Halloween Date✔️

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Background: if the title didn't give it away... you go on a Halloween date with Colby. He knows it's your favorite holiday so he decides to surprise you with a haunted house.


Ring ring You grab your ringing phone and answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" You answer.
"Hellooooooo." You hear Colby goofily say from the other end of the phone.
"Hey Colby, what's up?"
"I want to take you on a date tonight." He states firmly. Today is October 30th.
"Oh, ok what should I wear?"
"Something casual."
"Something casual I will wear." You both laugh and say your goodbyes. It's only lunch time and you were about to go to eat with Kat.

You slip on your shoes and grab your purse, phone, and car keys. You walk out of your apartment building and hop into your car. You drive 10 minutes to a little cafe and walk in looking for Kat. You see her seated next to a window and walk over to her. She stands up and you guys hug.

"Thanks for inviting me to lunch." You say with a smile.
"You're welcome! Thanks for coming."
"You're welcome."

You both talk for about an hour and eat your food. Kat invites you and Colby to join her and Sam for a Halloween party tomorrow night. You happily agree and hope Colby can make it, even though he is never busy.

After lunch you said bye and went back to your apartment. You decide to try and find your Halloween shirt you want to wear tonight. It's a black shirt with a glow in the dark skeleton hand making a Rock'n'Roll sign. You find it and put it on your bed with a pair of black ripped jeans.

You still have plenty of time until Colby picks you up so you decide to watch the Lorax, one of its songs was stuck in your head. (Bro Colby could be the onceler)

You're waiting for Colby to text you that he's there and drinking the rest of your hot chocolate. You hear your phone ping and look down to see a text from Colby. You walk down to his car and hop in.

"How you doin?" Colby says in a goofy country accent.
"I'm absolutely peachy, partner." You both laugh and Colby starts to drive.
"So, I decided I should feed you then I'll bring you to the place." Colby informs.
"Where are we eating?" You ask.
"I figured we could go to Tender Greens."
"Sounds good to me."

You drive up and walk in. You both laugh and talk enjoying dinner. Colby pays for the meal and you both walk to the car. After about a 5 minute drive Colby pulls over to the side of the road.

"What are you doing?" You ask looking to Colby.
"Wanting to surprise you." He brings out a blindfold and ties it around your eyes.
"Now I'm nervous." You joke.

It's one short drive later when the car finally stops. You feel Colby start to untie the blind fold you you get excited. He pulls it off and in front of you is a big haunted house.

"You brought me to a haunted house?? This is so cool!" For a second he looks worried then smiles widely when you get excited.
"I'm glad you're excited". You kiss his cheek and hop out of the car.

You run over to him as he closes his door and grab his hand and drag him to the entrance. He turns back and locks the car quickly then runs with you. You make it to the entrance and you're greeted with a bloodied ring master. Colby pays for the entrance fee and you both head in.

You both laugh, scream, and jump through the house. You only have about 3 more rooms and it's been about an hour. You walk into the room with a big goofy smile, but it suddenly drops. You freeze as you look around. The one person you're scared of, Jason Voorhees. Colby looks at you confused.

"Are you ok?" He asks. He then realizes what the room is. A room with a bunch of Jasons.
"Come on you'll be ok." You shake your head.
"One of them is real." You mutter Colby grabs your hand and gently pulls you through.

You glance behind you and let out a loud scream and run, pushing Colby in the process. You run into the next room then realize you just sacrificed Colby to get away from Jason. Colby comes through laughing and you're still standing there shocked.

"Thanks for just letting me die." Colby laughs and you laugh with him.
"Sorry." You say embarrassed.
"It's fine, you made the guy laugh too."

You both go though the rest of the house and head back to the car.

The End

Soooo how did you guys like it? It was actually based off a story my parents told me, except my dad pushed my mom into Jason and they were only dating! She loved him though so he was lucky. Apparently the actor was laughing so hard he couldn't scare the next people. Anywho, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!


     It may be short but I still really like this one.


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