Chapter 4

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"Are you planning on coming over and play LoL?" Amarin asked Karn as they were done with school for the day.

"I'm not sure, we've got an essay due Friday and I've done only about half of it..."

"Do you any need help? I've finished mine already."

"Thanks but I can manage it. I also want to get better mark than you and I wouldn't be able to take credit for it if you help me." Karn smiled softly, waiting for Amarin to get annoyed by his competitive spirit.

"Keep dreaming about getting better score than m-... oy, where are you going?" he was cut off when his best friend suddenly started running away. Amarin followed him with his eyes, because he didn't get any sign from Karn to chase after him.

He ran through a small park in front of the building of science and stopped when he got to a girl with blonde hair. The same girl he had a crash with earlier that day. Amarin's expression changed from surprised to disappointed, he realized that this wasn't the time to be around. That Karn won't probably come back any time soon. He turned around and went back to their dorms alone.

"Hey! Wait, please." Karn breathed heavily as he approached the girl he's met earlier. She was about to get on her bike and ride away when he stopped her.

"Hello... you're the one from..." she didn't finish the sentence, like she was struggling with the right words. 

"Yeah, I'm really sorry for that." He apologized yet again, still feeling guilty.

"You should not apologize that much, people might think it's not sincere." That sentence was like a cold shower for Karn. 

"I-I'm sorry... no! I'm not... well, I am... ughh." He face-palmed himself and laughed at what an idiot he was when he heard a laugh that wasn't his.

"You're funny. I don't belong to the group of people who won't believe your sincerity, don't worry. I just wanted to warn you, since something similar has happened to me." She giggled. "What's your name? I was in rush earlier and didn't have a chance to ask..."

"Karn and I'm studying at science course." He also mentioned his studying field, hoping she would tell hers.

"I'm Ellie, faculty of Arts. Nice to meet you." She offered him her hand. Karn wasn't sure what to do with it, but accepted it after a second of thinking. She shook it and let go.

"Oh, is this not how you greet strangers here?" Ellie assumed by his surprised expression.

"That's not it, your hand is... cold." Karn couldn't believe he's said it.

"Oh, that? Don't worry about it, I just hope the coldness from my heart didn't spread to yours. That would be a shame."  She smiled sweetly. "I'd like to keep talking to you, but I have to go now. My friends are waiting for me. You should definitely pay a visit to Art building if you're near. I'll show you around. Bye-bye." She waved at him one last time before getting on her bike and driving off.

"Bye-bye." Karn said when she couldn't hear him anymore. If anything, he was glad Ellie was okay and no longer having an about-to-cry expression. He finally got rid of the guiltiness which was haunting him for the whole day.  Although he didn't expect to come to Art building for any reason any time soon, it would be too rude to say it aloud.

...Amarin! Karn suddenly remembered his best friend he left behind and said nothing to. "Shit." He said, mad at himself.

He would come and meet him, but the unfinished essay was waiting alongside with homework he hadn't done earlier just to play games with already mentioned best friend.

Karn: Sorry for disappearing so suddenly earlier.

Karn: I'll come to wake you up tomorrow.

Karn: Don't be mad if you are.

Karn: Goodnight.

He put his phone back in his pocket, assuming he won't get a reply. He almost never did, that's just how Amarin was. Tsundere. Karn smiled to himself at fact how good he knows his best friend. His phone suddenly made a vibrating sound, signalizing he received a text.

Amarin: What am I, a child? Why would I be mad? You're so full of yourself, honestly...

Amarin: Don't be late tomorrow and wake me up on time.

Amarin: Good luck with your essay. Night.

I might know less about him than I'm willing to admit, crossed Karn's mind as he put the phone into his pocket once again.

Vote and comment if you have time ~ I'm not sure how long I can keep up the "everyday update" because I have about 15 pages pre-written and the rest is in my head, so it might change after few chapters to "update once a week", hope it's not a problem!

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