Meeting of a Life Time✔️

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Background info: You and your best friend are in Florida for the summer. One of the people you met there invited you to their party. You both went, and met some amazing people.


"Y/n! Get your ass in here!" Y/b/f (your best friend lol) yells for you. You groan and walk into her room.
"What?" You huff.
"What top should I wear with this skirt?" You sigh and make your way to her closet. You go through it until you find a pink cropped tank top.
"Here you hoe." You shove it at her and she just huffs.
"Rude." She retorts.
"You know you love me." You laugh and walk back to your room.

You dig through your closet searching for your button up shirt. It's pretty Hawaiian shirt-dad-ish. You slip that on with some shorts, over your swim suit. You put on a pair of checkered slip on vans and walk into your bathroom. You keep your hair down and put on pinkish red lipstick to match the flowers on your shirt.

"Ready?" Y/b/f asks walking into your room.
"Freddy." You reply and you both laugh.

You both head for the rental car and start the drive. You got to the beach house and happily hop out.

     "I'm so glad we ended up meeting Devyn." Y/b/f says.
     "Me too. Otherwise we wouldn't be meeting all these cool people." You reply.

     You both walk in and get greeted by Devyn. She introduces you both to her boyfriend Corey.

     "I'm y/n." You shake Corey's hand.
     "Nice to meet you guys." Corey smiles and wraps his arm around Devyn.
     "They are so cute." Y/b/f gushes as they walk away.
     "Agreed." You smile.

You both split ways and try to make friends. You are walking through the living room of the house when you accidentally bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry." You say as you back up.
"It's fine. I should have been paying attention." The brown haired boy says.
"Me too. Golly, I never look where I'm going." You let out a small laugh. He smiles.
"Did you just say golly?" He asks with an amused look.
"Uh, Yea." You blush furiously as he chuckles.
"I thought it was cute." You blush more and he just continues to chuckle.
"So, uh, are you from here?" You had no clue what to say, so you asked him that.
"No, I'm from LA. I'm visiting a friend. What about you?" He asks back.
"I'm not from here either. My bestie and I are staying here over the summer. We are both from Texas." He nods.
"Want to get a drink?" He asks and you nod.

The rest of the night you talked with the boy, who's name you found out was Colby. You met his friend and he met y/b/f. You laughed and talked all night. It was around 1 in the morning when Devyn asked if you and y/b/f wanted to stay the night. You both agreed and you had a sort of afterparty with her friends.

The End.

     Wowie bros, I made an imagine. It's short cuz like... yea.

     I like this imagine. That's all. Enjoy you day/night. <3


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