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"Death is the beginning, the birth of births, a rebirth, a second chance to fix all mistakes, the beginning of beginnings."  

"Is this the best you can do?!" His strong, yet still high and young-pitched voice spread to every corner of the children's playground. Moments later, loud and heavy steps echoed the area like the last warning before upcoming storm. A silhouette of a young boy appeared in front of another one, currently lying on the ground with eyes full of tears.

"Guys, look, our beloved found a new boyfriend. I can find you a skirt to wear if you like!" A laugh of three older boys roamed deep down into younger one's soul. More tears streamed down his cheeks and a loud sob escaped his tiny mouth. But the laugh quickly transformed into screams in agony and pain, as the leg of the other younger boy hit a very sensitive spot between legs. The leader of the three-member group fell down, holding himself tightly, still screaming and sobbing.

"You son of a...-!" Another boy from the group took the lead and swung his right hand clenched in a fist. Smaller boy avoided the punch without any effort, crouched down a bit and hit the elder's stomach using the left elbow. It took his breath away and made him cough from desperation for air.

"What the hell? L-let's go, guys!" The unhurt one stuttered and stumbled as he started running away. Two others followed him with painful cries. The younger boy was frowning at them until they finally disappeared out of his sight. A deep sigh escaped his mouth and he managed to relax his tensed body.

"Are you okay?" He turned around and squatted next to the boy he'd just protected. The only answer he got were loud sobs. "Don't cry, they won't bother you anymore." He tried to calm him down without any noticeable results. "What's your name?" He asked and smiled tenderly.

"K-Karn." The crying boy managed to answer between sobs.

"So that's why they called you 'beloved'!" He hit his left palm with a right fist as he's just solved a great mystery. The crying boy called Karn just nodded.

"I'm Amarin. It means 'immortal,' or at least that's what my mum says." He introduced himself.

"Are you sure they'll leave me alone?" Karn asked quietly, slowly calming himself down.

"Of course! I'll protect you if something like this happens again, so you don't have to worry anymore!" Amarin smiled and for the first time since their meeting, the crying boy's face lit up. His right hand reached the other boy with only a pinky finger up.

"P-Promise?" Karn looked at him for the first time with his big, dark-brown eyes. At that moment, something in Amarin's chest moved. It was only for a second, but he found himself lost in other boy's huge pupils and couldn't move.

"Promise." He said as he parted their pinky fingers together.

Vote and comment so I'll know if I should continue or not!

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