Chapter 28

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Ian's pov

We finished the movie and Anthony said he was going to bed. It was just me and Skylar now. I turned toward her to see that she had too. She poked me on the nose and I did the same to her. I gave her a hug then tickled the back of her neck still in a hug. She laughed and put her hand against my bare chest to push me away. I laughed and mumbled,

"Your hands are cold." She laughed at me and I took her hands. I held them and looked at her. We exchanged smiles and she pushed our hands towards my neck and I let go letting my hands go to her hips. The last thing I remember was us kissing.


The next morning I woke up and saw that she wasn't here. I got up and walked to see Anthony was up already too. I walked downstairs and everyone was sitting at the table.

"Its so cold down here." I said which got a couple laughs.

"Well it might be because its snowing." Anthony said. I got myself a plate with eggs and bacon on it. They talked about what todays plan was and I just listened. Felix and Mariza were already on their way so we would go outside for an hour until they got here because they left super early.

We got dressed and gloves and a hat. We walked outside. I immediately picked up some snow and made it into a snowball. I threw it straight at Anthony and it hit him in the face. He wiped his face off and yelled.

"Its on now." He made one and it pounded me in the head. I got some snow and threw it back at him. It turned into a war between me and him until I slipped while I tried to throw it. Skylar ran to help me and kept asking if I was ok. I nodded my head and she helped me get up. I took the snowball that was still in my hand and threw it at her.

"Ian freakin Hecox." She yelled as she wiped her face off and Anthony threw one at her too. She slipped on the ice and dragged me down with her. We slid down and she kissed me when we ran into the ground. We stood up and all went inside to warm up.


We stayed there for a while until the doorbell rang. We all ran to the door and saw Felix and Mariza. Ian and Anthony exchanged hugs with them and I might as well. I hugged Mariza and Felix hoping it wouldn't be awkward. It wasn't.

"So where do we put our stuff?" Mariza asked. We took their bags to the guest room and then came back to the living room. We all caught up on lost time and then we were going to get food.

"Hey can we do a lunchtime?" Ian asked me.

"Sure but I'm driving."

"Ok. Hey Anthony can you get the camera?"

"Wait is it alright?" I nodded my head and he ran upstairs and into his bag to get his camera. We all headed to the car Anthony catching up behind us. I got in the drivers seat, Ian in the passenger seat, Anthony and Felix on both sides of Mariza.


"Hey guys and welcome to another lunchtime with smosh. So um what food are we eating Anth--- wait you're not Anthony." He said pointing the camera at me, I stopped at a stoplight and looked at him and smiled.

"Wait if you're Skylar then theres Mariza and Felix and." He paused. "And Anthony." He said in a sad tone.

"Anyway where are you taking us?" Anthony asked her.

"I actually don't know where I'm going soo." She said. We all laughed.

"And we let you drive?!" I said which caused everyone to have more laughter.

"Hey is everyone good with Italian?" Skylar asked as everyone stopped laughing. We all nodded and she drove to a fast food Italian restaurant. We went in and ordered then took our food back to the car. Once we started moving I turned the camera back on.

"We got our FOOD!!" I said and we all lifted plastic bags up with the food in it. We drove into the garage and I realized barber shop pole wasn't here. We set all of our stuff on the table. They put it in styrofoam boxes and two of them accidentally rub together and Skylar plugged her eyes super fast.

"What?" I asked.

"I hate the sound of styrofoam." She said.

"Sorry." I said. We all told the camera what we got and did our first bites. We ate some more until I said.

"Anthony I believe its time for something."

"Finding twitter questions, finding twitter questions, finding twitter questions."

"Smosher139 asks will Ian and Anthony do a lady and the tramp scene." I took one of the noodles and just ate one at the same time he did. We made sure that we had two different noodles though so it worked out for us.

Once we got to the end of each of ours Anthony yelled in the camera.

"Not happening."

"Ok so smoshisawesome asks. 'Is Felix and Mariza engaged?'" I saw them exchange glances. Then Felix said,


"TheJovenshire asks, why did you guys have to go to Great Britain if anything they should've came to us."

"Joven its nice that you actually didn't ask to come before." Ian said. Once we finished our food they turned on the camera again and said.

"Now that our food is completed skylar what would you rate this meal?"

"14 lady and the tramps out of 20."

"Thats a pretty good rating. Bye," I started and we all said,


I'm his and he's mine -completed-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin