Chapter 9 (Rosie's POV)

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After checking Sylvia's body, me and Sherlock head to the Digones Club in order to visit Mycroft. Along the way, Sherlock decides to question me about where I went with Josh. "Oh, he's Mr Woodbridge. He just started working at St Bartholomew's after transferring from the London Metropolitan University. Molly told me that Josh wanted to see me, I was confused at first but then he explained everything. After seeing me and you in the hospital, he wanted to give me extra time for the maths exams." Sherlock furrows his eyebrows at me. "Mmm."
"What did you find out about Sylvia?"
"Nothing really." He says dissatisfied. "Nothing?"
"Yup. I need to ask Mycroft to see her MI5 files." He begins to focus on the surroundings outside the cab. "Why doesn't he just tell you what the information is that Sylvia obtained? Or just get it himself instead of asking us to risk our lives?" I ask annoyedly. Sherlock sits there staring into oblivion, probably delving deep into his mind palace. Letting out a short sigh, I slowly move my head to the right and rest it on Sherlock's shoulder. This makes him flinch ever so slightly, probably because he wasn't expecting it, and peers down staring right at me. Giving him a subtle smile, I shut my eyes and I feel the gentle touch of his hands delicately and slowly stroke my head.

"I'm sorry brother dear but I can not allow you access to Sylvia's classified files."
"But I need those files! Do you want this information or not?!"
I am sat in the back of my uncles tidy office listening to him have a row with Sherlock over giving him access to Sylvia's files. Their consistent arguing is irritating me a lot seeing as it's the only thing I've been listening to for the past 20 minutes. However, I do have an idea. Without them noticing, I gingerly creep out of the office and make my way towards the kitchen. As soon as I get there, I enter the door, finding myself surrounded by tons of staff members rushing around, preparing food, washing dishes and gathering ingredients. I come to a halt as a butler stops me in my tracks. "Hello Madam Watson." He gestures politely. "Please, call me Rosie." I ask. "Certainly. What can I help you with today Rosie?"
"I would like some cake please."

Minutes later, I re-enter Mycroft's office carrying a large plate of the most luxurious chocolate cake. This should do the trick. Sherlock and Mycroft cease their arguing and bring all their attention to me. Mycroft looks shocked but then eyes the cake hungrily and Sherlock gives me his usual 'clever girl' smirk. "I got bored of you guys arguing and brought you some of this amazingly tasty chocolate cake." I say emphasising 'amazingly tasty' as I slide the tray in front of Mycroft. "What on earth do you think you're doing Miss Watson?" Mycroft says displeased. "I'm just a bit hungry that's all. I hope you don't mind me sharing it with Sherlock." I say innocently handing Sherlock a napkin and a fork. He smiles and takes a huge bite, winking at me in the process. "Oh Delicious. It's so chocolatey. Rosie you outdid yourself." He says impressed, going along with the plan. "Shame Brother Dear that you can't try any." Mycroft rolls his eyes looking incredibly frustrated as we munch away at the cake. "This is SO GOOD. The chocolate is brilliant. Mmm." I say exaggerating everything. "Oh for the love of God!" Mycroft calls out infuriated as he tries to snatch the tray but fails as Sherlock grabs it first. "The files first." Sherlock says sternly holding out his hand. Reluctantly, Mycroft reaches into his filing cabinet and slams Sylvia's files into his hand. As promised, Sherlock slides the tray back to Mycroft as he digs right into the cake as if he hadn't eaten in ages. "Thanks Brother Dear!" Sherlock calls out as he flamboyantly opens the door to leave. "Have a nice day!" I call back. I can't believe my dumb plan worked!

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