Chapter 1

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"Amarin! Wake up! We're gonna be late! Do you hear me? LATE!" Karn furiously knocked on the door without getting any response. He tried the handle but the door was locked. Great, he thought to himself. First day of college life and he's going to miss it all thanks to someone.  

"Amarin!" He hit the door with his fist and shouted louder. Cleaning lady standing nearby glared at him and shook her head. Karn lowered his head as an apology and smiled awkwardly. If the next four years will be like this every day, he should give up. He didn't sign up for this, being his best friend's personal alarm clock only because the real alarm clock can't possibly wake him up. Well, neither can Karn, as the newest study proved.

Just as he was about to give up and decided to enjoy his first day alone, there was a quiet 'click' followed by a movement of the door. A guy with dark, still messy hair falling into his squint eyes showed up yawning without putting a hand in front of his mouth.

"Why so loud when it's still so early." He muttered like he wasn't the cause of all the noise.

"It's past eight, Amarin. The first-year welcoming meeting starts in exactly..." Karn paused to look at the watch on his hand, "... seventeen minutes." He scolded his best friend and gave him an ironic look.

"Shit!" The sleepy expression of the guy's face changed to now fully awaken. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner, when I told you to?!" Amarin panicked and disappeared into his dorm room again.

"What do you think I've been doing for the past half an hour?" Karn asked annoyed and followed the other boy inside. "Take a quick shower and let's go. I'll pack up your things in meanwhile." Amarin did as he was ordered and hurried up. In a mere ten minutes, both of them were walking down the hall without saying anything.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the morning." Amarin finally managed to say when they were almost at the gym building, where the gathering was happening. Apologizing wasn't his strong character trail, more like the opposite.

Karn's shoulder gently bumped into Amarin's. "Let's enjoy the first day and meet many new people." He smiled softly at his best friend to show him that he is no longer angry. Amarin nodded and a faint smiled occurred on his cheeks as well.

They approached two senior girls sitting behind a table and handling other first years some papers.

"Hello, welcome to science course. Here's the map of the school with basic information. If you need anything, contact me or anyone from your seniors." One of the girls explained and smiled. Both of the boys received a small flyer. The girl looked fairly pretty with small body figure, short, straight hair and pink lips. That's at least what Karn thought.

"Thank you." The corners of his mouth formed into a very sweet smile meanwhile Amarin disappeared in the huge building. Another boy, currently flirting with the senior followed him shortly afterward.  

Almost everyone was already inside the big basketball court and seated on chairs which were carefully placed into twenty rows. Since they couldn't find two empty seats together, Amarin decided to leave Karn behind and sit between two guys. They looked friendly enough to him for starting a possible conversation. His best friend ended up being two rows ahead, surrounded by girls.

What a playboy, Amarin thought to himself and frowned. Karn indeed had a strong playboy vibe around him thanks to his tall figure, handsome face, million-dollar smile, mesmerizing eyes, and carefully styled hair. Despite all of those factors, Karn's mind has never crossed a thought with overtop self-confidence. He was a natural, as Amarin liked to call this kind of people, naturally attracting others to himself. Amarin himself was, without being an exemption, attracted to this mesmerizing aura.

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