Chapter 37

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Ian's pov

The next 4 days were like the ones before. Today being the last day we are here we all went to a romantic dinner. Anthony felt a little left out but we tried to not act like a couple as much as we could.

"So what have you decided to do about Kalel?" Mariza asked.

"Uh I don't know, I think that she is going to scream at me for something so I'm not planning ahead." He answered. I truly thought he would get mad at her but he didn't.

We finish our meal and walked home. It wasn't long until we passed the tree Skylar talked about. I wrapped my arm around her waist. She did the same back and I kissed her forehead. She smiled and everyone got home again.

"Ok well I'm tired good night." I said.

"I am too." Anthony said.


Soon everyone was heading to bed. I walked in my bedroom and Ian was still awake.

"Hey you." I said walking in with my pajamas on. I had put low hanging pigtails in.

"Those are cute but I think its better without them." He said. I stared at him worried if he was meaning my pigtails or my clothes. "I know you're trying to guess which one I'm talking about so I wont tell you unless you get it right."

"And if I don't?" I asked.

"I haven't thought of that yet."

"Ok so knowing your personality you would mean clothes but I don't think they look cute so it makes me think pigtails."

"So whats your answer?" he asked.

"Ugh umm..... Clothes." I decided.

"Wron- wrong wrong wrong wrong." He sang. (Yes, Ryan Higa don't judge) I just laughed.

"So you actually meant pigtails because those I don't care if I have or not." I said pulling them out. I sat on my pillow knowing I wouldn't fall asleep soon. He sat up to try and stay up later with me. He took one of my curls in his hand and twirled it around a little.

I kept looking at him the whole time. "Why are you staring at me weird?" He asked.

"You don't have any curls that I can play with." I smiled. He let out a small laugh and moved closer until our lips touched. He reluctantly took my bottom lip and pulled it down a little. I agreed to letting him do that and the next thing I know both of our tongues were fighting for dominance.

"I won." He said then went back to kissing. I giggled a little and went to sleep.


I woke up and Ian was sitting on the bed.

"Hey beautiful." Ian said.

"Hey handsome." I said back.

"Anthony made pancakes."

"Ehhhh there so far away." I complained.

"I would offer to carry you but my arms are tired." I nodded understandingly and sat up a bit.

"So are you ready for us to leave?" he asked.

"No I'm going to miss you guys. Oh and by the way I'm leaving in March so it will only be two months."

"Its still a long time."

"I know." I went towards him and gave him a hug. "But after that we will see each other a lot." A smile creeped on his face and we walked downstairs.

"Finally you guys showed up. I thought we would have to leave without you." Anthony joked.

"You aren't going to be that lucky." I said.

"Ok well our flight leaves in three hours and I want to be there early so you guys should like eat breakfast." Anthony said.

"Fine, mom." Ian said. Anthony gave him a death stare and Ian put his arms up in defeat. We got our breakfast and sat at the table.

The time came for them to leave. I drove them to the airport and Marzia and Felix left to go home themselves.

"Bye Anthony," I said and hugged him. Most of us are close now so it wasn't awkward. "Bye Ian." I continued, giving him one last kiss. They walked inside and I leaned against my car tears trying to spill out of my eyes. I resisted until I knew they couldn't see me. I climbed in the drivers seat and drove towards my home.

My parents weren't home so I wrote a note saying 'I'm going for a walk, be back later.'

I got my coat and put my boots on. I walked outside to find it snowing a lot heavier then ever. "Great just what I need." I said to myself. I trudged along in the snow to the tree. I past a lake and looked at it. I'm going ice skating later. I kept on my path to the tree and climbed it. The branches were a little slippery but it didn't stop me. I got up and saw a vase. It had mine and Ian's flower in it.

'I don't know when you read this but when you do I just hope it will be before you leave to America. If not the flower will probably be gone or the vase will break or something else will happen but anyway I got way off topic. Pleasure of being me I guess. Anyway, Skylar I need to tell you something important that I couldn't pull myself to tell you in person.....

Something happened in California a week before we came..... I went to the doctor and it turns out I have prostate cancer.' I looked away trying to think of the best possibilities like if he is joking around or someone was trying to separate us. I couldn't think of anything else so I looked back to see what was wrong.

'Please I know you will freak out but its true. The doctor said I'll live but once I'm back in America I have to spend a week in the hospital. Its for the best right? Anyway you and Anthony are the only people who know, at least when I wrote this. So I guess if you need to know more just call me or Anthony and please don't tell anyone we don't need rumors spreading.'

The note finished there and I sat back and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I stayed there for about two hours until I realized I should go home.

The snow had gotten thicker and the wind blew harder. I couldn't even let out a laugh to my own "joke". I looked back at the lake and looked down the path towards my house. I stopped walking and watched all the little kids play in the snow. It seemed everything was going in slow motion. I saw a bench that wasn't covered in snow. I sat on it and took out my phone. Its been 4 hours since Ian and them left. Their plane trip was 8 hours long.

"Hey lady!" A little kid yelled at me.

"What?" I asked.

"My mom sent me here to practice ice skating but I keep falling and she left so I don't know what to do."

"Why don't I call her? Do you know her number?" I asked.

"Ya its (123) 456-789." He told me.

"Ok." I said and typed it in.


"Hi um I have a little kid who can't find his mother and he says this is your number."

"Oh yes where is he?"

"He is at the lake."

"Ok I'll be there in a minute."

"Ok than--" she hung up. It went to my lock screen and a picture of Ian showed up.

"Is that Ian from smosh!!" The little boy asked.

"Yes why?"

"I'm just a huge fan of smosh and apparently you are too. Wait are you Skylar." He asked. I paused wondering if I say yes or if he would become a stalker.

"Um ya."

"Oh my gosh thats so cool." He almost yelled. I was so glad to see his mom come.

"Zack what are you doing out here by yourself? Come on now." He walked slowly toward her and they drove off. I looked at my phone with the image of Ian still there. My life was breaking apart knowing what is happening.

I'm his and he's mine -completed-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin