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Background info: you are dating Colby. You both had things to do today. You didn't see each other until the end of the day. You both were very surprised.


     Today I'm finally gonna do it. You think to yourself. You walk into the hair salon ready to finally dye your hair. You haven't told anyone except Devyn, and she promised to stay silent. Thankfully Colby was busy so he couldn't hang out, or ask to come with you.

     You sit in the salon chair for about 2 hours waiting for your hair to bleach. The downside to dark hair is it takes FOREVER to bleach. Once it's finally bleached, the lady starts to put the purple hair dye in your hair.

     After another hour of waiting the lady rinses your hair and dries it.

     "You like it?" She asks smiling behind you.
     "I love it!" You say with a big grin.
     "I'm glad."

     You pay for everything and jump in your car. Colby should be home when you arrive. Holy cow I've never been so nervous, but I don't know why I'm nervous. It's not like he'll be mad. Anyway, if he is you don't care. Just because he is your boyfriend doesn't mean he can control you. You hype yourself up then start driving.

     You pull into the house and take a deep breathe. You got this. You tell yourself. You step out and head towards the doors. You open the door and hear footsteps run downstairs.

    "Y/n! I have something to-" Colby stops his sentence when he notices your bright purple hair.
     "You dyed your hair?!" He says. I look at his face trying to read him when I notice the front of his hair.
     "Looks like you did too." You say smugly. He gives a small smile.
     "I like it." You smile at him.
     "And I like yours." You both hug.

     The rest of the night was spent watching movies and cuddling. Everyone else liked your hair too.

The End

Like? Dislike? Could I please get feedback :) anywho.... THANK YOU FOR 500 READS OMG

     Hiya there friends! Funny thing about this imagine is that I JUST got my hair dyed purple. It's not bright purple and it's a lot more subtle 🤪


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