Suicide Bridge (pt.1)✔️

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Background Info: You're going to suicide bridge with Amanda, Elton, Corey, Colby, and Sam. Everything is going fine until you guys take the Ouija board out. You get over it and everyone goes to sleep. Things get strange from there.


     You guys had to take 2 cars. Corey, Elton, and Amanda were in one while Sam, Colby, and you were in the other. You hop out of the car and walk over to the group. They film the intro while you and Amanda just stand there not sure what to do or say. Everyone starts walking and you are in the back of the group. These things never scare you, because you don't really believe in the whole creepy ghosts and spirits stuff. Everyone keeps hearing noises, but you and Elton hear different noises. You guys keep walking when you a scream.

     "Holy sh!t what was that?!" You yell. You all look up at a bridge you had walked under to see a group of people laughing.
     "Bitch." You hear Colby mutter. You snicker.
     "Come on guys let's go." Elton tells everyone.

     You all start walking when you finally make it to where you were going to stay the night, like you said you were last time. Everyone is standing around a pillar type thing as Corey is freaking out over every noise. Elton takes the Ouija board out and everyone groans.

     "You just had to bring that didn't you?" Amanda asks.
     "Well of course. What else would we do?" Elton laughs.
     "I guess let's set it up then." Colby replies. They light the candles and set up the board as you watch.
     "What the hell is that?" Sam asks pointing at a red substance on the board.
     "It looks like blood." You lean in to look at it.
     "Is it dry? Use a candle to see." Elton asks. Sam grabs a candle and puts it in the blood.
     "It's not dry." He states.
     "Everyone check your hands, is anyone bleeding?" You hear Amanda say. There's a chorus of no's.
"I am." Elton shows you guys his thumb.
"Did you cut it on some of the glass?" You ask.
"No, I didn't feel anything. And I've been holding the camera until I grabbed the board."
"Hm that's really strange." You state.
"What would you say if you wanted to curse the board?" Elton randomly asks. We all look at him wide-eyed.
"Why would you want to do that?" Sam asks.
"To see what would happen." Elton states nonchalantly. He reaches down and draws a cross with his bloody thumb.
"Ew Elton what the heck?!" Amanda asks/yells.
"Hm now my thumbs not bleeding."
"Gross." You say looking at the board.

Everyone except you and Elton play at first. Which is surprising because Corey hates playing the game. Eventually Elton joins in making you hold the camera. Soon enough Corey backs out and you take his spot. You all decide its time to sleep so you lay out blankets. Amanda sleeps in between the wall and Elton. You are in Elton's other side between him and Sam. Next to Sam is Corey. Colby decides the wall is a good place to sleep. Who sleeps on a wall? Everyone laughs a little at Corey with his flashlight. You eventually fall asleep.

*time skip to morning*

     You wake up to the sound of Elton's alarm going off. There's grunts and groans and finally everyone is up. Everyone grabs their things and you guys head to the cars. Well that was a normal night, strange. They do the outro and you guys start talking.

     "Nothing happened last night. That seems kinda weird doesn't it?" You ask.
     "We don't necessarily know that nothing happened. We'll get home and I'll edit the video." Elton states.
     "Ok, well let me know if you find anything." You hug Elton, Corey, and Amanda before you guys leave. Sam and Colby bring you back to your apartment and you hug them. You walk inside as they drive off.

The End

     This was based off of one of my favorite TFIL videos. So, there is a 2nd part coming soon. If it's not out this week it WILL be out Sunday. Hope you guys enjoyed!

     It's fun seeing how my writing has improved. Do you guys think it improved?


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