Chapter 6

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"Damn it." Amarin struggled with heavy bags twenty minutes later, coming out of the shop.

"Why did you send me away when you obviously need help?" Karn took all of the bags from his hands and smiled at his surprised expression. "No need to thank me, take it as compensation for paying for everyone."

"Hmfn." Was all Amarin managed to say, still surprised and weirdly flattered. Those weird feelings he sometimes got around Karn scared him, yet he's gotten too used to it over the years. 

They found others in no time, sitting at picnic table near water in a deep discussion.

"What's up?" Karn asked curiously as soon as they reached them.

"Guys, just in time. We're talking about why had we decided to study science." Sujin explained quickly, reaching inside one of the bags and opening pack of chips.

"I applied only because of Pam." Gable confessed honestly. "When I got accepted, I thought it has to be fate. Here am I now, just like that."

"Whooou, what a cheesy man right here." Sujin grinned, deep inside impressed by his straightforwardness. 

"For me, I've always loved physics and everything related to it. It brought me here and I'm finally happy." Pam smiled and moved closer to her boyfriend, touched by his answer. They've been together for almost five years, since middle school, but Gable never failed to surprise her like this. Saying stuff she would never expect him to say. She had a hunch about his reason for studying science but they've never openly talked about it before.

"About me, my parents wanted me to study science since they're both researchers, it kind of runs in the family." Karn smiled and looked at Amarin with worried eyes. He wasn't sure if his best friend can answer this question. Nor if he wants to.

"My dream is to find a cure for cancer." He said, clenching his fists under the table. Karn had known this answer for as long as he could remember, since the day Amarin's mother died. At first, his words about curing the incurable disease seemed like empty promises but after applying and getting accepted to the university, Karn started being proud. He's decided to help Amarin on his journey and followed him to the same school. He'd always been following him everywhere, when they were little kids, to same middle and later high school. Not being around or near him would feel so weird and not right. Karn he couldn't even imagine it.  

Everyone around sensed a deeper and darker meaning behind Amarin's answer and a slight tension started to build up.

"Okaaay, how about we play a game?" Sujin took the lead as always and placed a bottle of Cola on the table. "Truth or dare? Who's in?" Sparkle of excitement showed in her eyes.

"Don't you think we're a bit old for that? Don't people usually play it in hopes to kiss their crush?" Jac frowned, not liking the idea of the game for his own reasons.

"Don't be such a chic, it's not like anyone has a crush on me here. We won't do any kissing dares, that's too basic and lame." Sujin laughed at her own non-jokes. "Although I wouldn't be against seeing you two kissing..." she added, staring at Karn and Amarin's dull faces. "Let's play!" She spun the bottle.

It stopped spinning after few seconds, pointing at still frowning Jac.

"Truth or dare?" Only person excited for this game seemed to be Sujin, although Gable also got interested and watched every move around him.

"I've never said I'm playing." Jac sulked, trying to get out of the situation.

"Well, now you have to, since you've been chosen, truth or dare?" She repeated her question. He knew there's no way for him not to play and stay the not-boring guy in the group. The pressure of everyone's eyes watching him didn't help.

"T-truth." Jac decided after a short while when he remembered the comment Sujin made about Karn and Amarin.

"Are you dating anyone?" A question he was least expecting to be said just came out of Sujin's mouth.

"Of course he is single, what a wasted question!" Gable rolled his eyes, disappointed. Jac laughed nervously and waited, hoping he won't have to answer anymore after wrong assumptions made by his friend.

"I want to hear it from him okay? We've never talked about our love life, how could you know he is singe? You just want to be the only guy taken from our gang!" Sujin accused him, still piercing Jac with her look.

"Well, I... y-yes. I'm in a relationship." He answered honestly after considering every option. They've agreed with Cai to hide the fact they are couple but saying this wasn't forbidden. Also, Cailean didn't care if somebody knew about them or no, it was primary Jac's issue. Cai just went along with his boyfriend's wishes.

"Seriously?" A sock appeared on Gable's face, his jaw wide open. Others were also surprised but managed to get it under control. "Who? Since when? Do you have a picture?" A rain of question started falling on Jac's shoulders 

"W-well, you see..." he panicked. He should've said he's single, Jac thought angrily.

"That's enough, your turn to spin the bottle." Sujin ordered, saving him from the uncomfortable situation. Jac did like he was told. The bottle rotated around its axis for few seconds and stopped pointing at Gable.

"Ho-hooo, this is going to be fun." Sujin smirked.

"I'm going for a dare." He said, feeling determined to overcome any task his best friend will give to him.

"But Jac has to come up with his dare, no?" Amarin asked a bit confused, knowing all the rules of the truth or dare.

"You're right. Bring it on, dude." Gable challenged him, feeling a bit disappointed not getting Sujin's dare.

"Let's see... walk on your hands for one minute." He said after short pause.

"That's easy, damn... you should go for 'try walking on water' or something." Sujin muttered. It was then that Gable realized how lucky he got by getting Jac's dare. Not being alethic nor gymnastic person, walking on his hands showed to be more difficult than he expected. The climax was when his shirt rolled down over his head and made him lose his poor balance. Pam saved him by announcing that one minute is over.

"Next one!" Gable got on his legs and spun the bottle. This time, it stopped on Karn.

"Dare." Karn decided, starting to feel up the mood of the game.

"I got one just for you." He grinned mysteriously, looking at Amarin. "Switch shirt with person to your left."

Thank you so much for your votes and comments!

I've noticed that mainly SOTUS fans are reading this, so.... GUYS, I've just found out that something called Our Skyy is coming! There will be an extra ep of Arthit and Kongpop! I almost cried. I know I'm probably slow as but I don't keep up with the updates and GGMTV or LINE TV.

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