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Background info: You, Colby, Kat, Sam, Tara, and Jake are all going bowling together. It's like a sort of triple date, because you are all couples. You've been planning this with the girls for about a month and finally found a day where the guys weren't busy.


"Come on! We are gonna be late!" You huff at Colby.
"One second I need to grab my shoes!"
"I told you to be ready by 10! You have had 2 hours Colby!" You're annoyed to say the least. He always says girls take too long but he takes much longer than you.

"I'm ready." Colby runs to you, out of breathe.
"We are gonna be late." You huff. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you through the door.
"Don't worry baby we'll be fine." He reassures.

You sigh and walk along side him. You both hop in his car. While on the way there Colby turns up the radio and you hear 'Car Radio' by Twenty One Pilots playing. You smile and start to singing to it. You see Colby glance over to you and get a big smile on his face.

     You arrive at the bowling alley 5 minutes late.

     "I'm sorry baby I know I had plenty of time to get ready." He apologizes. You smile at him.
    "It's ok." You give him a kiss on the cheek and hop out.

     You both hold hands and walk into the bowling alley. You see the other 4 waiting by a counter for you and Colby. You walk up.

     "Hey guys" Kat excitedly greets.
     "Hi Kat!" You give her a big hug, along with everyone else.

      You all split the price and pay for 2 hours. You get your shoes and head over to the correct lane. You take a seat and untie your Vans, you then slip on the bowling shoes and slide your Vans beside the table. The others come over and do the same. You then go pick out a bowling ball and get started.

      "Good Job!!" You congratulate Tara on her
     "Thanks!" She jumps up and down excitedly.

      After the 2 hours of bowling you decided to get some lunch. You all hop in your separate cars and drive to the restaurant. The winner of the match was Sam. Next was Colby, then Kat, Jake, and You and Tara tied in last place. We arrive at the restaurant and take a seat.

     "That was so fun! We will totally have to do it again!" You exclaim.
     "Agreed, I had a lot of fun." Sam adds.

     You all order, and eat. After lunch you went your separate ways and enjoyed the rest of the day. You and Colby went shopping.

The End

     Did you guys like this? Sorry it's short.

     It is short but I'm out of ideas so you're gonna have to live with it.


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