Anything For A Bestie✔️

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Background info: you and your two best friends, Sam and Colby, are all in high school. You are all Sophomores and the 'losers'. Colby is on a family vacation. You ask Sam to come over.


    Ugh I'm so bored. Is all you can think while staring up at your ceiling. You're currently laying on your carpet staring at your ceiling while everyone is out having a great spring break. One of your best friends, Colby, is even out having a great time. He's in Florida at the beach.

     You get an idea. Call Sam. Whenever you get bored you just call one of your friends to come be goofy with you. You grab your phone from beside you and click on Sam's contact, then call. It rings twice before he picks up.

     "Heyyyy Sam. I'm bored."
     "Really y/n? You called me because you were bored?"
     "Yea... I was thinking maybe you could come over?"
     "Sure, I'll be over in 10 minutes." And he hangs up.

     You stand up and rush to your closet. You were still in your pjs. You slip on a random t-shirt that has llamas on it and a pair of skinny jeans. You brush your hair and smile. Now I don't look like as much like a rat. You giggle and hear the doorbell ring.

     "I got it!" You yell through the house running to the front door.
     "Sam!" You give him a big hug and he just laughs hugging you back. You both walk in.
     "What do you want to do today?" He asks sitting on your bed.
     "I don't know. I just wanted company." You smile and he laughs.
     "Hmmm what about... a movie?" He asks.
     "Sounds fun! We could watch Captain Marvel!" You run into your closet to grab shoes.
     "Ready to go?" Sam asks as you run back in with your shoes on.
     "Yea!" You grab a purse and you both head out the front door.

     You text the family group chat letting them know you are going to a movie with Sam. You both hop in his car and drive to the theatre. You get in and you both share a popcorn and get your own candy.

After the movie

     "That was good!" You exclaim as you both walk to the car.
     "Agreed. So where to now?"
     "We could go back to my house?"

     You both get in the car and go to your house. Once you arrive you pull Sam up to your room.

     "Will you paint my nails?" You smile.
     "Ugh really? Again?" He whines.
     "Yes again!"
     "Fineeee." You smile and run into your bathroom. You grab out a blue nail polish and run back into your room.
     "We need to sit on the floor though. I don't want nail polish on my bed covers."
     "Ok. Do you have like a towel to put under your hands?" You nod and run to your bathroom to grab it. You sit across from him and he opens the nail polish.

     He finishes your nails with very little mistakes and you smile.

     "Thanks Sam!" You hug him carefully and he hugs back.
     "You're welcome." He smiles. You put all the stuff up and walk back into your room to see Sam on his stomach laying on your bed with your laptop in front of him.
      "We should watch a movie." He states.
     "Ok, you can choose." He gives a mischievous smile.
      "Saw." You smile.
     "Sounds fun!" You giggle at his look.
     "I forgot you like scary stuff. Strange." You smack his arm and he just laughs.

     You both watch the movie and end up falling asleep afterwards.

The End

     You like? I like. 😂

What would be you guys ship names with these people:







If there are more that I forgot about tell meeeee.

    I liked this imagine. It makes me feel like I actually have friends for a second.


Sam and Colby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now