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Kongpop's body jerked, forcing him to wake up. He was literally bathing himself in all the cold sweat he'd produced throughout the night. It took him few seconds to come to himself and reality. He couldn't recognize the place around him, they'd just moved to their new apartment.

His body was still shook from the dream he'd just had. Kongpop has already forgotten majority of the nightmare when he noticed Arthit was nowhere to be found. Space on the bed next to him was empty and it made him uneasy as ever.

"P'Arthit?" He asked quietly, noticing how raspy his voice was. He got out of the bed as his anxiousness started to rise.

"P'?" He said again after entering the living room. The huge room was empty, no Arthit to be seen. Kongpop's started to panic. It must have been because of the dream, but the uneasy feeling was spreading into every corner of his body.

He ran to hallway to check the bathroom.

"P'Arthit? P'Arthit krub? Are you there, P'?!" He knocked furiously, being driven by his fear.

"Kongpop. What are you doing?" He heard behind his back and nearly jumped.

"P'Arthit!" He turned around and hugged his boyfriend tightly. His body was cold and shivering.

"What is going on?" Arthit couldn't understand the situation nor his boyfriend's strange behavior.

"I had such a strange dream, P'. We were dating and you had cancer, you'd fallen into coma... and then you needed life support, I did my best to keep you alive but you still..." died. Kongpop paused because he couldn't finish the sentence. "...and then I jumped off the bridge to find you..." He sniffled, muttering the words into Arthit's shirt.

"It was just a dream, Kong." Arthit rubbed his boyfriends back gently to calm him down.

"I can't help it, everything seemed to be so real." Kongpop claimed. He didn't want his boyfriend to think he's childish and scared.

"It's over now, okay?" Arthit pushed him back to look into his eyes. "I'm here." He pressed their foreheads together.

"You've found me."

*** *** ***

"Karin, Aran, stop running on the stairs!" Arthit yelled for a millionth time from the kitchen. Nobody in the household was helping him to cook nor listened to him.

"But daddy will find us if we're not quick enough!" Aran yelled back and disappeared upstairs.

"Daddy will have a lot to deal with if something happens to you! And you too, young boy!" Arthit's nerves would be already past the edge, but five years of this has taught him a lot.

Don't scold the kids.

They're misbehaving because of bad parenting.

Scold the parent.


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