Photo Shoot✔️

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Background info: you are a new photographer. You aren't that famous, but you're getting there. You get a DM from some guy asking to you to do a photo shoot of him and his friend. You agree.


You wake up to the sound of your phone dinging. You grab it and check it. Another DM from this 'Sam Golbach' guy. This time it's the address to meet them at. You look up the address and realize it's a park. Fun. You roll out of bed and grab a change of clothes. You shower and change.

You grab your camera bag off of your nightstand and make your way into your small kitchen. You grab an apple and head towards the door. You grab your phone and walk out of your apartment. You decide to get some Starbucks before going to the park. Early photo shoot, my favorite.

You drive to Starbucks then decide to ask if Sam and his friend want anything. You DM him asking. You walk in and wait in line. You get a reply. You order your drink and a drink for each of them. After you get the drinks you head back to your car and head off to the park.

You arrive at the park and DM Sam asking where to meet. The park is pretty big. Sam replies and you head there. When you arrive to the wall with ivy on it, you notice to guys. One looks like Sam and the other looks like his friend Colby. Yes, I stalked his account.

"Hi! Are you Sam?" You ask with a big smile.
"Yea, you must be Y/n."
"Yep." You smile.
"Here you guys go." You hand them their drinks and they thank you. After about five minutes of talking about what pictures to take you get ready.
"You ready to take some pictures?" Colby asks with a smile.
"Ready as I'll ever be." You laugh and they join in.
"Cool, let's start." You take out your camera and they pose.
"Sam, tilt your head to the left a bit more." He tilts his head.
"Perfect." You snap a picture.

The photo shoot goes on for about an hour and half. You finally finish and show them some of the pictures and they approve. You inform them that you will send the photos via email and they give you their email.

"Thanks for taking our photos." Sam has a huge smile.
"My pleasure." You give an equally as big smile back.
"Would you be up to doing more photo shoots for us and our friends later on?" Colby asks.
"Yea! It'd be fun." You smile.

You all say your goodbyes and you head back to your car. You put your camera bag in your car and get in the drivers seat.

Once you get home you download the pictures and send them to the boys. You get a bunch of notifications on your Instagram and realize the boys both posted a picture. You smile. Ding. You get a DM. Brennen Taylor?

The End

So? What did you guys think?

Do you guys mind if I say 'y'all'? It's more natural for me 😂

     I have yet to actually start saying 'y'all' I've been judged so much for it lmao.


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