New Zealand✔️

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Background info: You are on a trip to New Zealand with TFIL. It's your first day and you guys are just getting the RV you will be staying for the trip.


"Finally we're here!" You squeal once you hop off the plane. You go and grab your luggage then head out to get your RV. (Idk if they did it like this so don't hate me plz) Once you finally got to the RV you all ran in and put your bags down.
"Ok, so there are 3 beds... guess some of us will have to share a beds." Elton says to all of you as you all turn around to face him. You can see Colby's upset face until it suddenly lights up. You can't figure out why though...
"We will let y/n have her own bed. Then we will figure it out from there." Elton announces to you all. Colby's face drops. You think you might know why but you still aren't sure.
"Y/n you can have that bed." Elton points at the bed above the cab.
"Ok, cool." You simply reply because you're distracted by Colby's upset face.

The End

     Ok so like that was insanely short. I'm very sorry about that wow ok. I'm on a road trip rn so updates will be slow and might be short 😬
Alsoooooo did you like 1st or 2nd person better??


      Wow that was short. Anyway, I changed this to 2nd person cuz yea.


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