Special ArtKong Chapter

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"How did it go?" Arthit asked as soon as the other person picked up.

"We're not suitable." Kongpop answered with quiet tone.

"Oh..." Was all Arthit could say. Of course they didn't expect to match with the first child they meet but this was already eleventh one. "I'm so sorry I couldn't come with you." He apologized, feeling guilty. There's been too much work lately he had to work overtime.

"It's okay, I'll see you at home. Have you eaten, shall I cook for you?" Kongpop asked, worried. He knew how little Arthit ate when he didn't keep an eye on him.

"I'll get something in the cafeteria. I might come back late, don't wait for me if you're tired." He explained, feeling the guiltiness rising. How he wished to be with him, knowing how much Kongpop needs it now.

It was his idea and hours of persuading and arguing that made Arthit finally agree to adoption. Kongpop wanted kids and so did his partner, yet was scared. Arthit could still remember the conversation they had in the toy shop, how Kong's eyes sparkled when talking about kids.

Was he ready? How does anyone know they're ready? They've been together for 9 years now, three of them registered as married couple. Was this the right time? Arthit read somewhere that people should have family in late 20ties. Both of them will be soon in their 30ties and although there's no biological clock to be scared of, the time was running out.

Chances for old homosexual couple to adopt were close to zero.

Arthit felt as incompetent partner, unable to bear and give a child to person he loved the most. He played the role of wife, yet couldn't complete the most important duty. He couldn't offer Kongpop family, all he had was himself to offer. He was scared it's not enough.

"I'm home."  Arthit whispered as he entered the dark hallway. Kongpop must be sleeping already, it was past one am. He tried to be as quiet as possible to not wake his husband up.

"P'Arthit... welcome home." He heard a familiar voice when he opened the door on their bedroom.

"Kong, I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up." Arthit cursed in his mind, he was so reckless.

"You didn't wake me up, I was waiting for you. Besides, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep on my own after today's matter." He was sitting on their bed with his diary. Arthit knew Kongpop wrote his diary only when something was wrong or worrying him.

He came closer and buried Kong's face in his chest. He hugged him tightly, stroking his hair gently.

"You're like a puppy." Arthit giggled softly, playing with his long hair. Kongpop didn't reply.

"We will find them soon. Hang in there for a bit longer, please." He kissed the top of his head. There was nothing else he could do except supporting him.

Kongpop lifted his face up and looked up at his partner. His eyes were glassy but not teary yet. Arthit double-checked that, worried.

"Them?" He asked. They weren't even able to get one child, more was beyond his dreams.

"I just know it." Arthit smiled and touched Kong's cheek. "I just know it." He repeated for himself.

*** *** ***

"Aran, these two uncles here came to see you." The babysitter entered the room hand in hand with small boy. 3 year old Aran was their 13th child to meet. They heard he doesn't speak nor socialize with anyone except his twin brother.  Aran looked at two strangers sitting on a sofa and then on the babysitter.

"Are they my daddies?" He asked loudly. The question echoed in Kongpop's head and made Arthit tear up immediately. He reached for Kong's hand and grabbed it tightly.

"They can be, if you want them to." The babysitter answered, not showing any emotions.

"I've always wanted two daddies. My mom was bad to me." He explained with sad expression. "Where is Karin? I have to tell him we have two daddies." Aran turned around, searching the room with his big eyes. 

"Why don't you talk to uncles before that? You will tell him in a moment." Babysitter suggested.

"Okay." He nodded and walked clumsily towards Kongpop and Arthit. They were sitting in awe, trying to analyze the situation. Did this mean they had chance?

"I'm Aran, this many years old." He introduced himself with his three tiny fingers up.

"Hello there, buddy. I'm Kongpop and this uncle is Arthit." He introduced both of them, seeing how Arthit can't handle the situation. He was about to cry any second.

"I have brother, Karin, you know? We play together. I don't like other kids." Aran started climbing up to Kongpop's knees. He helped him gently and made him sit on his tights.

"I would love to meet him and play with both of you." He smiled and patted his head. It was allowed to touch the child if he was the one who intended it.

"You can! We need two more players. Other daddy will also join us, right?" Aran said excitedly, making everyone gasp in the room. Arthit, who said nothing so far made a quiet sob.

"Why is daddy crying?" Aran asked, also tearing up. "He doesn't need to play if he don't want to..." Babysitter and Kongpop panicked seeing the situation escalating quickly.

Arthit only giggled, moving the boy to his side. He wiped his tears and nose.

"Daddy is just so happy he has finally met you, young boy. He missed you, you know? So much it made him cry when he saw you." Arthit explained, watching all his expressions closely.

Aran only smiled and revealed his baby teeth.

"I also missed you. We can all play together, right?"

"I'd love to, sweetie."

I'm currently working on new Arthit x Kongpop story - Unplanned Marriage. Title speaks for itself, I've just published Prologue. Hope you check it out!

This is the last thing I'd updated to this story, it's definitively finished.

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