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Background info: you and Colby had dated for a little bit. One night you both got drunk and did some things. The next day, you found out he had been cheating and broke up with him. It's been 3 years since you last saw him. You found out you were pregnant when you left.


"Come on Cole. We need to get to baggage claim." You say to your little son. You named him after his dad.
"Momma. We meet you friend today wight?" You nod your head and grab his little hand. You both make your way to baggage claim and grab your bags.

You were meeting your bestfriend, Devyn today. You haven't seen her since you left 3 years ago. You were only 19 and she was 20. You boyfriend was friends with her crush. She had informed you over the years about what was going on. She had gotten together with her crush and they got a dog. You're going to her house.

You get an Uber and wait for it to arrive. Once it's there, you and Cole hop in the car. The driver brings you to the address Devyn gave you and you pull up to a cute little house. (I'm not really sure where they live now oops). You thank him and hop out, grabbing your bags. Thankfully Devyn is letting you stay in their spare bedroom.

You walk up the path with your little boy and ring the doorbell. You hear a dog bark and the door unlock. The door swings open and there's Devyn.

"Y/n!" She grabs you in a hug and you hug back happily.
"Devyn, it's been so long." She nods her head in agreement.
"Is this the famous Cole I've heard all about?" She squats down to hug Cole. He smiles and hugs back.
"Hi auntie Devwyn." Devyn's smile grows.
"You want to come in?" Cole nods his head and you grab your bags. You make your way in and you see Corey.
"Y/n! I've missed you!" He hugs you and you hug back.
"I've missed you too Corey!" He smiles then looks down to Cole.
"Who's this little cutie?" Devyn looks at him in disbelief.
"This is Cole! I've told you all about him." He makes an 'o' shape with his mouth and hugs Cole.
"Hi Uncle Cowey." (Pronounce like Corey with a 'w' now cow with a 'y').

You both eat lunch with Corey and Devyn. You all talk about what has been happening in the three years you've been gone. The doorbell rings and Corey gets up to get it. It takes a moment for him to come back so Devyn decides to ask.

"Corey, who is it?" She shouts.
"Uh, no one!" He shouts back. You both hear rustling.
"It's me!" You hear a familiar voice shout back. Devyn's eyes go wide.
"Come on. Let's go to the backyard." you nod, knowing exactly who that is.

You walk in the backyard and start playing around with Cole. Devyn had bought a ball and frisbee so you could all play. The back door opens and the one person you didn't want to see came out.

"Y/n! I've been a mess without you!" Colby runs up and grabs you in a hug.
"Colby, please let go." Your voice is muffled.
"No, I never want to let you go again." You can hear sniffles and that causes you to break down.
"Come one Cole, lets let your mom and him talk." You hear Devyn bring Cole inside while you both just stand there crying.
"You broke my heart Colby. I thought you loved me." You calm yourself and sniffle.
"I know. I know I broke you. I haven't been able to think about anything else for years! All I want is you." He starts crying harder.
"Colby, that was your son?" He stops and looks up at you.
"M-my son? You were pregnant?" You nod your head and he just slumps onto the grass. You sit in front of him.
"I'm so sorry." He whispers. You hug him.
"I still love you Colby." You mumble.
"I still love you too." He hugs you tight and you smile.
"Will you take me back? I promise to make up for the years I missed with my son and make up for what I did to you." He asks hopefully. You smile.
"Yes, I'll take you back." His smile grows and he hugs you.

Once you both stop crying and calm down, you go in. You see Devyn sat with Corey. Cole is in between them.

"Mommy!" Cole runs up and hugs you.
"Hey sweetie." He smiles up at you and then looks to Colby.
"Who's that?" Colby squats down to be eye level with Cole.
"I'm your dad." Cole's smile widens, if that's even possible, and he hugs Colby.
"I have a daddy now!"

After you stay with Devyn and Corey you went home, but Colby came. You packed everything and moved in with Colby. You all lived in LA now. You and Colby married 2 years later. Cole was starting school and you were happy that your son could grow up with a dad.


Ok, this was super cute ngl. This might make a good story? Question is... would anyone read it?


     1. Yes, I'm alive. 2. THIS IS SO CUTE OMG.


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