Chapter 33 (Sherlock's POV)

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2 weeks. That's all it's been. In that short period of time the unimaginable has happened. After the event back in Hamleys, John decided to return to my brother's home as he wants nothing to do with me. That is until I find Rosie. I'm trying John, I really am. When have I not tried for you? I'm such an idiot. I can solve any disappearance in a matter of a few days yet when it's my own daughter, it takes weeks. It's breaking me. The flat is nothing without John's presence, just an empty space occupied by an emotionally unstable sociopath and his pet skull. My eyes flash open in an instant as I hear the door unlocking and Mrs Hudson's cries of hysteria. Continued by the thumping of two pairs of feet up the creaky steps. Then the door bursts open with Mrs Hudson looking shocked to the bone, eyes damp from crying. Hiding behind her is a slightly smaller figure in the shadows. "Sherlock...she's back." Mrs Hudson sniffles as she steps aside revealing...Rosie. She looks exhausted, probably from her long helicopter ride here from Sherrinford. A faint smile plasters her lips and her golden locks are in a frenzy. Her pupils are subtlety diluted, drugs have caused this, but not my type. The type that puts someone to sleep or knocks them unconscious. Chloroform and Ketamine. She's also suffered a blow to the back of the head, maybe from something hard. "R-Rosie...?" I let out in a shaky voice, still trying to comprehend her physical self back in my flat. Faint tears prick my eyes and I hurriedly wipe them away. "Oh my...Rosie!" I call in disbelief as I spring up from my chair. "Dad!" She replies in relief as she runs into my wide arms, embracing me tightly. I wrap my hands around her back and pull her closer in a longing manner. A tear trickles down my cheek, but this isn't sadness. It's joy. Joy that my daughter has returned at last. It is hard to explain my emotions but I'm imagining in those movies when the parent is finally reunited with their child after an event that ripped them apart. Yes, that's how I feel. My hand strokes her glistening strands as she sobs into my purple shirt. " did you escape?" I question her in shock. It must have been a task escaping from my psychotic sister and Moriarty...unless-no, it couldn't be. "I-I-" She continues to sob, dampening my shirt. It must be pure shock. "No, no it's alright. It's alright now. You're safe now. You're safe." I reassure her as her sobbing stops. "Where's John?" She asks as she retreats from our embrace. "Oh, he-he went out to do something. I'm going to call him now." I say as the pain of him leaving strains my voice. "Oh this is lovely!" Mrs Hudson rejoices, dabbing away at her eyes with a tissue. "Rosie dear, I've missed you." She sniffles some more as Rosie joins her in a hug. Now is the time to call John. I must let Lestrade, Molly and Mycroft know too of her return. This is going to be difficult...I grab my phone from my blazer pocket and immediately dial John's number. Ring ring. Ring ring. "What is it Sherlock?" John asks in an angry annoyance. "She...she's home John. Our daughter is back."

The flat door slowly opens revealing John out of breath looking completely confound. His sparkling blue eyes meet Rosie and they light up with jubilation. "Oh my God...Rosie!" John cries in happy relief as he runs towards Rosie, cradling her in his arms. Tears are endlessly cascading down his cheeks like a heavy rainfall as his arms wrap around Rosie tightly. "I thought I would never see you again!" John sobs into her shoulder, there really isn't much of a height difference. "Hello Dad." Rosie says simply. "I-I saw what happened! How did you-how did you escape?" John let's out, fumbling over his words as the shock takes over. "It's a...long story." Rosie seems completely different in her reactions, almost like a new person has taken over. I'm guessing this is just her being overwhelmed. "I'm just glad you're safe darling. I-I love you so much. You know that?"
"Yes, of course."
"I-I thought I lost you. Do you have any idea who you were in the hands of?"
"" That's a lie. Why is Rosie lying? Wait...I don't think Rosie is safe yet. Things still don't add up. You can't just escape from Sherrinford like that. Unless they allowed her too. I must re-evaluate those messages sent to me. This isn't over yet. But can I tell John? Haven't I already done enough damage? I don't want to spoil this moment. I must inform Lestrade and get Rosie questioned. "Sherlock? Sherlock?" Comes John's calming voice. "Hmm? Yes?"
"What should we do now?" He questions. "Well, I need to inform everyone on Rosie's return. Lestrade will need to take her in for questioning."
"Right. When will that be?"
"Today." John sighs and turns to Rosie. "Sorry Rosie, it's compulsory. Is that alright with you?" He asks her. "Yes, it's fine." She replies. "Right," I clap my hands, "I need to make a lot of calls."

I've called everyone I possibly can and they all had the basic human reactions. Molly was very surprised and began crying. Lestrade was also surprised and happy for me and John. Mycroft wasn't surprised at all but I could tell he was secretly glad. Right now I'm inside the dimly lit interrogation room beside Rosie with Lestrade. John is viewing us from the glass panel outside and I can sense his agitation bleeding through the room. "Now Rosie, this isn't something to be afraid about, you're not in trouble. This is just basic police protocol. I just need you to answer these questions as honestly as you can for me." Lestrade explains calmly as he flicks the switch on the recording tape. I glance over towards Rosie attempting a small smile but her focus is drawn to her lap. Gently, I place my arm around her shoulder for reassurance but she shifts in her seat so I drop it. "We already know who your captor is and how you were abducted by the use of chloroform. But I want you to explain to me what happened after." Rosie's breaths start to become unsteady as she shifts further in her seat towards the wall. She seems to be moving away from me. "I...I can't...remember." She lets out in a shaky voice. "Please can you try for me? Anything will do." Lestrade pleads. Rosie shakes her head.  "No...I can't. I think-I think I hit my head."
"She did," I interrupt, "There's a lump on the back of her head." Rosie looks at me then focuses back down to the floor. "Right...that could be an influence. But you were held captive at Sherrinford Island by James Moriarty and Eurus Holmes."
"Did anything happen to you?"
"I-I hit my head. But...I don't know how."
"Ok, and how did you escape? I was told by Sherlock that you knew."
"Um...they let me go." I knew it. This must be all part of their game. Traumatise my daughter, wreck my relationship with John...but what for? "They let you go? Why?"
"They...felt bad for me...said I should go back home. Eurus just wanted to say...hi."
"Anything else?"
"Right, thank you Rosie. Now, if you happen to remember anything-anything at all let us know." Lestrade ends the recording and gets up from his chair and opens the door for us. Rosie slowly walks out with me following behind. What have they done to you Rosie?

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