Chapter 20

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"I love you."

The words he thought he will never have the courage to say just softly escaped his mouth. It echoed not only in the room but in his friend's heart, leaving a completely new set of feelings behind.

"I know it's not mutual but I would lie if the second kiss you intended didn't give me hope. I'm not expecting you to like me back, all I ask from you is to let me stay beside you till the end." Amarin continued with his confession, deciding he needs to get it off his shoulders.

"I've never said it's not mutual." Karn stood up and sit on the bed beside Amarin, still facing him. He just felt like there was too much of a distance between them after the words his best friend said. Should he still think about him as his best friend? Term boyfriend has started to be more and more accurate in Karn's mind.

He listed himself as his partner at the hospital documents anyway. So what if it was actually true?

A wave of sudden feelings of sadness, depression and regret hit him, just as he's been experiencing from the moment he'd found out about the disease. Karn leaned closer to Amarin, who was currently frozen from the last sentence he heard.

He put his head on his almost-boyfriend's shoulder, letting the reality hit him. Amarin was still very confused, yet somehow coming back to his senses and realizing what this was all about, put one hand around Karn.

"I can't possibly lose you, you know?" He muttered, having his face buried in Amarin's hospital clothes. Regardless to the painful situation, his mind wondered off for a second to who changed his clothes and touched him.

Karn finally understood. He was about to lose the love of his life, just when he finally discovered it. Amarin has been around the whole time, how the hell he's just now realized everything? Now, when it all started to go downhill? Now, when it was too late? Now, when he could do nothing? Just a thought about not being around Amarin hurt him so deeply he started crying. So many things has happened the past three days he wasn't even able to fully process it.

There was nothing Amarin could possibly say. He didn't want to leave either. He wasn't prepared to die yet, who would? He was scared, but Karn, whose tears started soaking Amarin's clothes was in more pain than Amarin himself.

"Why are you crying when there's no one around bullying you." He said jokingly, smiling at the memory of their first meeting. Karn lifted up his face, not understanding why was Amarin saying such a thing. His cheeks and eyes were still wet, like when they firstly met. Amarin couldn't help and chuckle.

"Should I bully you, so you'll have a proper reason?" He made eye-contact, pretending to be serious. Karn's slowly started to understand.

"Bullying from you is the best treatment I could have wished for." He sighed. "But I'm not sure if you're capable of such a thing. Everything you do causes me pleasure." Karn backfired, saying it in the softest and cutest way he could pull off in his pitiful state.

It worked, because Amarin's ears heated up immediately and the beeping sounds of the monitor got faster.

"I've meant to ask you..." Karn started after staring to Amarin's eyes for good amount of time.

"What is it?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

*** *** ***

Amarin was discharged in next few days, moving in Karn's dorm. Although it was against school policy, Karn used his charisma and money to get what he wanted. And he wanted to be next to Amarin every possible minute. He'd changed his timetable and subjects to be the same as his now boyfriend's.

Although they've started dating, not much has happened so far. Karn swept away the thoughts about Amarin's health condition as much as he could, trying to focus on making him happy. As much as he didn't want to admit, Karn was waiting for some kind of miracle to happen. If he won't accept the cancer, it might as well just disappear. Although looking at Amarin gulping down a hand of pills every few hours made him very well aware of the situation.

"Are you sure you want to go to school? Taking an extra day off won't hurt you." He suggested, feeling worried. It seemed too soon for Amarin to start a normal life again.

"I'll die from boredom if I stay locked up any longer." He complained. "Don't treat me like a sick person, because I'm not." He said with a serious face and swallowed the prescribed pills. The irony was so real Karn had to smile.

How can someone be so, SO stubborn? It would be cute, but the whole thing was way too serious.

"I'm just treating you as my boyfriend, therefore having a day off just with you in a bed sounds amazing." He smirked, trying to light up the mood.

"Karn!" Amarin yelled, heating up. They've just started dating, how can he be so perverted? And why is he liking the idea Karn's just proposed?

"Are you actually considering it?" He smirked, looking at his boyfriend's thoughtful expression.

"Oy! Go and play football if you can't manage yourself!" Amarin's frustrated look was all Karn needed to come closer and pull him into a kiss. It was their first kiss as being a couple and it was even better than the last one. Karn has wanted to do it sooner, but didn't find an opening until now. Technically, this wasn't an opening either, but Amarin looked too cute for him to hold back any longer.

"I wish I could play with you instead, Rin." Butterflies erupted in Amarin's stomach as he heard Karn whisper those sweet words. The hot, unexpected kiss was already more he could handle.

It's all your fault, Amarin thought as he roughly pushed Karn on the huge bed.

It's all your fault, he thought as he climbed at the top of him, pressing their hips together.

They don't have enough time for taking it slowly. Amarin have waited for so long and although they've just started their relationship... it was all Karn's fault.

"We're taking a day off." He whispered before leaning in for a passionate kiss.

I'm not sure about this story anymore. I'm sad as I've come to realization that I'm not able to portrait their feelings as much as I want to. I'm sorry if their relationship seems to be rushed, but I think it's kind of realistic, giving the time they'd known each other and how... it all has to come to end soon.

Thank you for reading up to this point, I'll try to update faster! Also... do you want a proper smut (sexual) chapter ? I will write it as a special one, just tell me if you're interested!

Vote and comment! And ignore my errors, too tired for checking it right now.

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