The Friend's✔️

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Background info: You are in college with your best friends Sam and Colby. It's winter and you are outside having fun. This is your 1st year. They have a friend you've met like 5 times who has been there for 2 years. You go to see him.


     You throw a snowball at Colby and it hits his back. He turns around and throws a snowball your way. You manage to dodge his but Sam hit you in the back. You are all laughing.

     "Hey y/n, Brennen and everyone in his dorm are having a movie night, wanna go?" Colby asks.
"Sure! Sounds fun!" You smile.
"Let's gooooo!" Sam shouts. You all start laughing.

You are walking to Brennen's dorm. He lives in a giant dorm. (I don't think these exist but oh well). His dorm is one of the big ones. It houses 20 people. 10 girls and 10 boys. There is a kitchen, living room and 2 hallways. Down both hallways are 7 doors. 2 doors are bathrooms and 5 of them are rooms. Each room has two people in it. One hallway is the boys and one is the girls.

You walk up to the door and knock. The door opens and there stands Brennen. He motions for you guys to come in.

"You guys are just in time! The movie is starting soon. Make yourselves at home." He walks into the kitchen. You start to walk toward the living room.
"You guys coming?" You ask turning to see Sam and Colby weren't following.
"Uh, we have something to do." Colby states.
"Did you just drop me off?" You ask in disbelief.
"Kinda." Sam awkwardly replies.
"Ugh, Fine I'll go make some friends." You turn and leave.

Why would they drop me off? I'm not a kid. They could have told me they had something to do and I would have found something. You think to yourself. You see an open spot on the floor and sit down. You sit down on your knees then slide to the side. (Kinda like Sam sits. Watch the picture game he did with Jake and you'll see). You're next to some guy you don't know but you don't care. The movie starts and it's The Exorcist. You hate scary movies. The whole time you are jumping.

The movie is half way over when you decide to go to your dorm and go to sleep. You stand to leave and feel a hand on your ankle. You glance at the guy next to you and try to pull your leg away. He grips tighter and looks at you. He looks kinda angry and bored. This terrifies you. You whisper 'please let go' and he just nods his head no. You try to pull your ankle again and he grips even tighter. It hurts. You stop struggling and sit there as if nothing was wrong. You watch the movie but hate every bit of it.

The movie ends and almost everyone is asleep. How did they fall asleep during that? The few who are awake walk to their rooms and you try to stand.

"You're not going anywhere." The guy says.
"I want you here."
"No, you could have just asked. Now I'm definitely not staying." You try to stand, failing again.
"I could do this all night." Your eyes widen.

You have something to do in the morning and you need to sleep, but you know there is no way in hell you are sleeping here.

"Come on, my roommate isn't here, you can sleep in my room." He starts to pull you towards it. You pull against and fail.
"Stop struggling, you're just making it worse for yourself." He turns and angry whispers at you. You hear the door open. He yanks you hard trying to hide you.
"Y/n?" You hear Sam say.
"She would have told us if she wanted to stay the night, right?" Colby asks Sam.
"Come here." The guy hisses in your ear. He yanks your wrist causes you to gunt.
"What was that?" You hear Sam say.
"I don't know. Sounded like it came from the hallway."
"Hel-" you start to say when the guy covers your mouth. He shoves you into a room and closes the door.
"In there." You here Colby say outside the door. The door opens and in comes Sam with Colby following.
"Dude let her go." Sam yanks the guys hand off of your wrist. The guy tries to punch Sam but he dodges it. Sam throws a punch and hits the guy. He falls on the floor and you run out the door.

You rush out to the kitchen and grab your hat and gloves off the table. You put them on quickly, grab your jacket and run out the door. You put your jacket on while running down the hall and out the door. You are outside the dorm building and walking to yours.

"Y/n!" You hear Colby shout from behind you.
"Leave me alone, I'm going home!" You shout back still upset.
"Y/n let us talk to you!" You hear Sam shout back. There's loud footsteps behind you indicating they are running towards you.
"I said leave me alone." You angrily say as they approach.
"We want to talk." Colby replies.
"I don't care."
"Please." Sam pleads.
"No. I want to go to bed." You speed up and walk into your building. Colby grabs your wrist and you let out a small yelp. He grabbed the hand that the guy was holding onto so tightly. He let go.
"I'm sorry." Colby says looking down. You turn around.
"For what?" You want them to admit to what they did.
"Leaving you there." Sam mumbles.
"Yea, it's fine." You turn to walk to your dorm. You stop and turn back around.
"I do want to say thank you for helping me though." And you continue to walk towards the stairs. You walk to your floor, then you open your door. You had your own dorm. (I also don't think that exists oops). You go to shower then to bed. What an eventful night.

The End

Two updates in one day??? You're lucky. Lol. This was something I totally just came up with. I hope you guys enjoyed.

'This is something I totally came up with.' LIE I dreamt about it 👌🏻. 😂


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