The Wedding Games✔️

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(Real quick this is nothing my my other imagines. This isn't an interactive story but at the end you get to make a choice. It's random and weird so bare with me.)

Background info: you have come to the age where you have to marry. Your parents picked out three guys you get to choose from. Problem? You like them all.


"Y/n! Jake is here!" Your mom yells for you. You turn 18 in 3 days and you have to choose between 3 different guys you want to marry.
"Coming mom!" You slip on your shoes and run down the stairs.
"Hi y/n, you look stunning." Jake smiles warmly at you.
"Thanks Jake." You blush a little.

Jake takes you to an arcade and you both play games. Jake gets more tickets than you buy lets you choose a prize. You choose a cute dog stuffy. After the arcade you both go out and grab something to eat. You're at a cute little cafe eating your delicious food when Jake brings up a topic you'd prefer not to discuss.

"So, uh, do you know who you want to marry?" You cringe at his question and shake your head no.
"It's really difficult. I like all of you and I have to choose." You look down and feel a tear roll down your cheek.
"Hey, I didn't mean to make you so upset." Jake says gently wiping your tear.
"I'm sorry I just am having a really hard time with everything." He nods his head in understanding.
"Would you like to go back home now?" He asks softly. You nod your head.

Jake takes you back home after he pays and you hug him. You wave goodbye and walk inside. You immediately head to your room and break down crying. Why is life so unfair? You question.

The Next Day

You feel a slight shake on your shoulder and open your eyes. Colby is standing there with a small smile.

"Hey sleepy head. You want to go somewhere with me?" You nod your head and shoo him out.

You rush to your closet and pick out some clothes. You run to your bathroom and take a quick shower then brush your hair and teeth. You grab some shoes on your way out of the bathroom.

"Ready." You state as you open your door.
"Wow that was quick." Colby looks shocked. You normally take at least 30 minutes to get ready.
"I'd hate to keep you waiting." You smile goofily.

You both head to Colby's car and he starts driving. A short drive later you are at a cute little carnival on the pier. You both walk up and Colby purchases tickets to get in. You both play games and talk. You ate lunch and got some cotton candy.

"Want to try mine?" You ask Colby, moving the candy towards him.
"Yea, you want to try mine?" You nod and you both grab a piece of each other's cotton candy.
"Oh wow yours is really good." Colby smiles.
"Yours is too." You both laugh.

The rest of time you just play games and ride rides. By 6 o'clock you are both super tired and ready to go. Colby drops you off at your house and you take your stuffy in. You walk upstairs and relax on your bed.

Next Morning

"Y/n! Someone's here to see you!" You hear your mom call. You roll out of bed and head down the stairs. Sam is right inside.

"Hey y/n. I was curious if you'd want to see a movie with me?"
"Sounds fun! Let me go get ready." He nods and sits down on your sofa.

You grab some clothes, quickly shower, and get ready. You get your hair brushed and in two braids. You grab your flannel and head downstairs.

"Ready?" Sam asks you nod your head.
"Let's goooo." Sam opens the door and you both head out laughing.
"What movie are we going to see?" You ask looking towards Sam.
"Escape plan." You smile widely.
"Is that really playing in theaters near by?" Sam shakes his head no.
"We're going to a drive in."
"No way!"
"Yes way!" You both laugh.

You arrive at the drive in and get in the back of Sam's car. You both get comfy and wait for the movie to start. While watching the movie Sam reaches over next to him and grabs a bag of snacks. You both snack and enjoy the movie.

After the movie Sam took you home and you went to bed. You're lying in bed excited that you're about to turn 18 but sad that you have to choose one of the guys.

Your Birthday Morning

You walk down the stairs and to the table which is all decorated and has a gift on it. Your parents are sat there with breakfast laid out.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" Your parents yell in unison. They jump up and give you a hug. While eating breakfast they ask the dreaded question.

"Who do you choose?"

The End

Wow guys. Good luck with that choice.


     Lol no one has chosen


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