Chapter 23

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"It's bad, right?" Amarin asked weakly, already lying in his hospital bed. Karn looked so devastated and sick.

"They will do what they can." He whispered as an answer and sat next to him.

There was a longer silence before Karn spoke again.

"How did this happen?" He asked rhetorically, his voice cracking up. Amarin touched his hand, not knowing what to say. He really wanted to comfort this special person.

"I've failed so hard." He sobbed, hugging Amarin without thinking twice. It surprised him but he didn't find it unpleasant. Even though Karn's face wasn't familiar, the hug felt weird... like home. He wrapped his hands around him as tight as the infusion tubes in his hand let him.

"I couldn't save you, I couldn't make you happy and I couldn't show you my love... you just can't go yet, you can't! What will I do? You've been always by my side, always near me... I've been following you all my life, I'll be so lost... we have to do something, you hear me? I can... I can do something about it for sure." Karn cried and muttered the last words to himself over and over again.

"Hey." Amarin said softly and pushed him gently back a bit, just to look him into the eyes.

"It will be alright." he smiled weakly. Karn was left speechless.

"How... how could you possibly say that? You don't have a clear view on the situation since you don't remember anything, but you've got only days left! Days! You can be gone tomorrow and-...!" His voice broke down again.

"The pain I feel gives me the clearest view on the situation." Amarin snapped back, hurt by what his boyfriend said. "But you know what? Even if I'm gone tomorrow, it will be alright. We will meet again, I can feel it. Till then, I will wait for you to find me."

"How can you be so sure?" Karn sobbed, feeling so guilty and bad for snapping at him.

"Even though I don't remember you, it doesn't mean I don't feel anything. My body remembers you. I can feel the love and feelings we share, it's warming me from the inside and making me calm." Amarin put a hand on his chest and squeezed lightly.

"I'm truly sorry for everything." Karn apologized and collapsed slowly on his knees. Amarin was truly amazing. He could comfort him even when he didn't remember him.

"You've made me happy and I certainly can see what I mean to you. You've done a great job, so you don't have to worry." Amarin patted his head gently.

"This sounds like a goodbye." Karn looked at him with fear.

"I'm not going anywhere yet, dummy." He chuckled. "But you should go and take some rest. You can't stay here with me all the time. Think about yourself."

"I won't be able to rest anywhere but by your side. I don't want to leave, please." He plead. He was so scared to go away, like a small child. Amarin couldn't help but think how cute he is.

"You certainly have to leave for now." They both heard woman's voice and moments later May appeared in front of them. "I'm sorry to disturb you but doctors will be here in no time to run more tests. There might be a way to slow it down a bit." She announced and smiled as Karn's face lit up a bit.

"You can wait in the office." She addressed him when he stood up.

"I'll see you in a bit." Karn turned to his boyfriend and gave him a quick peck on the lips before he stopped himself. Amarin blinked in surprise and heated up. He caught himself wishing for more than a peck, but May was still there, watching them precisely.

"There's nothing they can do." Amarin said to her, with a serious face after Karn left.

"I know darling... I just thought you might want some privacy. It must have been a rough day for you as well and you need to adjust yourself. Is there anything you need?" She asked, concerned.

"You know... I remember some stuff, but I can't tell if they're dreams or not... also, some of them are just a tiny bits or moments and I can't puzzle them up together." Amarin confessed.

"This is one of the most unique cancer out here because of the variety of symptoms it causes." May explained with worrying face.

"If there is pen and a paper I can write on, that would be nice. Hopefully, I haven't forgotten how to write. Since I can still read, let's try it."

*** *** ***

"May, can you please come over?" Amarin said to a small microphone attached to his clothes with direct connection to the nurse.

"You're done?" She asked as soon as she entered.

"Yeah, pretty much." He said and handed her a folded A4 paper. "I've got another favor to ask you." He confessed.

"Anything for you, darling."

"Can you give it to him... when the time is right?" He asked, shaking a bit.

"I certainly will." She nodded and started at him for another moment before deciding to leave and say nothing.

*** *** ***

"Congratulations, it's a boy!" The nurse came closer to woman, now-to-be-mom, lying on an operation bed. Her husband was still holding her hand and doing his best at not crying from happiness.

The nurse leaned closer with a small wrapped baby in her hands for mom to see.

"He's so beautiful." She whispered to herself.

"You did great, dear." Husband commented, breaking down from happiness. They've waited for so long for their first child.

"What's his name?" Another nurse asked the husband, already filling up the papers.

Woman softly whispered the baby's name  before finally taking the baby in her hands.


Thank you for the support, stay with me please! Only about three longer chapters to go!

I haven't forgotten about the happy ending, don't worry.

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