Chapter 8

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"Ellie, are you even listening to me?" Nin, one of Ellie's friends asked with annoying expression. 

"Of course I am. '...and then the guy tried to kiss me but I didn't let him. I only think of him as a friend and that won't change.'" She repeated her friend's words.

"What's on your mind? You've been spacing out for few days now." Nin asked to change the topic when Ellie proved that even when daydreaming, she listens. "Don't tell me.... You're in love!" She raised her voice. A faint blush occurred on Ellie's white cheeks causing her to smile in embarrassment.

"I'm not. It's not love yet, more like I'm interested in this one guy..." she didn't finish the sentence to give Nin space for questions she would ask anyway.

"OMG! What guy? Who is he? Since when? How does he look like? Do I know him?" Her eyes widened in surprise. 

"You probably haven't seen him yet, he's from a science ward. I've met him only twice, the same day. Once he bumped into me and the second one, he ran up to apologize. It was that day when my ex broke up with me, but Karn made me forget him in a blink of an eye." Ellie explained everything with sweet smile on her face. "Oh, he also has a friend who is quite good looking, so a match for you?" She winked at Nin, causing her to blush.

"Ellie! You know that... I won't be interested." She didn't make an eye contact, blushing more.

"I know, I'm only teasing you. Don't fall for me, my heart is already taken again." She giggled.

"Well, look at her, thinking so highly about herself." Nin laughed with her, maybe a bit too loudly and forcefully.

"I'm planning to go see him at his dorm, will you come with me? I tried to spot him in cafeteria but haven't been that lucky yet." Ellie looked at her friend with the best puppy eyes she could pull off.

"Okay, okay! I'll go. I hope he will also have a good looking female friend, you're only wasting my time otherwise." Nin shook her head when seeing how much is Ellie trying for some guy.

*** *** ***

"Amarin. Wake up." Karn knocked on his door, just as any other morning. It took him about 15 minutes every day to wake up his friend, therefore he was very surprised when Amarin opened the door on a first try. Even Karn wasn't sure if this would wake him up, not mentioning his friend.

"Don't be so loud." He said as a greeting and rubbed the back of his head.

"Are you the Amarin I know?" He asked in awe, not sure what to think.

"Who else would I be? You and your supernatural dramas." He frowned, taking off his pajama shirt.

"Should I wait outside?" Karn asked, feeling a bit uneasy while watching Amarin grabbing the edge of his shorts, prepared to slide them down. It was as he just woke up back to reality, forgetting that Karn is in his room.

"What are you doing, p-pervert!" A dark red color occurred on his cheeks as he covered his bare chest.

"You're the one stripping in front of me and I'm the perverted one?" Karn shook his head, not being able to hold back a grin. Amarin just ran past him into the bathroom, slamming the door after him. "I've seen you dozen times without a shirt, no need to feel embarrassed!" Karn yelled so he would hear him, smiling softly. Only answer he got was a running water.

By the time Amarin got out of the shower, Karn was done preparing him breakfast. Amarin almost never had time to eat in the morning. Since Karn was so lucky to wake him up early today, he wanted to be worth it.

"It's not much since there's literally nothing in your fridge and I didn't have time to go shopping, but eat at least something. It's not healthy to skip meals." Karn explained feeling guilty while looking at scrambled eggs with sausages, two sandwiches and orange juice.

"Where did you get all of this? You just said I have nothing in the fridge and I know that, I never buy groceries." Amarin asked stunned, his mouth watering from the look at delicious food.

"Well, I went to a store called my fridge. You have to go with me to a real one after school, you can't live like this. Honestly, you have to take care of yourself." He said as he watched Amarin hungrily gulping down the food.

"I'm not a child, you don't have to scold me like that." He argued with full mouth which didn't help to portrait his mature side. 

"Whatever you say. I'll wait for you outside, so hurry up." Karn said and walked out, unable to look at eating Amarin anymore. He gave up his breakfast for him and had no intention of telling him. A loud sound which escaped from his stomach as soon as he closed the door could easily expose him.

Amarin was glad when he saw his friend leaving, because his head started acting funny again. He couldn't sleep properly and was already up when Karn knocked on his door. Therefore, Amarin decided to double up his morning dose of pills and added more painkillers than in the evening.

Feeling refreshed after the meal, shower and pills starting to take effects quickly, he rushed out to his friend.

Wave of unexplainable and unreasonable disappointment hit him hard when he spotted Karn talking to two girls and smiling. He recognized one of them, pale hair, white skin and blue eyes. The other one, it was his first time seeing her.

Amarin didn't know what to do. Walk up to them or sneak out by another exit of the dorms? His friend hadn't noticed him yet, he could do whatever he wanted. When the pale girl took out her phone and handed it to Karn, he's decided.

Thank you for all your sweet comments and supporting votes! I'm so glad people are enjoying my story! I've rewatched Sotus S today and fallen in love even more with those two... 😍 I will die from heart attack one day thanks to them... but I'll be happy. #worth it

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