." I laugh at his answer. "A warehouse?"
"Yes, what I do is very secretive dear. Which means you'll have to wait for me with my henchmen."
"Oh." I express downhearted. Well that's annoying, so much for a challenge. "Sorry dear, it's for your protection. But I do have some good news though."
"Which is...?"
"Sebastian Moran. Do you remember him?" The name sounds familiar but I don't quite know who he is. "Who?"
"My most loyal sniper and bodyguard. He'll look after you."
"Ok, anything else?" I ask curiously. Dad turns to face me. "Afterwards, I was thinking of taking you downtown. Harrods, zoo, fair, anywhere."
"Sure, that sounds great. But-"
"It's all sorted dear." He interrupts and I cease my worry. "Shall we?"

We've arrived at the warehouse. It's completely abandoned and in the outskirts of London in the Industrial Estate. The place of meeting is old and falling apart, why would he want to meet a client here? "This is a strange meeting place." I remark and dad giggles slightly. "My work is secretive dear. Sebastian is on his way." He says. In a split second, a sleek blue Range Rover swerves the corner bringing an uprise of dust into the air. I cough slightly waving the particles out of my face as a tall, blonde man climbs out of the door and approaches us. "Hello Jim." Sebastian greets Dad shaking his hand. "Hello Moran, this is my daughter Rosie." Dad introduces me as Sebastian looks my way. "Hello little girl." He says nicely. Dad claps his hands triumphantly and turns towards me. "Right, I better be off! I love you dear, stay safe. Moran will keep watch on you, I'll be back soon. Behave." Dad tells me leaning in for a quick hug. He strolls excitedly with a spring in his step into the warehouse. I stand there next to Sebastian. "Right little miss, looks like today Jim wants me to take care of you. Follow me into the car." He says somewhat dully as he proceeds to the parked Range Rover. I follow him carefully to the car and enter the back seat. "Don't really know what to do with ya', Jim didn't tell me." Sebastian says as he looks over to me from the front seat. "I can wait." I state. "Get the job to shoot a few people not be a bloody nanny." He mutters angrily without realising that I can still hear him. Great, looks like I'm going to be bored for a while. In the back beside me are countless guns and snipers with their cases. Some have extra bits rolling around like scopes and aiming lasers. "Don't touch anything." Sebastian warns me dangerously. "Sorry, I was just observing." I say slightly impatient.
"Well don't." I shift in my seat, inching closer to where Sebastian is setting. "What do you do for my father?"
"You ask a lot of questions, don't you? Well, if you really want to know, I kill people who like to pry into my Boss' business."
"I assume you use a sniper because of all this equipment."
"Yeah, no shit. I'm the best in the country. Can kill a bastard from several miles."
"Interesting." Sebastian scoffs and turns to face me with his ocean blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. "Oh, if only you could see the look on people's faces when my sniper laser dances over their bodies..."
-I'm somewhere high in the wind, the London skyline below me. Sherlock stands in front of me, a maniacil grin etched upon his complex features. "Oh, I wouldn't bother with that dear, you aren't going anywhere." He sings eerily as a bright red laser dances on my chest- I gasp and smash my eyes shut. "Woah, the hell happened there?" Sebastian asks in bewilderment, staring at my pale face. "A flashback. I-what you said reminded me of being held at gunpoint by a sniper." I say as I shake my head. "I'm fine. Do you have an idea of how long my Dad will be?"
"God knows. He has some tricky business to deal with. Surprised he brought you along to be honest."
"Why?" Sebastian contemplates for a second. "Never mind..." He says sighing. "Never mind wha-" Bang! Before I can finish my sentence, a deafening shot ricochets around the car causing Sebastian to look up in an instant. Oh God, Dad. "Stay here kid." Instructs Sebastian. I completely ignore him and rapidly swing the door wide open. "Oh no ya' don't!" Yells Sebastian furiously. "Get back here you stupid brat!" I dart off to the warehouse and yank open the huge doors with all my strength, shutting them behind me. "Dad!" I call loudly in dismay and sheer terror. The room is pitch black apart from a few lights illuminating a room towards the end. I make my way towards the source of light quickly and stop at the door. "Dad!" I call once again in fear. Then from out of the shadows, someone tightly pulls me towards them, hand cupped over my mouth to muffle my screams. I fight back in alarm trying to my release myself from their grip. That is until they do. "Rosie, stop! It's me!" Comes Dad's annoyed Irish voice. The lights flicker on to reveal the dark space and my dad beside me in a huff, suit all twisted up. "What the hell are you doing here?! Where is Sebastian?!" He demands enraged. "Dad, sorry! I'm sorry! I thought you got shot!" I apologise still panicked. "Hush now," he whispers pulling me into a hug, "I'm fine, everything is ok. Sorry dear, I'm not angry with you, it's at Moran." Dad states quietly trying to sooth my anxious state. Then Sebastian bursts through the door enraged and dad twists around. "Jim, I'm not a bloody babysitter!" He yells infuriated towards dad who takes a few steps closer to him. "I know you're not Seb." Dad speaks softly, hands sliding into his pockets. "Don't push my limits Seb, especially not in front of my daughter." Sings James threateningly. Sebastian looks as if he's about to explode but keeps his cool under the piercing look my Dad is giving him. Taking deep, shaky breaths he says, "Sorry Jim. I uh-sorry."
"I'm disappointed in you Seb. I gave you one job, is that too hard to ask?"
"N-no. Sorry Jim, sorry." His pleads become more frantic as he fears for his life. "What do you think dear?" Dad asks me and I have to snap out of my thoughts. "Sorry?"
"Should I let him go? I want you to decide."
"Oh, I-" I stutter as view Sebastian's look of terror. "Dad, it's not Sebastian's fault that I got away. He told me not to move from the car but I did. Besides, he's your best sniper, surely you wouldn't kill him?" I admit. My father raises his eyebrows and gestures for me to follow him to the door. We step past Sebastian's stiff body and I look to the floor avoiding his eyes and leave.

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