LA Pictures✔️

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Background info: You and your best friend took a trip to LA trying to find a place to move. When you are out in the city you go to eat in a little restaurant. You see Colby and Brennen when you both are eating.


You and your best friend just walked into a cute little restaurant. You have been walking non-stop all day. You both sit down and the waitress comes to take your drink order. While glancing around you notice someone, someone amazing.
"Y/b/f/n (your best friends name)! It's Colby Brock and Brennen Taylor!!" You whisper-yell at your best friend.
"Omg no way! He's your crush!" She whisper-yells back.
"Shhhh what if they hear us." You start blushing.
"Awww you're blushing!" She starts giggling.
"Oh shut up!" You laugh with her.

You are both laughing when the waitress brings your food. You dig in. Once you are both done eating you notice Brennen and Colby stand up. You pay and both rush out the door. You see them walking. You both fast walk up to them and ask for a picture.

"Yea, you can have a picture!" Colby says as you pass your phone to y/b/f/n. She lifts it up and you stand between Colby and Brennen as they put their arms around you. You blush.
"Here you can get individual pictures with us too." Brennen says stepping aside. You stand there with Colby's arm around you as your friend takes a million pictures. Suddenly you feel his lips on your cheek and you know you turn tomato red. You look at him as he steps aside for Brennen and he winks.
"My turn!" Brennen shouts throwing an arm around you. Your friend takes a picture and you both walk away silently fangirling.


So, that was short lol sorry.


     If this actually happened I would actually die. That's all.


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