Chapter 8 (Rosie's POV)

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Me and Sherlock are at St Bartholomew's hospital today as he needs to see Sylvia's body in the morgue. However, I don't really fancy seeing a dead body today so I sit in Molly's lab waiting for him to finish. I fidget with my fingers in my lap as I think through everything that has happened to me in the past several weeks. It's been crazy but that's living with Sherlock for you. There's a few knocks on the door as Molly awkwardly enters, she doesn't realise that I am in here. "Oh-sorry Rosie I didn't realise you were in here. I thought you were with-um Josh. Was it Josh? Yes. Josh." She stutters. Josh? Does she mean Sherlock or John? Surely she's not that stupid. "You mean Sherlock?" I question perplexed. "Uh, no,I mean Josh." She says trying to remember. "Sorry Molly but I don't know who Josh is." I reply sincerely. "I haven't met him, his er-colleague or my colleague asked for you." She smiles. Who is Josh? And how does he know me? "Um-I can take you to my colleague." She offers opening the door. Right? I mean Molly knows who this person is-I think anyway-so I hesitantly get up from the table and follow her. "Just this way." Molly leads me to one of the lab doors. "Just through there. Don't worry, I'll tell Sherlock."
"Right. Thanks." I say cautiously opening the door. To my surprise, Mr Woodbridge is sitting at a desk tapping away at a computer. "Mr Woodbridge...?" I say surprised. How does he know I'm here? Is this his workplace? "Hi, sorry for the scare." He laughs nervously looking up from the computer. "How did you know I was here?" I question apprehensively. "Did you not see me?"
"This is my second place of work. I tutor all kinds of people, especially here. Sorry for the confusion but I saw you come in with your Dad and I thought whilst you were waiting you would like to do some maths work?" Oh? Phew, I was really worried for a second. "Oh, right sure. Who's Josh by the way?" I say relieved. "Me. Josh Alexander Woodbridge. Teacher of Maths and Science at various schools and St Bartholomew's hospital."
"How come I've never seen you here before?"
"I've just got the job. I used to be a professor at London Metropolitan University." I take the seat opposite him and he hands me a maths book. "Right we've only got 3 weeks until your exams. Let's get to work!"

Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring. "Sorry." I apologise to Josh as I answer my phone. It's Sherlock. "Get back to the morgue. We're going home now."
"Yes, sure. I'm coming."
"Catch you later."
"No you won't. Joking, see you in a moment." I laugh, ending the call. "Sorry er-Josh. Thanks for the help but it's my stepdad-in a way- Sherlock, and I need to go now. Goodbye." I thank Josh, handing him back my maths book. "No problem, see you Monday. Wait-before you go. You mean the Sherlock? The detective?" He asks intently. "Yes, the clever guy with the funny hat."
"Wow, I love him he's my idol. Tell him I'm his biggest fan. Oh sorry, you see, I'm a bit of a fanboy." He says embarrassed, flushing a rose pink. "No, it's ok. He has that effect on people. Bye."

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