Chapter 34 (Rosie's POV)

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It isn't as easy as I expected it to be, playing the innocent little girl. As I have to forcefully show a sign of remorse towards Sherlock and be his vulnerable daughter. He terrifies me, every time I'm in his presence I can feel my heart punching rapidly at my chest. Dad is right. Sherlock seems to act all sweet and usual in front of his lover John, Dad did tell me that is a specific trait a psychopath will do. Mimic the emotions of others around them, generally coming across as a functioning person in society. Something really scary is that they can persuade or make people do terrible things that they would never do. It really does send shivers up my spine. At the moment I'm nesting under my plain, cotton duvet avoiding socialising as I have more urgent things to do. I have received one message from Dad but I've made sure to completely edit his number so it looks as if I'm receiving spam mails. He sent me this message earlier:
You know what to do dear. Stay put for now and await further instructions-Dad x
Everyone is fussing around me constantly, I've been told by John that Mycroft is coming over to question me even further. It's annoying. I just want my revenge. I just want Sherlock dead.
How long? I feel as if I wait too long I'll loose the courage to do what has to be done-R
I type away and in an instant comes Dad's reply.
Patience my dear. 3 days-Dad x

I get no further reply and set my phone aside, shutting my eyes with a deep exhale.

My hands are trembling in a sweaty heap as I force myself to steady my gun. The cold metal will scare my hands for as long as I live. Sherlock is in front of me kneeling on the floor, his head bowed in shame, dark locks drooped down the sides. Dad is beside me prowling around with his hands casually clasped behind his back as he shoots me a glare. "I-I don't know how." I sob. He steadies my shaking hands with his icy touch and steps closer to my ear. "Just pull the trigger dear." He whispers softly exchanging a small smile as his eyes draw back to Sherlock who hasn't moved an inch from his spot. My breaths are unsteady as I shift my thumb onto the sharp, metal outline of the trigger. "Just do it Rosie dear." Dad pleads. Click, click. I fix the barrel. "Don't waste this precious bullet." 3,2,1... Bang! The gun fires straight into Sherlock's head and he slumps forward, blood gushing out from the wound. "See? Wasn't that simply the easiest thing to do? Just a flick of the trigger." Dad laughs as he stands back beside me. It felt good, he's gone now. A smile creeps upon my rosy face as I slide the gun back into my pocket. Easy peasy...lemon squeasy. Now to do it for real.

I toss and turn all night as I feel completely restless and sick like I'm about to throw up something nasty. However, I do recall from Doctor Whittaker that due to the injection I had I will experience some unpleasant side effects. This must be it then. I guess I'm going to be like this all night. Maybe Dad might still be awake? My hand fumbles around the dark for my phone which is propped on my bedside table. I manage to reach it and begin to type up my message for Dad.
Sorry for the time of message but unfortunately I'm experiencing really bad side effects from that injection I had and I cannot sleep at all-R
One again his reply comes almost immediately.
Sorry dear, I'm not really trained in that specific area. Maybe speaking to me will help-Dad x
It isn't a question, it a request.
Of course, how is Mum?-R

Fine dear, she misses you. We both do-Dad x

Same. I'm just waiting for the right moment now-R

Certainly, you seem rather desperate my dear-Dad x

Who wouldn't be?-R

What's been happening so far? Are you alright dear?-Dad x

I'm ok but that doesn't mean I'm not terrified of Sherlock. He's been acting so nice, just like you said he would. John seems to have made up with him and is really happy with my return. Everyone has been fussing all over me, it's annoying. I was also taken in for compulsory questioning by the police department with Sherlock and managed to hide our cover. But now John is telling me that Mycroft wants to question me too-R

Oh dear, hang in there. Good job on the cover up. I told you what Sherlock would do. Now, are you scared?-Dad x

Of Sherlock? Yes, terrified, he's so unpredictable. Of killing him? No-R

Predictable-Dad x

Ha. Thanks for recommending Bohemian Rhapsody to me, it's a work of art-R

Yes, told you I had good taste. Now, I better be off and you need some sleep. Just try for me dear. Goodnight-Dad x

Thanks for the chat, it was helpful. Goodnight-R x

I leave it there and screw my eyes shut making sure to eliminate these inconvenient side effects. 3 days, I can wait.

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