Nose Piercing✔️

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Background info: you have been wanting a nose piercing for quite some time. You only want the nostril piercing. (Like Colby's). You decide that you were finally going to do it. Your boyfriend, Colby, comes with you.


"Colby!" I shout through our apartment.
"What y/n?" He asks walking into the living room.
"I'm ready to get a nose piercing." You smile widely.
"You sure? You were hesitant about it."
"One hundred percent!" You keep smiling.
"Ok, well let me put my shoes on."

He runs into your shared bedroom and grabs his shoes, then slips them on. You grab your purse and phone and head towards the door. You both make your way down the hall and to the elevator. You click the Parking Garage button and the elevator starts moving.

You both walk to the car and slide in. Colby starts the car and you turn on the radio. 'Hey, Look Ma I made It' comes on the radio and you both start singing.

"All my life, been hustling and tonight is my appraisal 'cause I'm a hooker sellin' songs and my pimps a record label."

You both continue to sing at the top of your lungs. You sing to other songs along the way then finally arrive at the tattoo parlor. When you see the sign you feel your stomach drop. I'm getting my nose pierced. You thought. It hit you, you will have a needle go through your nose.

"You ok y/n?" Colby asks grabbing your hand.
"Yea I'm good." You let out a breathe and open the door.
"You don't have to do this, ya know?" He gets out and follows you.
"I know, but I want to." You open the door and walk in, Colby following close behind.
"Hello miss, what can I do for you today?" A guy covered in tattoos asks.
"I'd like a nostril piercing." You say with a smile.
"Ok, I need an ID to make sure you're old enough." (Idk how this works sorry 😂).
"Here." You hand him your ID.
"Yup. You're over 18. Follow me." You grab Colby's hand and follow the man to a chair.
"Sit here. I'm going to grab the things I need." He smiles and walks off.
"I'm nervous." You say looking at Colby.
"You got this. You are a strong person." He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Thanks Colby." You give him a little kiss on his cheek. The man walks in with a few things on a tray.

"You can choose a stud or ring for the piercing." He hands me a small little box thing with studs and rings everywhere.
"This one." You point to a small stud.
"Good choice." He grabs the box and sets in down.
"I'm just going to clean the spot before we pierce it." He rubs a small cloth thing with alcohol on your nose.
"You ready?" He asks grabbing a sharp needle. Your heart speeds up. You nod.
"On three." He holds the needle to your nose. You feel Colby's hand squeeze yours.
"One." You tighten your grip on Colby's hand.
"Two." You close your eyes.
"Three." Then you feel a little pinch on your nose. The needle is taken out and something is put in its place.
"Your done." You open your eyes to see the man smiling with a mirror in his hand.
"I love it!" You say looking in the mirror.
"I'm glad." The man stands up and you follow him to the front. You go to pay the guy, but Colby beats you to it.
"Thank you!" You and Colby say together as you guys leave. You both get in the car.

"You didn't have to pay for that."
"I felt like it." He smiles lifting your hand and placing a kiss on it.

You both hold hands and drive back to your apartment. You can't wait to show your friends and family.

The End

Did you guys like it? I thought it was a cute idea ☺️.

     I want that piercing so bad lol.


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