Terrible Discovery✔️

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⚠️Violence Warning⚠️

Background info: Sam and Colby still explore abandoned places. They asked you to join them and Jake to go to an abandoned warehouse. This is the like the one back in Kansas. Something unexpected happens.


"WHATS UP GUYS ITS SAM AND COLBY. Today we are joined by Jake and y/n!" You wave at the camera and snuggle into your hoodie. It's brisk outside.
"Today we are exploring some spooky looking warehouse. Apparently it was an old soda factory that got completely gutted." Sam explains. You shiver a little because of the breeze but continue to listen to the boys.
"The warehouse is just through these woods, they aren't very thick and it's only like 300 feet through the woods." Colby points to your right and you glance over there.
"It's getting pretty dark, we should start heading there so we can still see it." Sam reasons as the sun sets more.
"Agreed." Jake says.

You all begin walking over there and you pull your hoodie on you more. It's the gold xplr hoodie. You continue walking and feel a small poke on your shoulder. You look in the direction it came from and see Jake holding up Shrek. You snicker a little and continue your walk. You all make it to the edge of the woods and get ready to head in when there's a scream.

"Holy crap what was that?" Sam speaks first.
"A scream." You shiver at the thought.
"It sounded like a girl's scream." Colby points out.
"Should we go in after all?" Sam questions.
"I think we'll be fine." Jake reasons. You all nod and start walking.

While walking through the woods you think you see a figure move but just shrug it off as your imagination. You continue through the forest just a bit longer then pop out beside a giant warehouse.

     "You guys ready to head in?" Colby asks looking between you and Jake.
     "Shrek Yea!" Jake shouts holding Shrek in the air. You all burst out laughing.
     "I'm ready." You reply wiping the tears out of your eyes.

     You all head in and start looking around the place. It's crazy dusty and has ivy growing everywhere. You decide to take a few pictures for your photography account on Instagram then ask Jake to take a picture of you. You strike a goofy pose and grin while Jake snaps the picture. He starts laughing and hands you your phone.

     "You're such a goof." Jake says ruffling your hair. You swat his hand away.
     "Thanks broski." You both laugh.

     Jake has always been like a big brother to you. Sam was like that close cousin and Colby was 100% your crush. Only the girls knew that, the boys would totally tell him. They even had a nickname for you because of your small size.

     "What did bean do this time?" Sam asks as he walks over to you guys.
     "This." You show Sam the picture on your phone and he smiles.
     "You are a goof." You're all laughing.
     "Let's head into the separate rooms." Colby suggests. You all agree.

     You make your way to one room with the boys following close behind. You open the door and stop in your tracks, terrified.

     "Bean, what's- oh my god." Jake stops beside you and the other two follow.
     "Is that a d-dead body?" You feel the color drain from your face.

     There's a woman's body surrounded by a pool of blood in the middle of the room. Your legs shake a little but you manage to hold yourself up.

     "We need to get out of here." Sam states grabbing out his phone. You all nod and turn to leave.

     Sam dials 911. He explains what we just saw and exactly where we were. While on the phone Jake spotted something.

     "What's that?" Jake points to a shadow in the corner of the warehouse.
     "That wasn't there before." Colby states. Tears brim your eyes.
     "I don't wanna die." You whisper. Jake pulls you in and hugs you.
     "Guys what's- holy shit look out!" Colby turns just in time when a guy lunges at him.

     You all start running full speed. You can hear the footsteps behind you guys and speed up. There's a shout then a scream. You turn and see Sam on the ground with a knife sticking out of his leg. You run up to him and look at the wound.

     "Look out!" You hear Colby shout then he lunges at the man who's running at you. Jake runs to Colby and helps him hold the man down.
     "Sam, are you ok? The wound isn't terrible but we have to keep the knife in so you don't bleed out." He nods.
     "I'm good." You sigh a sigh of relief then hear Colby and Jake grunting trying to keep the man in the floor.

     The man is big. He has a bunch of muscle and is easily twice the size of Colby. You feel your temper rise as you get angry. This guy hurt Sam. Is all that's running through your mind. You walk over to the three on the ground and kick the man in the head.

     "That's for killing that lady." You kick again.
     "That's for chasing us." And you kick one my time.
     "And that's for hurting my friend." You hear sirens and shouting.

     Cops run into the warehouse and immediately over to Colby, Jake, and the killer. The man gets arrested and the paramedics take Sam to the ambulance.

     "Do one of you want to ride in the ambulance to the hospital?" One paramedic asks.
     "Colby, you go. He's your best friend." Jake nods and Colby goes. Before Colby leaves he tosses the keys to his car to Jake and you both head to the car.

     "What was that sudden burst of anger?" Jake asks while driving to the hospital.
     "He hurt my friend." You mumble.
     "I just didn't think you'd react like that."
     "I never told you about Shelby did I?"

The End

Soooo that was crazy?

     Would you guys be interested in an imagine explaining who Shelby is?


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