Chapter 26

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Ian's pov

January came by fast. Long distance was terrible so I hoped I could work up enough strength that at the end of this trip I could break it off. I didn't want to but I've dealt with long distance before and it turned out to just waste seven years of my life.

"Ian." Anthony said. "We're getting on the plane." I stood up and grabbed my stuff then headed to the plane. I walked to first class and took my seat. It was right next to Anthony so I prepared to explain what I was going to do.

"Anthony I need to talk to you about something." Anthony looked over at me in worry and confusion.

"So you know how me and Melanie went long distance then broke up?" Anthony nodded. "Well I dont think I could relive that."

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"Im saying that I cant spend another seven years waiting to see her again. I'm saying that I have to leave her. For good." I said.

Anthony nodded and told me something else. I agreed and the plane took off. After a couple of minutes I fell asleep.


Anthony woke me up a little before we landed. We landed and I got my stuff and Anthony got his and we walked off towards the front. I saw Skylar standing there with one of those limo signs that said their last names and ours said 'SMOSH'. She even included our logo on it. She saw us and we exchanged smiles.

"Nice sign." I complimented and laughed.

"Thanks it took me five minutes." She never lost her slight sense of humor.

"Well you're never getting back those five whole minutes." Anthony told her. She nodded and led us out to her car. It took us about half an hour to get to her house. It was two stories and had a huge backyard.

"So um what happened to your apartment you were getting?" I asked figuring this was her parents house.

"I'll talk about it inside because its hard to explain." She said.

"Ok." We walked inside and the smell of something amazing filled the house.

"Is it just me or does it smell f*cking amazing?" Anthony whispered.

"Anthony." I hit him a little and rolled my eyes.

"Anthony you should get used to it thats how all of Great Britain smells." She said hear his comment. I laughed and he started to look a little embarrassed that he wasn't a good whisperer. She looked back at us and smiled seeing our faces.

"Mum, dad this is Ian and Anthony from smosh." I heard her say a little British origin coming with it.

"Wait thats your mum? I thought she was your mom." Anthony joked. I gave him a death glare but Skylar let it roll off her shoulder by saying,

"Ya Anthony two different things. I don't know how anyone could mistake that."

I stopped staring at him to give her mom (or mum) and dad a hand shake and then we followed her upstairs. She took some of our stuff but we carried most of it.

"This is Caleb's room but he is at a camp so you guys can use his bed or use the guest room or something else but we can handle that later." She said. Anthony nudged me and lifted an eyebrow at him. I shook my head and looked back at Skylar and where she was going.

"Thats the bathroom and this is my room." She pointed out. We put all of our stuff in her room. She had a big room with a king-sized bed, a desk, a small walk in closet, and a full sized mirror. It was a little messy but it was my as messy as my room usually.

She motioned for both of us to sit on her bed and she sat in her desk chair. I sat down and watched Anthony to sit down too.

"So about getting an apartment." Anthony said breaking the silence.

"Ok so my mom let me stay here so I could earn more money. Then I told her you guys were coming so its less crowed here than it would be in an apartment." She said with us nodding.

"I was also looking at prices of apartments and these are super expensive so I was actually thinking of going the distance to the United States and buying one and they are much cheaper there than here." She said.

"Are you sure about that because I know California's aren't that cheap." Anthony said.

"Oh ya the ones downtown are about 750,000 in your currency."

"You mean dollars." Ian said smiling.

"No coins." I joked.


Skylar went to the bathroom and I talked to Anthony while she was gone.

"If she moves to America then I don't have to break up with her." I said.


I went to the bathroom which is right next to my room so I could hear what Ian and Anthony were talking about.

"If she moves to America then I don't have to break up with her." I heard Ian say. It took a bit to process but I realized that he was planning on breaking up and that I'm moving to America.


Authors note:

So I was listening to Disney songs while writing this yes I know I'm a bit too old for that but whatever don't judge or do i don't care.

Anyway so there is a Hercules joke in here from one of the songs so ya if you found it then cool idk that sounds rude but oh well.

Thanks for reading it makes me feel good that I don't have only like one or two people reading this. And no I wont make all author notes like this so if you worried that I am then just ya.

Just remember that people can show you the world on a carpet that is somehow floating and the world means just the little town they live in. - Aladdin

Ok before I take up too much with disdey references I'm gonna go.


I'm his and he's mine -completed-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin