Amusment Park✔️

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Background info: you are going to a Amusement Park with your friends. (Idk what to add rip)


     "Are you ready?" You excitedly ask Tara.
     "Totally! We are going to meet Dev and Kat there right?" You nod.

     You walk to Tara's car and jump in. She starts the car and starts the drive. You both sing, laugh, and talk the whole ride there. You arrive at the park and park. You both make the walk to the front and get tickets.

     "I texted Dev and she said that they are by the Superman." I inform.
     "Ooooo we have to ride the Superman!" I nod and we happily walk over to the ride.
     "Y/n! Tara!" You hear a shout and suddenly your blue-haired friend is hugging you.
     "Kat!" You all laugh and hug each other.
"Hey guys." Devyn comes in and gives you all hugs.
"Who's ready for some rides?" Tara excitedly asks.
"Me!" You, Kat, and Dev all reply.

You all walk over to a roller coaster and get in line. Thankfully it's the middle of the year so there's not many people there. The line is short and you all get on the ride. The car thing straps you in and lets your feet dangle. It's 4 across seating so you all are beside each other. The ride starts going and you all are excited. It's super fast and has a few loops. Once the ride is over you all laugh and talk about how much you enjoyed it while walking to the next ride.

You guys just ride rides and talk for about 2 hours then got hungry. You walk over to a little covered area that has a choice of a corn dog, hamburger, or chicken strips. You got chicken strips, Kat and Tara got Corndogs and Dev got a burger. You all are eating and enjoying the meal when Dev starts talking.

"I have something to tell you guys." She looks nervous.
"What's up?" You ask.
"Well, uh, I'm pregnant." She blurts. You all go silent.
"You're pregnant?" Kat asks making sure she heard her right.
"Yea." Dev looks down as if she's embarrassed.
"Congrats Devyn!" You shout and give her a giant hug.
"Congrats." Both Kat and Tara say as they hug her.
"You guys aren't like disappointed?" She looks between you all.
"Not one bit." Tara happily chirps.
"That's a relief." Devyn lets out a sigh.

The rest of the day is spent talking about Devyn's news and riding more rides. You all get cotton candy and all sorts of sweets.

The End

Wowie how was that?

     I'm a depresso espresso.


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