Chapter 24 (Sherlock's POV)

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"So what you're telling me is that there is no way in accessing Sherrinford?" I question my brother frustratedly. "Not until we get into the security." Replies my irritable brother, tapping his fingers rhythmically on his lap. I glance over to John and he meets my eyes despondently, clear of all hope. "Do we just sit here and wait then?" Speaks John in annoyance. "Other things can be done John." Says Mycroft ceasing his tapping. "Like what?" He argues. "I can get one of our top hackers to break into Sherrinford's security system."
"And how long will that take?"
"Around 2-3 days depending on how experienced your hacker of choice is," I interrupt, "John, pass me my laptop." He reaches over to the side table and grabs it, passing it over to me. "Or you can let me do it in an hour." I persuade to my brother with one of my dashing brief smiles. "Go ahead, but be careful." He urges. "Of course brother dear, when I have I never been careful?" John opens his mouth to answer. "Don't answer that." I say opening my laptop and logging in. Right, let's begin.

"How are you getting on?" John asks putting both hands on my shoulders as he leans in to see my progress. "Fine." I lie, something isn't right about the security, they must have hacked it before me. Pretty obvious Sherlock, but it is worth the try. "Well, it doesn't look fine." He claims. "That's because it's not. I think they must have hacked it knowing that I would try and decode it. I can't get through, it won't give me entry." I assert. "They as in Eurus?"
"Yup." John removes his hands from my shoulders. "Why didn't you just let Mycroft sort it with his hacker?" He begins to quarrel, I can hear the ill temper rise in his voice. "Because you don't get Mycroft to sort your problems." I state calmly, keeping my eyes on the screen. "But he's the British Government!" John insists. "Doesn't mean he's always right John."
"I know what this is Sherlock. This is you trying to be clever! You just want to impress Mycroft with your skills because you think that it's more important than saving our daughter!" He roars in fury, accusing me of ridiculous things once again.
"John please, I wouldn't do that. I've changed." I reason calmly. "No you haven't! You're just a bloody psychopath like the rest!" He bellows in a spite of rage, his words stabbing me recklessly through the heart. "John I-"
"SHUT UP! And stay shut up! I don't want to hear it Sherlock!" My eyes start to fill up with tears, threatening to break free from their small prisons. "Please John-" I continue to beg, ignoring his demands. "NO, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! I'm going to find my daughter on my own, I don't need some sick monster who thinks his pride is more important!" His cries of resentment impale me like serrated daggers striking through my body all at once. I sit there motionless, apprehensive to what he'll do next. Unfortunately, we have an unpleasant history with issues of violence, the trauma from which makes me worse in these situations. John suddenly jerks his hand sideways causing me to flinch and screw my eyes shut. Nothing. I lift one eye open followed by the next to see John rifling through the mantlepiece. He grabs hold of our anniversary photo and flings it to the ground, stomping on it repeatedly, making the glass shatter and the photo tear in several places. John brings his attention back to me with a loathsome glare followed by these words exactly in a venomous growl: "Look what've you've done." My face quivers uncontrollably and it takes all my effort to not let a tear slip from its refuge. Breathing rapidly, John makes his way towards me again and in a split second I bring my arm to my face cowering in fright. Nothing. Just the sound of the door slamming and my relationship being completely obliterated.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry Sherlock! I was out, if I had known-" Mrs Hudson cries apologetically. "No no, it's alright. It's not your fault." I say, still shaking from earlier. "Where's John gone to now? He must be so alone and you..."
"Alone is all I protects people from me."
"Sherlock..." She pities me, placing an arm on my shoulder for reassurance. "He's gone to Mycroft seeking help." I cough, pain straining my voice. "Not from you...?"
"No, not from me..." My voice cracks, I feel the tears forcing their way out. "What are you going to do now?" She continues to ask. "I-I don't know..." I whimper. Too late. I feel the cool dampness of a tear make its longing escape from my eye. Mrs Hudson immediately notices. "Oh Sherlock! Don't cry!" She pulls out a single tissue from her pocket and passes it to me. I dab at my tear and find fresh ones falling out like raindrops. Here it comes. Human emotions. Mrs Hudson draws me into a hug and I bury my head into her side hiding it from view. I don't want her to see me like this, or anyone. "It's alright dear, just let it out Sherlock. I'm here." She rubs my back soothingly as I sob silently into her side making her flowery dress damp. "Never trust a hug Mrs Hudson. It's just a way to hide your face." I let out, my words muffled into the soft cotton of her clothing.

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