Chapter 18

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Karn couldn't remember what exactly happened afterwards. He saw Amarin stumbling and then falling on the ground, people screaming and chaos everywhere. He tried to make his way through the crowd to the stage and succeeded, yet he wasn't the first one who got to his friend.

Ambulance was called immediately. Amarin didn't wake up even 10 minutes after collapsing and they got the instructions from the operator to not touch or move him. Karn violated the instruction and held Amarin's hand the entire time, feeling how he was getting colder. Sujin and others waited in front of the stage, stepping nervously and having very worried expressions.

Karn looked devastated, experiencing the worst moments of his life while waiting for the ambulance. His friend was lying motionless on the ground and Karn could do nothing to help him. When the doctors finally came, he was on the edge.

They asked about what happened, how long he has been unconscious and if he hit his head. Then they proceed to move him into the vehicle and asked for contact information of any relatives. One of the teachers offered to go in the ambulance as his law representative, but Karn was persistent.

"Let me go, please."

"Why should you go? You might be friends, but I got bigger responsibility as a teacher."

"We're all adults, everyone is responsible for themselves. I'm his boyfriend, not a friend. I'm coming with him." He stated determined, ignoring all the glances including Sujin's standing nearby, when he called Amarin his boyfriend.

"I'll call you when I know the diagnosis." He said to his friends, hopping into the ambulance. Amarin had an oxygen mask on his face and the doctor was injecting something into his amr. Karn didn't dare to ask what was it, assuming it could be adrenaline to help wake him up.

The scariest part was that Amarin could fall into coma or permanently damage his brain if staying unconscious for too long. Karn watched his heartbeat and blood pressure on the monitor, praying for his friend's safety the whole way to the hospital.

*** *** ***

Amarin's eyelids were so heavy he thought he will never lift them. They flicked few times and then opened for a bit. He was blinded by a sharp light and was forced to close them again.

Something is wrong, Amarin thought to himself, trying to remember what happened. Last thing was the conversation with Sujin about performing alone. What about the party? Where is he? Where are everyone? Karn?!

A sudden panic rush made him open his eyes again and enduring sharp pain that was caused by the light. He blinked few times, each time pain being more intensive, then his eyes teared up and it disappeared. Amarin started to see more than just a blinding white light. The blurred vision he had started to get sharper every second. A white ceiling with very dim lights formed in front of him. It wasn't a dorm ceiling.

Where am I? He thought to himself, still happy he was able to open his eyes. He would try to move his body, but he wasn't sure how much he actually could. Still unable to remember what happened, more worrisome thoughts ran through his head. A loud sound resembling a door slam made him jump.

"Try to move as little as possible." He heard a familiar voice. Too familiar. The tone he used signalized something is very wrong and made his heart jump. Amarin put all his strength he had into turning his head to one side. It hurt but he was able to endure it. He looked around a bit just to realize he's in hospital. It didn't matter that much, all he cared about was the look Karn was giving him.

"I said as little as possible, and you just moved. How do you feel? Can you talk?" He used the same tone again. Amarin wanted him to come closer, but he just stood there, in front of the door, like he was about to leave every moment.

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