Chapter 10

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"Ellie, I'm having a cramp..." Karn said in pain, not moving even a slightly bit, still keeping his position.

"I'm almost done, please endure it for few more moments." She answered, fully focused on last details of Karn's face. "Okay! Done." She smiled as she looked at her final result. She was very satisfied how it turned out and the fact she's captured Karn's beauty. Ellie has been stunned and amazed by his looks since their first meeting.

"May I see?" He asked curiously, massaging his cramping leg.

"Sure, but don't expect much." She said shyly, worrying he won't like it.

"Are you serious?" Karn was left speechless as he saw her drawing. Although it was drawn only with a pencil and outlines were highlighted by ink, it looked mesmerizing. "It looks amazing. More than amazing. I don't even know how to describe it." He praised her work, unable to look away.

Karn wasn't conceited nor had best thoughts about his looks, yet he had to admit he looked very handsome.

"Don't praise me so much, I'm blushing." She smiled, happy she didn't disappoint him. "Thank you for being my model."

"I should be the one thanking you for making such a masterpiece of myself."  Karn smiled back at her.

"Before you go... may I ask you a question? But it's a bit personal and I don't want to be rude..." Ellie said as she watched him packing his stuff.

"You've already started, so you have to finish now." Karn answered, curious what she's interested in.

"Okay. So... how to say it nicely... a-are you dating your friend? Amarin." She stuttered and blushed. Karn was left speechless as if he didn't understand the question.

"How did you come up with that? I'm straight, we're just very close friends." He managed to say, still in awe.

"I just wasn't sure after I saw you two this morning... then, are you dating anyone?" Ellie asked again, surprised by her boldness.

"I'm currently single. You were right about the questions being too personal. I should go now." Karn said, feeling weirdly annoyed about Ellie's words.  

He couldn't stop thinking about it even after reaching his dorm. Was it that obvious? Karn was sure he's not gay and will never be, yet this weird feeling in his stomach when it came to Amarin... He'd always considered it a best friend's love. He adored Amarin and sometimes got urges like hugging him tightly or kissing his cheek out of cuteness and love. That was best friends love, right? Girls also kiss all the time, even on mouth, yet it doesn't mean they're lesbians.

Karn loved teasing his friend, he loved all his reactions, his sulking, his poor way of fighting back, his charming looks, his warm and honest laugh, his kind and nice personality... everything. He'd seen it almost every day all his life, he got so used to it Karn couldn't imagine his life without Amarin. It was friend/brother love and bond between them, nothing more.

Yet when he saw a bag of groceries hanging on his room handle, his heart skipped. It also made him remember how he was supposed to go shopping with Amarin today.

Inside the bag were eggs, sausages, bread, orange juice and a pack of BBQ Pringles. Karn couldn't help and smile when he noticed a small paper with Amarin's handwriting. I'm not a child.

How could anyone be this cute? He couldn't resist and rushed down three floors to Amarin's room.

"Amarin? Are you there? May I come in?" He knocked at first, not waiting for a reply, entering his friend's room. He was surprised when all the lights were turned off and the whole room was dark. Maybe Amarin forgot to lock his door? That couldn't be it, he's always locked it.

"Amarin?" He asked gently when he noticed a movement on his friend's messy bed.

"Karn? What are you doing here? It's late." He muttered, slowly sitting up.

"What do you mean? It's only past six pm." Karn replied, a bit worried. He'd never seen his friend to go to sleep this early except when he was sick. "Are you alright?" He came closer and sit beside him.

"Of course I am, just a bit tired. You don't have to worry." Amarin explained, not feeling okay at all. Karn's hand reached to his forehead and slowly touched it. He flinched a bit under his cold palm but didn't resist.

"You don't have a fever, that's good. Do you need anything? Have you eaten?" Karn went full-caring mode despite the fact that his friend looked more-less okay.

"What are you, my mum?" Amarin giggled sadly. "How was that thing with Ellie? Has she drawn you nicely?" He tried to change the topic. He's been depressed about Karn and her the whole day.

"It looks breathtaking. I'll take you to her and show you tomorrow, okay?" He said excitedly. A sad smile appeared on Amarin's face Karn couldn't possibly see.

"You should go now. I really have to rest." He said after a short silence when negative and jealous thoughts have taken over.

"Can't I stay with you?"

"I'm going to sleep, why would you stay?"

"I want to make sure I'm near when you need me." Karn explained, slowly lying next to his best friend.

"This is ridiculous. We're not children anymore. You can't just lie here, you haven't even taken shower and changed to pajamas, it's still early for you..." Amarin complained, while moving more to one side and making him space.

"I'll take a shower tomorrow in the morning. If you want me to change my clothes that much, I'll just take off my jeans and sleep in my underwear." Karn quickly came up with a solution so he wouldn't have to leave his friend.

"In your u-underwear?!" Amarin blushed like crazy, moving as far from Karn as possible. This was getting dangerous and his head started spinning, not from migraines. All the blood rushed to different part of his body.

"It's comfortable. I'm also quite tired, so it won't be difficult for me to fall asleep." He continued arguing Amarin's previous points while undressing, not paying much attention to what was happening to his friend.

"Why are you so far away? You're gonna fall down like that. Come closer, I won't bite you." Karn finally noticed his friend literally hanging on the edge of the bed.

"I'm happy and comfortable like this. I'll kick you if you come any closer. You'll have to go to your room dressed like you're right now." Amarin threatened him, hardly believing his eyes while watching Karn taking his shirt off too.

"Okay, I'll move more to the left, just don't fall down." He resigned while sighing. What was he expecting? What was this weird tickling feeling in his stomach? Why he wanted to do something to Amarin? What exactly he wanted to do? And why was he starting to feel nervous? This was his idea all along! He's here to keep an eye on him and help him if needed.

This is best friend's love.

"Goodnight." Amarin said, not facing Karn in order to calm down and fall asleep if possible. He would not be able to stop looking at Karn if facing him.

" 'night." Karn replied, also not facing Amarin to stop having very weird and rather illogical thoughts.

They're best friends, nothing more. This is just friend's love. Right?

I'm sorry for updating so late, I didn't have time before nor during school. Thank you all for your warm and sweet comments! > . < I've decided to put some bed scenes as a contrast how it was in Sotus series... I'm also not sure what you expect, but I have no plans of writing hot and steamy sex scenes, nor it would fit the plot.

I'm saying this because of what's going to be in next chapter. Sorry if I've disappointed you! Vote and comment if you have time ~ <3

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