Chapter 16

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"It's finally here, Halloween!!" Sujin danced excitedly around everyone, hyped for the evening.

Few days has passed from the incident in Amarin's room. He hoped for some explanation from Karn but it has never come. Things returned to normal as much as possible, still being some awkwardness and tension between them.

Karn started ditching out Ellie more than he wanted to admit, focusing on his best friend and the time spend with him. He'd enjoyed himself the most around him, finding himself feeling lonely while not being with him.

He still didn't understand himself completely, but the pieces have started to fit together slowly. Knowing that Amarin will eventually ask about the kiss Karn initiated, he'd thought about all the possible and acceptable answers. 

He's felt something during that second kiss, but he knew that he's not gay. It had to be Amarin and Amarin only for him to experience these kind of feelings. Was it love? He couldn't tell, no matter how hard he tried. It seemed that although he had numerous relationships in the past, Karn has never been madly and deeply in love before.

The thing he was most afraid of was rushing up and at the end, losing a dear and very close friend.

Although, were they still on the friendship line? It could be described as less than lovers, more than friends. The more he thought about it, the more difficult it seemed to get.

"I can't wait to see you as the beast, Karn! You're going to look amazing! But I can't imagine Ellie as a 'beauty'. I support the idea that everyone can dress up however they like, but she could rock Elsa from Frozen so hard!" Sujin cried, slightly envying her snow-white skin and hair alongside blue eyes.

"I bet you're gonna be the second best couple costume right after us! Right, Rin?" She wrapped one hand about Amarin, having everything set for the performance and costumes.

"Ahaha! How funny from you to hear, my dear friend." Gable laughed. "You haven't seen us, yet. Pam and I will definitely win tonight. Just you wait and keep dreaming." He stated confidently, Pam shaking her head. She wished she would not agree to whatever her boyfriend chooses. There was no way for them to win, but she never intended to. Just having fun with everyone was enough for her.

"Sujin? May I have a word with you?" Amarin interrupted, asking quietly. Karn watched the two of them leave to more private hallway than crowded cafeteria. He wondered what is going on, trying to handle his curiosity.

A message from Ellie woke him up from daydreaming, since he wasn't interested in conversation between other members anymore.

Ellie: Since the party starts at 7pm, wanna meet me an hour before? I'll help you with your makeup. Come to my dorms, already in the costume. I'll be waiting ~

It seemed reasonable, but he was not into it anymore. Couple costume meant they would have to spend most of the evening together, including dancing and having fun. He would prefer all those stuff with Amarin, but he was taken by Sujin for time being anyway.

"What's up?" She asked as they walked out.

"You know... how we have the performance together..." Amarin struggled, being nervous. He didn't want to make Sujin angry.

"Yeah, what about it?" She started being suspicious.

"May I do it alone? Please. If I win anything, I'll give you the prize." He said quickly, afraid to be interrupted midway.

"But... why? I mean, sure. I won't force you, but you could do so from the beginning." She said, feeling a bit disappointed.

Amarin looked around, not seeing anyone listening to them. He relaxed a bit and quickly explained his plan. Sujin's eyes started sparkling again, not being angry anymore.

"That's going to be amazing! You could actually win with that!"

*** *** ***

"Hello, Ellie? I'm here." Karn said as soon as she picked up the phone, switching his legs nervously as he stood.

"Hi. Come up, the dress is kind of heavy for me to move around so much. Third floor, room 0068. See you." She hung up. Karn made it to her in no time and knocked on the door hesitantly. He's never been to girls dorms, nor did he think he should be there.

"Hello." She opened, already all dressed up and ready. Karn had to admit she looked very pretty, speaking generally although he didn't get any 'wow' moment like there were in the dramas. Her yellow puffy dress looked expensive and fancy, she even had a crown and a brown wig, making her almost unrecognizable. 

"Come in, we've got little time." She smiled, disappearing from the hallway to the bedroom. They indeed didn't have much time giving the amount of styling Ellie had in her mind.

More makeup than Karn ever seen in his life was applied on his skin, shading his face features and enlarging his eyes. His longer hair also gone through some changes, including too much hair gel and hairspray.

When they were finally done, there was just enough time to make it back to the main building. Karn's started being excited as he saw himself in the mirror, looking better than he expected. He's also started being curious about his friend's costumes, since he was the only one telling them his.

Not even Jac and Cai revealed their ones, he's started to be afraid of being able to recognize everyone. They should've told him their ideas.

At that time, Karn did not know what's going to happen and how the evening changes his life forever.

Hello ~ I'm updating sooner than I expected, although this chapter is a bit shorter, the next ones will be longer and so much is going to happen.

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