Chapter 9

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"I thought you'll be lonely without me. I hurried up like a fool to not keep you waiting for too long, but you're doing just fine." He grinned as he approached them. Then he proceeded to wrap one hand around Karn's neck and take a quick look on the phone screen. His fiend has just finished typing his number and returned the phone to the owner.

"You didn't want to keep me waiting? I thought I'll turn into a statue if I would wait any longer. These ladies were kind enough to make my suffering less horrible. And to correct you, I'm never doing fine without you around." Karn grinned, saying the last sentence more serious than he firstly intended.

"This is Ellie, the unlucky girl from few days ago..." The pale girl smiled and waved as hello. Amarin only nodded, giving her the sourest smile she'd ever seen. "...and this is Nin, her friend. " Karn introduced both girls.

"I'm Amarin, his friend." He took the lead and introduced himself, afraid what would Karn say to piss him of or tease. The stuff earlier were embarrassing enough and a blush he was trying to hide was visible on his cheeks.

"We have to go now but I'll text you later the details, okay? Bye-bye." Ellie said goodbye and dragged her friend along away, whispering something as soon as she couldn't be heard.

"What details?" Amarin showed interest, fearing the answer.

"Ellie wants to meet up later today and draw my portrait. It's their assignment and she doesn't want anyone from her close environment because people will compare her work with real person. Since I'm from a different field and never been to Art building before, it should be fine." Karn shrugged his shoulders, agreeing with Ellie's offer only to not be rude. He didn't particularly mind her drawing him, so why should he decline her?

Amarin only nodded, feeling weird in his chest and stomach. It must have been because of the food he'd eaten earlier, suddenly changing his eating habits wasn't the smartest move.

It must have been because of the food.

*** *** ***

"Where is Karn today? I haven't seen him since last lecture. Don't tell me... he doesn't want to hang out with us anymore?" Sujin acted dramatically, pretending to be stabbed into her chest by invisible arrow called Karn's betrayal.

"It's worse. He hurried up to the Art building, a girl asked him to draw his portrait." Amarin muttered, playing with his food, unable to place even one bite into his mouth.

"How is that worse? By the way... I've always intended to ask you, but never had a chance nor was the topic right..." Sujin made eye contact with him, looking very seriously.

"What is it?" He moved a bit on his chair, staring to be nervous. It was only the two of them eating lunch, since others had different classes to attend.

"Are you two dating?"

Amarin almost choked on the food he finally attempted to eat.

"What?" He coughed and gasped for breath.

"No need to be so surprised or hide it, I won't tell anyone and will support you." She smiled at his funny expressions.

"Sujin, we're not dating. I'm not trying to hide anything, there's nothing to hide." He said deadly serious as soon as he could speak normally again.

"That's even worse!"

"How come it's worse?" Amarin was scared to ask but did anyway.

"Nothing... if you haven't noticed yet, I am in no position to tell you." She made herself look mysterious and took a sip from her iced coffee.

"This is ridiculous, what are you talking about? You think that Karn likes me? Then you're the one who hasn't noticed anything yet." He was more pissed off than he thought. A rush of anger was flowing through his body as he stood up. A strong wave of pain hit the back of his head and Amarin was forced to sit down again or he would faint.

"Are you okay?" Sujin asked worried, not sure what's just happened.

"Yeah, just one of my migraines. I will be fine as soon as I take my pills." He explained with his eyes shut, waiting for the pain to weaken.

"Shall I take you to your room? Or call somebody? Karn?" His eyes widened as he heard his name.

"Don't worry, I'm already better. Don't call him for nothing when he's busy. I'm going to head back now, see you later." Amarin forced himself to stand up again and walk like a normal person till he was out of Sujin's sight. Then he proceeded to lean against the wall and slowly squad down, trying his best not to lose consciousness.

As much as he didn't want to see a doctor, it started to look like he really needed it. One of his family friends happened to be a doctor, who'd also treated his mom when she was still alive. He dialed his number as soon as he made it back to his dorm and took more pain killers.

Amarin made appointment for the next day, worrying what to tell Karn and others to not look suspicious.

I'm updating this from school so I haven't had time to check my grammar yet, I'll go through it later, at home. Vote and comment ~

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